If you are looking to adopt a crested gecko in your home, then there are a few things that you need to keep in mind, being a responsible owner. The first thing that you need to consider is who will look after your new crested gecko if you are away.
Other than this, you should be sure if you can provide fresh food for a pet or not. It would help if you were prepared to take on an animal that could live for ten years. Having a crested gecko is a long-term commitment and lots of work.
But before you adopt one, be sure that the rest of your family members are happy to live with the crested gecko that eats live insects. This article will discuss the things to know before getting a crested gecko.
It is very important to know the things required before getting or adopting a crested gecko to understand if you can afford all the necessary equipment to keep them happy. It is important to do deep research on the crested gecko and its appropriate care. Read on & find out what are the 7 things to know before getting a crested gecko.
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7 Things To Know Before Getting A Crested Gecko

1. Size
The hatchling of a crested gecko is extremely small and can be between 1.5-and 2 grams. They’re also small enough to fit the tip of your fingers. On the other hand, The adult crested gecko weigh around 35-50 grams or more, depending on its diet and other external factors.
Most adult crested geckos can reach their adult size between 1.5-and two years. Besides that, the average crested gecko baby at the Pet store is sold at about 4 grams or when they are at least six weeks old. Therefore, expect to get a crested gecko that is likely to be larger than a hatchling.
On the other hand, you should never be alarmed if you notice your crested gecko taking a little longer to get sexually mature and reach their adult size. Without a tail, crested geckos are expected to be around 4.5 Inches. A crested gecko is expected to be about 8 inches long with a tail.
2. Tank
Crested geckos are arboreal, which means they will need a high enough tank. It is important to have at least 45×45×60cm size tank to house a single crested gecko. Bigger is better, though. I would advise you to get the biggest enclosure possible for your crested gecko’s well-being.
Crested geckos also need higher humidity levels while lower temperatures than most reptiles. Therefore,
3. Cage Mates
Do you know that crested geckos are highly territorial and primarily solitary animals? It is important to never house two male crested geckos together in the same tank. If kept together, they will always try to dominate the other. This kind of behavior often leads to unwanted aggression and fight.
On the other hand, they are talking about the female crested geckos. Female crested geckos can be housed together successfully. But there is also the possibility of a fight over food. A female crested gecko can beat The other upon any day. However, there have been many cases where female crested geckos have been kept together successfully and peacefully.
Whether you house a pair of female cresties or a pair of male cresties together in the tank, keeping a close eye is important on them. Talking about the male and female pairings, It is possible to house one male and one female together in the same tank. If you don’t have any experience or have an average keeper, it is better to avoid keeping any pair in the same tank.
Keeping the male and the female together in the same enclosure will result in two consequences. One is that the pair of crested geckos will never get along, and the other is that they will mate to breed. If the team doesn’t get along very well, they will have to be separated; otherwise, a fight may happen anytime.
On the other hand, they will breed if they happen to get along. That means you can have unwanted fertile eggs or in turn small little cresties’. If you were not intentionally breeding, you would have to deal with these undesirable eggs.
4. Temperament
Crested geckos have been very calm, just like any other reptiles. They don’t ever like being scared or having their tail pulled on. Crested geckos are great for any beginner because of their calm temperament. Plus, they are friendly, easy to care for, and handle if you’re prepared properly.
They also like to jump and climb as they are arboreal. Crested geckos may even try to jump off your hand or arm. Before letting your kids hold a crested gecko, it is better to teach them how to handle it. Get your kids to sit on the ground and then let it take so that crestie won’t be too far to the ground if they decide to jump.
At first, crested geckos can be skittish, but with time, they will settle in their new habitat quite nicely and turn into a calmer pet. Make sure to introduce yourself gradually and work with your crestie in little increments every day. The introduction should be gradual so that your crested gecko has enough time to become used to and comfortable to be around you.
5. Food
When it comes to feeding crested geckos, it is fairly easy to consider. In most cases, people often provide crested geckos, a meal replacement from brands like Repashy. Here in the article, I have discussed: Is Repashy is good for crested geckos or not. The meal replacement from Repashy has all the nutrients needed for a crested gecko to be healthy.
Other than this, crested geckos can also be fed fruits, vegetables, and live insects. It can be tough to provide all of it at once. Therefore, it is better to have one easy meal that fulfills all your crested gecko needs while making sure you don’t have to worry about their health or well-being.
It is important always to offer them food in shallow dishes and only three times a week or depending upon your cresties’ eating habit/feeding schedule. Leave the food in their tank for about 24-36 hours before removing it. When serving their food, make sure to dust it with Vitamin d3 supplements.
Insects are best when they’re gut-loaded and coated with calcium every time. Always keep the water bowl constantly full with fresh water. Also, that should be placed in the bottom of your crested gecko’s tank. You can also feed many other insects like crickets, dubia roaches, and locusts.
But most of the time, people go with meal replacement powder. As crested geckos are needed to be fed only 3-4 times a week, all you need to do is mix the Powder with the proper ratio of water in the container thoroughly. Start with a small amount to feed your crested gecko, and then gradually go from there to find out how much your crested gecko eats.
If the food bowl is always clean, you can try adding a little more food. If there is constantly extra food left uneaten, make it less. As soon as you find a proper balance of food that they need, you will be able to learn about how much food your crested gecko needs. Never offer them food on the ground.
Interesting Further Reading
- Crested Gecko Escaped: How To Find A Lost Crested Gecko
- Is Bamboo Safe For Crested Geckos?
- What Temperature Do Crested Geckos Need? (2022 Review)
6. Heating
Fortunately, unlike any other reptile, you don’t necessarily need any other additional heating for your crested gecko. Your average room temperature will be sufficient to keep your crested gecko thriving. If your home temperature is around 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime while 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the night, your crested gecko will be fine.
However, if you live in a cold region, you might also have to invest in good heating equipment. The crested gecko will need additional heating in that enclosure. Only if your room temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime.
On the other hand, if you reside in an extremely hot place, you will have to keep your crested gecko from overheating. Too much heat can also put your gecko under stress. On the other hand, talking about things crested geckos’ need for lighting, it is fairly easy to set up.
As long as your crested gecko has access to a good steady light source during the daytime, the darkness should be fine at night. Either you can put their enclosure in a room where a lot of natural daylight comes in or use any light that does not provide additional heat. Make sure to avoid keeping their section in the direct sunlight, though.
7. Humidity
After knowing that crested geckos need low temperatures, they also need proper humidity inside the tank. It is important to always have a basic hygrometer for appropriate reading and maintain adequate humidity levels. It is important never to let the humidity level drop below 50%.
A crested gecko needs a humidity level of around 80-100% during the daytime, which can be easily achieved by misting them and their tank twice a day. Misting helps allow water droplets to form on the plant leaves and the walls of their tank. For better results, you can take a help of a misting bottle as it’s a handy tool to have around.
Daily Misting will also keep your crested gecko hydrated as they usually prefer drinking water droplets form on the leaves, substrates, and tank’s wall. It doesn’t mean that you should remove the water bowl from their tank. Having a small water bowl for your crested gecko is always a good idea as it will give your pet proper pet access to drink from its desire.
By now, you have all the ideas of what are the things to know before getting a crested gecko. If you have any other concerns regarding keeping a crested gecko as a pet, drop a comment below.
Do you know that your one share can help many people set up their cresties’ tanks properly for their pets’ life longevity and happiness? Therefore if you liked our article, consider sharing it to help others. We have shared many other articles and helpful guides on crested geckos. See you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.