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How Many Alfalfa Cubes Equal a Flake? Complete Guide

How Many Alfalfa Cubes Equal a Flake? Complete Guide

If you’ve ever wondered how many alfalfa cubes equal a flake, you’re not alone. This is a question that many horse owners ask, and there isn’t always a clear answer.

The reason it can be difficult to determine an exact conversion is that there are different sizes of both alfalfa cubes and flakes, and the ratio can vary depending on the horses’ individual preferences.

However, in this article, we’ll give you some guidelines to help you figure out the right amount of alfalfa for your horse.

A flake of alfalfa hay weighs about 1 pound, while a cube of alfalfa weighs about 0.5 pounds. So, if you’re feeding your horse one flake of hay per day, you could replace it with two cubes of alfalfa.

It really depends on the size of the horse and how much they weigh. A general rule of thumb is to give them 1-2 cubes per day, but it’s always best to check with your veterinarian to be sure.

The Different Sizes of Alfalfa Cubes

As any horse owner knows, alfalfa comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. But did you know that the size of an alfalfa cube can actually make a difference in how your horse digests it?

For example, large cubes take longer to break down in the digestive tract, while smaller cubes are more quickly digested. So, if your horse is prone to colic or other digestive issues, you might want to stick with smaller alfalfa cubes.

Of course, there’s no hard and fast rule about which size is best for your horse. It’s really a matter of trial and error to see what works best for your individual horse. But it’s definitely something to keep in mind when shopping for alfalfa!

How Many Alfalfa Cubes Equal a Flake?

If you’re like most horse owners, you’ve probably wondered how many alfalfa cubes equal a flake. While there’s no definitive answer, we can give you a general idea.

A flake of alfalfa hay weighs about 1 pound, while a cube of alfalfa weighs about 0.5 pounds. So, if you’re feeding your horse one flake of hay per day, you could replace it with two cubes of alfalfa.

Of course, every horse is different and some may prefer one type of hay over the other. You’ll just have to experiment to see what works best for your horse.

How many alfalfa cubes do you feed a horse?

It really depends on the size of the horse and how much they weigh. A general rule of thumb is to give them 1-2 cubes per day, but it’s always best to check with your veterinarian to be sure.

How many alfalfa cubes make a pound?

A lot of people are asking how many alfalfa cubes are in a pound. The answer is that it depends on the size of the cubes. If they are the small, square ones, then it takes about 40 to make a pound. If they are the large, rectangular ones, then it takes about 20 to make a pound.

It Usually depends on the weight of alfalfa cubes. Generally, alfalfa cubes are about 5 pounds heavy so one alfalfa cube is equal to a 5-pound or equivalent flake (Considering the default size of a flake ).

How many pounds of alfalfa cubes does a horse need per day?

A lot of owners ask how many pounds of alfalfa cubes their horse needs per day. The answer, of course, depends on the size of your horse and how much he is working.

A good rule of thumb is 1 to 2% of your horse’s body weight in hay per day. So, if you have a 1,000 lb horse, he should get 10-20 lbs of hay per day.

If you are feeding flakes, you can figure that each flake weighs about 0.5 lbs, so your horse would need 20-40 flakes per day.

Feeding Hay Cubes vs. Hay Flakes

When it comes to feeding horses hay, there are two popular options: hay cubes and hay flakes. But which is better? And how do you know how much to feed your horse?

Here’s a quick guide to help you decide whether hay cubes or flakes are right for your horse, and how much of either one to feed.

Hay Cubes vs. Hay Flakes

Hay cubes and flakes are both made from compressed hay, but they differ in texture and nutrient content. Hay cubes are denser and have a higher calorie content than flakes, while flakes are lower in calories but higher in fiber.

So, which one is better for your horse? It depends on your horse’s needs. If your horse is overweight or needs more calories, then hay cubes are a good choice. If your horse is prone to colic or needs more fiber, then hay flakes are a better option.

How Much Should You Feed?

The amount of hay you should feed your horse depends on several factors, including their weight, activity level, and health status. A general rule of thumb is 1-2% of your horse’s body weight per day. So, if your horse weighs 1,000 pounds

Are alfalfa cubes more cost-effective? 

If you’re considering purchasing alfalfa cubes for your horse, you may be wondering if they’re more cost-effective than flakes. While the answer may vary depending on your situation, there are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision.

Alfalfa cubes are generally more expensive than flakes, but they can last longer since horses can’t eat them as quickly. If you have a horse that tends to overeat or one that is particularly hard on their hay, alfalfa cubes may be a good option.

Another thing to consider is that alfalfa cubes are more concentrated than flakes, so you may need to feed less of them. This can be helpful if your horse is struggling to maintain their weight, as it can help them get the nutrients they need without overfeeding them.

Ultimately, the best way to decide if alfalfa cubes are right for your horse is to talk to your veterinarian or equine nutritionist. They can help you determine if alfalfa cubes will meet your horse’s needs and fit into your budget.

Alfalfa Pellets Vs. Cubes: What’s Better For Your Horses?

Alfalfa pellets and cubes are both popular choices for feeding horses, but what’s the difference between the two? And which is better for your horse?

Alfalfa pellets are made from Alfalfa meal, which is a by-product of the alfalfa hay-making process. The meal is dried and then pressed into pellets. Pellets are more concentrated than hay, so they can be a good choice for horses who need more calories, such as growing horses or performance horses. They’re also less messy than hay, so if you’re feeding in a stall or small space, pellets may be a better option.

Alfalfa cubes are also made from Alfalfa meals, but the meal is compressed into blocks or cubes instead of being made into pellets. Like pellets, cubes are more concentrated than hay and can be a good choice for horses who need more calories. However, cubes can be messier than pellets since they tend to crumble when eaten. And since they’re blocks instead of flakes, they can be harder for some horses to chew.

So which is better – pellets or cubes? It really depends on your horse’s individual preferences and needs. If you’re not sure which your horse would prefer, you can always offer both and let him choose.


If you are considering alfalfa cubes as a possible feed option for your horse, it is important to know how many cubes are equivalent to a flake. Depending on the size of your horse and his or her individual needs, the number of alfalfa cubes required will vary. However, as a general rule of thumb, four to five alfalfa cubes are equal to one flake. This means that if you are feeding your horse two flakes per day, you would need to provide him or her with eight to ten alfalfa cubes.