Are you in love with the hybrid dog? if you are then you may consider a Bernedoodles in your home but there are lots of things that you need to consider before adopting a hybrid dog in your home.
If you or anyone in your family member have allergies to dogs then it can be very difficult for you to manage his or her allergy? So the most obvious question to ask is are Bernedoodles hypoallergenic?
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Is Bernedoodles Hypoallergenic?

Being a mixed breed dog, Bernedoodless are not considered hypoallergenic dog breeds. However, if they come with the curlier coat then there will be less shedding going on with your Bernedoodles.
But still, they are not hypoallergenic. They can be a good option for owners with serious allergies.
Being a hybrid dog, they tend to develop some thick coated body and if they come with a wiry coat then there will be less shedding but still, it has been observed that Bernedoodles shed some of their hairs/fur and there was some danders forming going on on the skin.
Being a mixed breed dog, one of its parents is a hypoallergenic Poodle and the other one is a Bernese mountain dog which is a known hypoallergenic dog.
If they inherit most of its traits from the poodle then they can be just like them but if they inherit most of its traits from the Bernese mountain dog that they can be like them.
So, it depends upon what they inherited and from which side the most. But, it has been observed that they tend to shed at least some danders behind which can irritate allergies.
If you really want to learn more about their allergies then stay this article because, in this article, I am going to give you some space for an idea about allergies.
In this article, you will also get to know about the shedding, danders forming, and the other thing that tends to bother your allergy.
There are some tips that can really help you in keeping their shedding at a minimum but before that let’s know why your Bernedoodles are not considered a hypoallergenic dog breed.
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Why Bernedoodless Aren’t Considered As Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds?

Being a hybrid dog, this dog never going to clean the title of hypoallergenic because its feature totally depends upon how much and what they inherit the most – from which side of its parent shed.
If your Bernedoodlesd inherits most of its traits from the hypoallergenic then they will be just like them and there will be less dander forming going on.
However, if they inherit most of its traits from the parent Bernese mountain dog then you can expect them to shed quite aggressively which is not good for anyone who has over a sensitive immune system or who suffers from allergies to dog coats.
Being a hybrid dog doesn’t make them less lovely and cute and their lovers can do whatever it takes to keep them around.
If they tend to develop a thick layer coat on their body and if they have a wiry coat then they will be shedding less. The curlier their coat is, the less shedding it will be.
Apart from that, their urine and saliva are also allergic to humans who have an oversensitive immune system. Their urine contains Fel d1 protein which is the major cause of allergies getting triggered.
After knowing, they don’t claim the title of hypoallergenic, let’s learn how much and why they are going to shed.
Actually, your Bernedoodless is going to shed two times a year very aggressively because they will need to layer up for the seasonal changes.
In the autumn season, they are going to shed some of their old hair so that they can make some new room for new thick hair growth which will help them in keeping their body warm and nice on cold days.
In the spring season, the same happens, they will lose their winter coat in which their coat hair will subsequently fall out and the new hair will be thinner which will help them stay cooler in the summer season.
But, being a hybrid dog, you can’t expect the exact because it totally depends upon the quality of genetics they have.
That is why you must adopt a Bernedoodlesd from a reputable reader who offers health insurance on their mixed-breed dog. After knowing why your Bernedoodles doesn’t claim the title of hypoallergenic dog breed let’s learn what are the allergens that come from them.
Here’s What Trigger Allergies To People

There is three major cause of allergies. Danders, saliva, and urine are the major cause of allergies getting triggered in people.
If you have an over-sensitive immune system then their danders, urine, and saliva can also be very harmful to you because they can really irritate you and make you feel itch around your body.
Adding to that, their urine and saliva contain Fel d1 protein which can bother your allergy easily. But, it has been observed that danders seem to be the major irritants and it is alone enough to trigger your allergy.
Now, after knowing, what are the allergens that come from your Bernedoodles let’s learn, some tips that can help you in preventing too much dander forming and shedding.
Tips For Families With Allergies

- You should always groom them perfectly because if they are not groomed perfectly then there will be more danders forming on the skin and shedding will be maximum.
- Brush their coat daily if you really want to prevent too much shedding and danders forming because when you brush your dog coat, their skin releases natural oil which helps their skin getting moisturize.
- Brush your dog coat with a good quality of slicker Brush because a slicker brush is going to be very effective for a Bernedoodles coat because it has a double layer thick body coat on its body. Here is the recommended slicker brush that I would recommend you to use.
Best Slicker Bristle Brush | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush | It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish. | View on Amazon |
- Always brush Bernedoodle’s coat in the direction of their hair growth because it will be a less painful and more fun experience for your dog.
- Bath your dog only once a month or every 6 weeks because frequent baths can make the skin dry. Dry skin going to promote more danders forming and that is why you need to bath your Bernedoodles only when needed.
- Bath your Bernedoodles with gold good quality of shampoo that is going to ensure that their natural oil won’t get washed away with the water and their skin is always moisturized after every single bath.
- Choose a good shampoo that is going to ensure that all the dead loose hair, debris, and danders get washed away with the water effectively.
- Brush Bernedoodle’s coat outside the home so that the mess gets collected outside and their dander won’t get collected inside.
- Don’t allow your dog to be on your bed because their danders can fall right into your bed when you will be sleeping and unconsciously allowing those irritants to get right in your nose, face, mouth and other parts of the body that can make you feel miserable.
- You need to make sure that your dog doesn’t spend most of the time on your couch because, in your free time, you will be spending more time on your couch and their danders can get right stuck on your palm through which will be touching your nose, eyes, and other parts of the body that can make you feel itch. To get itch-free, you might also have to take a bath.|
- Always wash your hand after you are done playing with your Bernedoodles or handling them because a proper hand washes with good quality of hand cleaner is a smart move for people who have allergies.
- Make sure that you don’t distress any kind of carpet in your home because that danders can get stuck on the carpet at it will be very difficult for you to clean or to remove all those danders.
- If it’s possible then make sure that you do the wooden or marble flooring on your home because danders can’t get stuck on that kind of flooring.
- Make sure that you exercise all Bernedoodles regularly so that they won’t start running inside your home because whenever dog runs in your home, they spread small particles into the air which is known as danders that can trigger your allergy.
- If you or anyone have an allergy in your family member then make sure you install a good year cleaner because it is going to ensure that you are breathing in allergen-free air.
- Vacuum your home regularly to ensure that all those irritants get cleaned every single day. You should vacuum and clean your home frequently.
- Use a powerful vacuum cleaner that can get to places where it is impossible to reach with their hand. Their danders can get the right stuck around your house corner.
- Take your medications properly and make sure you are taking antihistamines because they can help you block this problem perfectly.
- Fortunately, dozens of antihistamines available in your local Walmart store and you can buy it without prescription. Here are some common antihistamines that you can buy online or from your local Walmart Bernedoodles.
- Teach your dog not to lick you so that you can lessen the possibility of getting in contact with their saliva because their saliva contains fel d1 protein which can trigger your allergies.
- Make sure that you are Bernedoodles is peeing in a designated area because their urine also contains harmful fel d1 protein that can cause you allergies.
Final Thoughts
I hope that I managed to give you some space of information about Bernedoodlesd as a non-hypoallergenic dog breed.
Being a hybrid dog, you can’t expect your Bernedoodless to react like a hypoallergenic dog breed and that is why we have mentioned these tips because these tips are going to be very effective in keeping your Bernedoodles shedding and danders forming at a minimum.
Apart from that, if you have any questions regarding your Bernedoodless you can comment below and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.