If you are considering adopting a pet in your home then there are lots of things that you need to consider before you adopt a pet in your home like to know if they are going to carry any kind of allergy that can irritate people who have an over-sensitive immune system or not.
If you or anybody in your family member have allergies to dogs that it can be very concerning for you and it is very obvious to ask if a Bernese Mountain Dogs is going to be hypoallergenic or not. So, let’s know, are Bernese Mountain Dogs hypoallergenic or not?
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Are Bernese Mountain Dogs Hypoallergenic?

No, Bernese Mountain Dogs are not a hypoallergenic dog breed according to a list of American Kennel Club because they come with a double layer coat on their body that shed moderately. They are also going to carry some allergen with them. However, You can get a hypoallergenic hybrid dog, “Bernedoodle” by crossing the Bernese mountain dog with a poodle.
Now, after knowing that your Bernese Mountain Dogs doesn’t claim the title of hypoallergenic dog breed you may want to know about their shedding, allergens, danders, and the other things that can really contribute towards triggering allergies to anyone who has over the sensitive immune system.
If you really want to know about them then go through the whole article because, in this article, I have also shared some tips that can really help you in making your Bernese Mountain Dogs allergen-free, as well as It, can help you in making your home more Bernese Mountain Dogs friendly.
Adding to that, it is very important for you to know why your Bernese Mountain Dogs is not considered as hypoallergenic dog breed and what kind of allergen that you can expect from your Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Let me tell you, they can be the perfect companion to those who have less serious allergies but still, to be on the safe side, let’s know the tips before we come to conclusion if they are going to cause any serious allergies to you or not.
Before I tell you that tips, let’s no, why you are Bernese Mountain Dogs doesn’t claim the title of hypoallergenic dog breed.
Why Bernese Mountain Dogs Doesn’t Claim The Title Of Hypoallergenic Dog Breed?

Before I tell you why Bernese Mountain Dogs is not considered a hypoallergenic dog breed and has not been labeled by the American Kennel Club, it is very important for you to know what exactly the hypoallergenic word means.
The word hypoallergenic simply means that the animal or pet you are going to keep in your home is not going to Trigger any kind of allergies to you or anyone around it.
So you can say that there are lots of advantages of having a hypoallergenic dog in your homes like you or the one suffering from allergies doesn’t need to take any kind of precaution or medications to keep their pet around, which makes it very easier for the owner to maintain their dog.
However, being a non-hypoallergenic dog, your Bernese Mountain Dogs do have the potential to Trigger some allergy and being a responsible owner, you will need to take your proper precautions before you adopt a Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Adding to that, after knowing what exactly the word hypoallergenic means, let me tell you why your Bernese Mountain Dogs doesn’t claim the title of hypoallergenic dog breed.
Actually, your Bernese Mountain Dogs is going to shed heavily in the shedding season. You can also experience some moderate shedding daily because it is quite normal to shed for a double layer coated dog breed.
In the shedding season, in autumn and spring, you are more likely to experience some constant shedding. In the autumn season, they will need to layer up and prepare for the winter days and in this process, they are going to lose their old hair so that they can make some room for new hair growth which will be much thicker than the previous one that will help them keep their body warm and nice throughout the winter season.
The opposite happens in the spring season but the reaction will be the same as they will shed aggressively their winter coats so that they can develop the thinnest layer of coat on its body which will help them being cooler in the summer days.
Adding to that, it is very important for them to shed their old hairs and to make room some new hair growth so that they can regulate their body temperature according to the seasonal changes.
Apart from that, it has been noticed that your Bernese Mountain Dogs ten to inherit some habits of drooling which is not good because their saliva also contains harmful protein which can trigger your allergies.
Adding to that, it is also important to avoid their urine because urine also has a full protein that can trigger your allergies.
You need to make sure that you train your dog to pee in a designated area. Now after knowing, why exactly your Bernese Mountain Dogs don’t claim the title of hypoallergenic dog breed, you need to understand what kind of allergen you can expect your Bernese Mountain Dogs carrying with them.
Bernese Mountain Dogs Allergens
I hope that you do know that danders is the most common allergens that appear in a dog coat. Actually, danders are dead skin cells which is good for dogs to shed but it’s not good for people who have allergies to the animal.
Apart from that, your allergy can also get triggered or irritated by their urine and saliva. So, danders, urine, and saliva are the three major common causes of allergies getting triggered by your Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Your Bernese Mountain Dogs is going to carry some protein in their urine and saliva which can be allergic to you if you have an over-sensitive immune system.
Apart from that, they are also going to produce some danders and if you keep them on proper grooming then you can expect to keep their danders forming at minimum as well as can prevent them from spreading around your home corner.
After knowing what exactly your Bernese Mountain Dogs is going to produce and spread that can trigger your allergies, there are some helpful tips that can really help you in avoiding, and in preventing their allergen.
The steps are also going to ensure that your Bernese Mountain Dogs is always allergen-free and their shedding and danders forming at minimum.
Tips For Families With Allergies

- Always make sure that you are feeding your dog with high-quality food that only contains high-quality ingredients. We would recommend you to feed these foods to your dog because it is going to fulfill your dog’s nutritional needs as well as will make their skin healthy. Healthy skin is going to ensure that the danders forming and shedding is at a minimum.
- Avoid Cheap food or bad quality food because it has been observed that cheap quality food or cheap food or bad quality food do have nutrition but don’t have the right balance of nutrition that is needed for your dog.
- Feed Bernese Mountain Dogs with supplements like Omega supplements and fatty acids supplements because these supplements are very helpful for the owners who want to make their dogs skin more healthy to keep their shedding and danders forming at a minimum.
Make sure that the Omega supplements have been derived from the wild fish. Fish are very healthy for Bernese Mountain Dogs’ skin. - Avoid any kind of food that contains grain in it because grains are harmful to the dog. Apart from that, you should also avoid feeding your dog with any kind of kitchen leftover food
- Always groom your Bernese Mountain Dogs perfectly because grooming is going to make sure that their dander forming and shedding is at minimum. Proper and effective grooming can make a huge difference in determining how your allergies is going to react around your Bernese Mountain Dogs.
- Brush Bernese Mountain Dogs coats perfectly in the direction of their hair growth because whenever you brush the Bernese Mountain Dogs coat against the direction of their hair growth, the whole experience becomes very painful for your dog. So, make sure you brush your dog coat in a perfect manner.
- Get an ideal brush that really suits your dog’s coat needs because every dog needs its own brush for its coat. If you don’t have an idea then let me tell you being a double-coated dog, your dog needs a slicker brush.
If you already have a slicker brush then Congrats and if you don’t have then here is the slicker brush that you can look. This is the slicker brush that I have been using from the past few years on my huskies and it works perfectly. - Don’t bath your or Bernese Mountain Dogs too often because frequent baths can make their skin dry which is not good because dry skin is going to produce more danders forming on their skin. So, bath your Bernese Mountain Dogs once a month only.
- Use a good quality of shampoo because shampoo is going to ensure that their natural oil won’t get washed away with the water and their dirt, danders, and allergens get removed with the water. Here are the shampoos that we would recommend you to use because it is very perfect for Bernese Mountain Dogs skin.
- Always wash your hand after you are done handling your Bernese Mountain Dogs or petting them or touching them. It is a very smart way to prevent their allergens because whenever you touch your Bernese Mountain Dogs, their danders can get stuck right into your palm.
- Don’t allow your dogs in the bed or on the couch because the danders can fall right into the couch and get stuck where you will be spending most of your time and it will increase the chances of getting in contact with those irritants. So, put some bedroom off-limit and no dogs on the couch.
- Always train your dog not to lick you and how to keep their tongue to themselves so that you can lessen the chances of getting in contact with any kind of saliva allergens.
- Be sure your dog is peeing in a designated area because it is very important to avoid their urine as their urine contains a harmful protein that can irritate your allergies.
- Vacuum your home regularly because it is very important to clean that tiny little dirt which is dandered that has been fallout from your dog while they were running around your home. It is very important to use a good powerful vacuum cleaner that can really suck up all the dirt from the floor.
- Whenever your dog sleeps, they tend to shed a lot and it is very good to contain their all hair in one place so that you can clean it up every morning. Make sure that you associate one spot as their sleep area and make them aware that it’s a place where he should be sleeping around.
Final Thoughts
I hope that I managed to give you some information about the Bernese Mountain Dogs as a non-hypoallergenic dog breed and if I did then do share this post because it is going to encourage me to write more about Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Apart from that, if you have any questions regarding Bernese Mountain Dogs then you can comment below and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. See you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.