By looking at the texture of a Devon Rex Cats, you may think that they are going to be hypoallergenic but it is not correct.

It is very important to know if they are hypoallergenic on not and if they are going to carry any kind of allergens with them because you or anybody in your home have allergies to cats then it can be very concerning and it can also be difficult to manage it. So, are Devon Rex Cats hypoallergenic?
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are Devon Rex Cats Hypoallergenic?

No, Devon Rex Cats are not hypoallergenic cat breed but they are perfect pet cats for those who have less serious allergies. They are also going to produce some dead skin cells which can really matter to you if you have very serious allergies.
Everything will cat is going to produce some dead skin cells that are known as danders and is going to shed while they will be scratching themself anywhere around your home or outside your home or any place. Their danders can great get spread all over your home corner and can get stuck for months if not cleaned properly.
That is why it is necessary to vacuum your home regularly but we will discuss the tips later before that, you will need to understand your Devon Rex Cats’ shedding, allergens, and other things that can really factor into triggering your allergies.
If you really want to know about them properly then go through the whole article. In this article, I am also going to give you some space of information about the tips that can help you in making your Devon Rex Cats allergen-free as well as your home more Devon Rex Cats friendly.
However, after knowing that your Devon Rex Cats doesn’t claim the title of hypoallergenic cat breed, let’s know why
Why Devon Rex Cats Are Not Conshedered As A Hypoallergenic Cat Breed?

Before I tell you why exactly Devon Rex Cats doesn’t claim the title of hypoallergenic cat breed, you will need to understand what exactly The hypoallergenic Breed means.
The simple word hypoallergenic simply means that the cat you are going to pet or keep in your residence or in your home is not going to Trigger or cause any kind of allergies to anyone around it.
So, it is very obvious to know that there are lots of advantages of having a hypoallergenic cat breed like you or anyone in your family members who is suffering from allergies doesn’t need to take any kind of medication or precaution to keep their pet around which makes it very easier for owners to maintain their pet cat.
Now, after knowing what exactly the hypoallergenic means, let me tell you why your Devon Rex Cats doesn’t claim the title of the hypoallergenic cat breed.
According to the American Kennel Club, your Devon Rex Cats is also going to produce some danders on their skin that can shed in the shedding season.
By the shedding season, we mean that in the spring and autumn season, you are more likely to experience some kind of moderate shedding from your Devon Rex Cats and when they will be shedding, they will be shedding some danders as well.
I hope that you do know that danders is the major cause of allergies and can really make anyone feel miserable who have an oversensitive immune system.
Apart from that, you need to understand that you can’t stop your Devon Rex Cats from shedding completely because it is a natural process as in the spring season, they are going to lose some old hair so that they can keep themselves cool in the summer days.
The same happens in the autumn season when they will need to layer up for the coat days so that, they can keep themselves warm and nice throughout the winter season. So I hope that you do understand why your Devon Rex Cats need to shed some of its hair.
It helps them to regulate their body temperature according to the seasonal changes. But, there are some tips that really help you in making your Devon Rex Cats more allergen-free.
Before those tips, let me tell you what kind of allergens you can expect from your Devon Rex Cats.
Devon Rex Cats Allergens
I don’t need to tell you that danders is one of the most common allergens that could you can expect your Devon Rex Cats carrying.
Apart from that, their urine and saliva also have the ability to Trigger your allergies because it has been found that fel D1 protein that is present in their urine and saliva is very irritating to those who have an oversensitive immune system.
People with over-sensitive immune systems are more likely to experience allergies to the animal.
There are some medications that can help you really in keeping your over-sensitive immune system less irritated around Devon Rex Cats like antihistamine but I am going to give you the idea of antihistamine later in this article.
Before that, let me tell you that danders is alone enough to trigger your allergies and that is why, you need to avoid their danders, saliva, and urine as much as possible.
Apart from that, you will also need to understand that danders forming can be controlled by you if you keep their skin healthy and prevent their skin from being dry.
Dry skin is always going to produce more danders forming and that is why I am going to give you some tips that can really help you in keeping the skin healthy and moisturized all the time.
Tips For Families With Allergies

- First of all, you need to make sure that you groom your Devon Rex Cats perfectly because proper and effective grooming can make a huge difference in determining how you are allergies is going to react around your Devon Rex Cats.
- Maybe, you won’t think that brushing the coat is necessary but it is recommended to brush your Devon Rex Cats coat regularly or maybe 3 or 4 times a week if you don’t have much time to keep the shedding at a minimum.
- When you brush your Devon Rex Cats coat, their skin releases natural oils from their body and with the proper brush, you can also distribute the natural oil all over the parts of their body which helps them to make their skin moisturized all the time. So, that is why it is necessary to brush your Devon Rex Cats coat.
- Make sure that you are using a good quality of the brush and if you don’t know what would be the ideal brush for your Devon Rex Cats then here is the recommended brush and let me tell you, it is going to be very effective in brushing their coat as well as distributing their natural oil all over the other parts of the body.
- In the shedding season, if you want, you can also use a good De-Shedding Tool but if you just brush your Devon Rex Cats coat twice a day then it will also be fine.
- Maybe you won’t think that bathing them is necessary but let me tell you that it is required to bath them once a month at least with the good quality of shampoo and conditioner. Here is the shampoos that we recommend you to use when you will be bathing them.
- It is very important to use a good quality of Natural Shampoo on the skin of Devon Rex Cats because it helps in removing all the debris, dead hairs, danders, and other allergens that is ready to fall out with the water.
- Don’t bath your Devon Rex Cats more than once a month ever because bathing them frequently can cause their skin to become dry and I hope that you do know that dry skin is going to promote more danders forming which is not good for anyone.
- Always keep your Devon Rex Cats’ dietary routine perfect because it is necessary to feed your Devon Rex Cats with high-quality food as high-quality food always contains high-quality ingredients that can really help you in keeping their skin healthy. Healthy skin is going to ensure that the danders forming and the shedding is at a minimum.
- Bad quality of food always going to do badly for your Devon Rex Cats. Avoid cheap foods because it has been noticed that cheap foods do have the nutrition but don’t have the right balance of Nutrition which is necessary to keep your Devon Rex Cats nutritional needs fulfilled.
- If you don’t have an idea what would be the best food for your Devon Rex Cats then here are some recommended foods for your Devon Rex Cats that can really help you in keeping your Devon Rex Cats skin healthy as well as can help you in preventing their skin from being dry. It will fulfill all your Devon Rex Cats’ nutritional needs very easily.
- You can add some supplements because it is necessary to feed your Devon Rex Cats with Omega and fatty acid supplements as it is good for their skin. Make sure that the Omega supplements are derived from wild fish because wild fish is very healthy for their skin.
- Always wash your hand after you are done playing or touching or spending time with your Devon Rex Cats as it is a very smart way to prevent their allergens from getting stuck right on your palm.
- Vacuum your home regularly as it will clean and eliminate all the danders spreading that can stuck around your house. Use a good powerful vacuum cleaner that can really suck up all the tiny little particles which is allergens, danders, and other things. Here is the recommended powerful vacuum cleaner at if you want you can take a look.
- Don’t handle your Devon Rex Cats on your bed or on the couch because their danders can fall right into the bed or couch where you will be spending most of your time. So, put some bedroom off-limit rule and no cats on the couch to prevent any allergen.
Final Conclusion
So, in this article, you got to know about the Devon Rex Cats as a non-hypoallergenic cat breed and If I did a pretty good job in making you understand what kind of allergens you can expect from Devon Rex Cats then do share this post because it is going to encourage me to write more about them.
I hope that you do check our other post and see you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.