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German Shorthaired Pointers as a pet on your premises can be very exciting and fun but, if there is someone who has allergic to the animal then it is very obvious to know if a German Shorthaired Pointers is going to be hypoallergenic or not. Before you decide if German Shorthaired Pointers fits with you and your family, there are lots of factors that you need to consider first.
Are German Shorthaired Pointers hypoallergenic? German Shorthaired Pointers are not hypoallergenic dog breeds. They do come with the short coat that shed less which means it will produce fewer danders.
However, you are more likely to experience some shedding from German Shorthaired Pointers but compared to other dog breeds coats, their coat is going to less oily. So, this breed can be a good option for owners who suffers from a less serious allergy.
It doesn’t need to dictate if you want to have one or can you have one if you are here to know whether German Shorthaired Pointers claim the title of hypoallergenic or not. Even after knowing that this dog breed doesn’t claim the title of hypoallergenic, there are some preventive steps that you can take to decrease the chances of any possible allergy from being triggered.
If you really want to know and learn more about German Shorthaired Pointers shedding time, dandruff by which I mean danders and other things that can / may contribute towards allergies, here is what you need to know
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Why aren’t German Shorthaired Pointers hypoallergenic?

The word hypoallergenic simply means that the animal that you are going to keep as a pet in your home is not going to cause any major allergy to anyone around it. But, often it has been seen that hypoallergenic animals do shed but they shed little to nothing at all.
This means the dog that sheds little to nothing at all, is considered as hypoallergenic dog breed because they will not have much danders compared to other large dog breeds that will cause any possible irritants for those who are allergic to dogs.
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You may think that there are many advantages of keeping a hypoallergenic dog at home like you or the one with the allergies don’t need to take any medication to keep it around, which will make it easier for the owners to maintain their pet.
But have you ever wondered or question yourself – is there any breed that is 100% hypoallergenic? If you haven’t, let me tell you the straight answer – no, there is no such breed or thing that is 100% hypoallergenic in this world. You may ask – why?
Well, often, it has been seen that there are two major causes of allergy from pets – one is its danders and the other one is their saliva.
Most of the people think that the only cause of allergy from a pet is their urine and their hair. But in the case of German Shorthaired Pointers, it’s not just the urine or hair that causes allergy. In German Shorthaired Pointers breed – danders and saliva are the two major pollutants.
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Of course, one can easily get irritated from their hair, urine, and other things but most of the time, it has been seen that these two cause the major issues that trigger most of the allergies.
Just for the knowledge, do you know? Almost 10% of the United States population is allergic to animals. So, it is very important to check nearby / inside in your home if there is somebody around who has an allergy from dogs or not. If you find one then it would be very much difficult for you to control his / her allergy because most dogs shed and leave danders spread all over the floor/home or on their bed.
But luckily in the case of German Shorthaired Pointers, they tend to have very short hair which means they will shed less than other larger breeds with a long coat. But the main reason behind German Shorthaired Pointers being not hypoallergenic is that they do shed, but not as necessary as much as one would think. Plus, they also leave dander around, which causes irritation and can easily bother one who is allergenic to animals.
By which I mean, so-called dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic are not entirely void of shedding and danders. There are only referred to as hypoallergenic because their coats shed little and don’t have the same reaction as dogs who shed frequently or aggressively.
Talking about coats usually, two types of coats are found in most dogs breed – single coat or a double coat. Dogs that tend to have double coats need to shed more frequently and aggressively because they will have more hair on their coat to lose in the summer season.
If you try to stop their shedding, you may end up causing problems for your dog because they can’t survive in the summer season with that thick coat that has lots of hairs on it. They need to stay cooler.
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By looking at the German Shorthaired Pointers coat, it tends to have a single coat with short hair, that sheds not as much as other breeds as a single coat with short hair factors into less shedding, which will make it easier for their owner to maintain their coat grooming.
However, you may experience aggressive shedding from your dog on their skin because of the warm and hot temperature but you can easily maintain their coat if you know how to do your proper grooming.
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They feature short fur that covers their body and their shedding is not very significant, it can be easily controlled by the owner
German Shorthaired Pointers shed, how much?

Like as I told you earlier every dog breed needs to shed sometimes – some shed more while some less. Just by looking at the coat of a German Shorthaired Pointers you can easily notice that their hair is shorter that covers their skin. So, a German Shorthaired Pointers is going to shed but not as much as you are one would think.
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They come with single but they will definitely some loose fur that will be falling out when they will be running around or scratching themselves against things. We all are aware that the dog’s hair grows continuously and replaces the old ones in which their hair is going to subsequently fall out.
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Apart from that, the other thing that is quite noticeable is their age – as soon as your dog becomes old. new hair will definitely grow in to replace the old hair. It’s a simple cycle that is going to continuously happen throughout his lifetime. With ages, old dogs need to shed more often as their coat will become thinner.
When the dogs are young and tend to be very energetic, running all around the house. They can easily rub themselves against things and lick themself whenever they want to get rid of itch on their body by which indirectly it can also help them keep hair and danders to more of a minimum but it can also increase the chances of falling out of hair when they will be running and roaming all around the houses.
You can’t stop them from shedding, the dog will definitely shed as it is a part of the life cycle process and every dog will need to make some room for new hair growth.
However, if you find that your German Shorthaired Pointers is shedding a lot then there is definitely something wrong with your buddy like it can be a health problem that is causing excessive shedding in your dog.
Just to make you aware, German Shorthaired Pointers tend to shed most in the summer and spring. however, if you live in a place where the temperature is always high, then you might expect to see some aggressive shedding going on, on your little buddy.
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But again, coming to the previous point, that I stated earlier they shouldn’t shed much. So make sure, you always look for excessive shedding in German Shorthaired Pointers because excessive shedding is considered a health problem. Even it’s a minor health problem but it can cause major damage if not treated properly. Some minor things can contribute to excessive shedding of the fur like a poor diet or your dog is already suffering from unknown allergy.
Here’s what contributes to People’s allergies
Talking about the contributions there are lots of things that contribute people allergy but here we are only going to discuss two of the major causes that come from dogs that can take a trigger once allergy. according to the recent United States survey and Research, two of the biggest cause that seem Trigger people’s allergies in 2019 are their saliva and danders.
In the case of German Shorthaired Pointers, they tend to have fewer saliva allergens than danders allergens. normally, danders fall out from a dog when they scratch themselves against things to itch itself, usually, it spreads small particles which is dead skin into the air that is referred as danders to that triggers people’s allergy
People who have over sensitive immune system are known as allergic to animals and danders can easily contribute some problems to his / her allergy. Some people can easily get affected by their urine, hair, and saliva.
How to avoid allergy from being triggered by German Shorthaired Pointers?

After learning why and how German Shorthaired Pointers are considered as not being hypoallergenic, we are going to learn some tips that are going to help you prevent too much danders and shedding, from getting spread around your house. It is very important to know these steps for you and your family if you really want to enjoy your life with your German Shorthaired Pointers and want to prevent too much shedding, of course.
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You may know that grooming is very important for your dog’s cleanliness, but do you know the effectiveness of grooming? It can also help you prevent too many danders from getting spreading around your house. Many peoples in the United States are not aware of the effectiveness of grooming but it can make a huge difference in how one’s allergy reacts to German Shorthaired Pointers. Proper and effective grooming can prevent too many dander from getting stuck around your house or onto your cloth.
One of the most important factors of grooming that can help in preventing those Danders from getting spread all over the houses is brushing their coat daily. Brushing their coat is very important if you want to keep the danders to a minimum and shedding too.
You should brush their coat everyday especially during the non-shedding periods If you want to keep the amount of danders and shedding to the minimum.
Best Bristle Brush | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush | It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish. | View on Amazon |
Plus, if you also want to get rid of those loose hair and excessive fur that can get stuck on your clothes when you will be playing with your little sweet buddy or handling your pooch, it is necessary to brush their hair. Apart from that, in the shedding season, when their hair needs to get changed or replaced. You may expect to see some serious and heavy shedding going on with your German Shorthaired Pointers
In moments like this, It is advisable to use a good – De-shedding tool to brush their coat, so that you can get rid of those loose hair that is just sitting and waiting to be left off of on the couch or onto your cloth
Best De-shedding Tool | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
FURminator Undercoat Deshedding Tool | It can help you in de-shedding their most loose hairs in minutes and lessen your efforts and work. | View on Amazon |
Do you know? Dry skin also promotes shedding and danders. By brushing their coat you can easily prevent their skin from being dry.
How? Well, whenever you brush their coat, their skin releases natural oils over their whole body that helps to prevent the skin from being dry, which means, there will be no dry skin and the amount of danders is going to be minimum.
As I stated earlier German Shorthaired Pointers tend to have very short hair and luckily, brushing their coat is the only grooming that is required. But, Make sure that you brush their coat outside so that the hair and the danders won’t get spread all over your house and doesn’t collect inside.
From our viewpoint, it would also be very smart if the person who is allergic to an animal is not around while the brushing of your little buddy’s coat is ongoing
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Apart from that, you and your dog need to make the grooming experience fun and painless. Remember, not all dogs like being groomed. The wrong method of Brushing their coat can make them feel pain, By which I mean if you brush their coat against the direction of the hair grows, it can make your dog feel pain.
So, it is advisable to brush that coat with the direction their hair grows and also remember that you fix a schedule, as it is going to make things better for you and your dog.

This is where most of the people do many wrong things. Many people think that bathing their dogs frequently can prevent too much danders from getting stuck on their coat and will keep the amount of danders to the minimum. But this is not the case, actually, it’s the opposite.
When you bath your pooch too much, it makes their skin look unnatural and dry. Bathing your German Shorthaired Pointers frequently can cause more danders forming on their dry skin. As I stated earlier, more the skin is going to dry I, the more danders is going to be formed.
So, it is very important to bath them only when you feel it necessary. Plus, it is also recommended that you bath them only once a month or every 6 weeks. If you are bathing them once a week or twice a month, then it is okay to bathe them only once a month, you need to reschedule the bathing schedule.
From my experience, I have seen that most of the dog doesn’t even like getting their feet on the water or getting a bath and also it makes them feel very unhappy and make them behave uncooperatively. It is advisable to limit their bathing once every month or two so it will make everyone happy.
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However, if you feel that you are dog’s lifestyle is surrounded by lots of outside activities and you feel that your dog absolutely need a quick, due to your dog getting into something very sticky or smelly or getting dirty outside, then it is fine if you bath them but always make sure that you do it in the right way.
You may think that bathing with cold water or warm water is going to make some difference in their skin but it’s not true because it is not going to make their skin dry, which will promote danders forming. So, it is very important to use proper and natural shampoo and conditioner when you bath them to moisture their skin.
You may find some moisturizer, shampoo, and conditioner expensive than others but believe me, it is going to worth it for your dog’s coat and skin.
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Shampoo | Best For | Why To Buy | Check on Amazon |
Earthbath Shed Control Shampoo | Aggressive Shedder | It can Remove Dirts and Dead/Loose Hairs From Your Dog Skin. It also Smells Nice. Best Rated. | View on Amazon |
Healthy Breeds Herbal Shampoo for Dry Itchy Skin | For Long Haired Dog Breed | It works best for Long Haired Dogs and Prevents Dryness. It can relieve Your Dog From any Kind of Itch. 5 Star Rating | View on Amazon |
Oster Oatmeal Essentials Shed Control Dog Shampoo | Perfect For Any Dog Breed That Shed | It smells good. It can kill itchiness and can also reduce the amount of shedding. Amazon Choice & 4.7 rated. | View on Amazon |
Moving forward, it is not as much as necessary to keep the person who is allergic around while you will be bathing your dog as the hairs and danders would be floating in the water around them and it is not going to be as much as high of risk than you think.
However, it will be very smart and advisable if the person who has an allergy is not the one doing the actual bathing.
Wash your hand after petting your dog
Everybody teach their kids to wash their hands after they leave their bathroom because it is very important and its shows good manner and hygiene, but do you know that it is very important to you wash your hand after petting your dog – German Shorthaired Pointers. You should be washing your hand with good hand wash after each playtime as it can improve your / one’s allergy reaction to animals.
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Whenever you play with your German Shorthaired Pointers or pet your German Shorthaired Pointers and don’t wash your hair properly after you are done petting and spending those times, unconsciously, you are going to touch your head, hair, nose, eyes, mouth, or face and also get those irritants closer to the places where it shouldn’t be.
When you pet your dog or play with your dog, lots of small particles like hairs and danders can get stuck on your clothes and hand palm, which can create major problems for you or for the ones who is allergic to animals. Ignoring a proper hand wash after petting your dog can make a huge problem for everybody and it can also increase the chances of spreading those irritants more easily.
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After petting your dog or when you are done with playing with your German Shorthaired Pointers, you should be washing your hand with the proper handwash, so that you can prevent these irritants from getting spread all over you, over peoples and causing any allergy reactions.
We are not saying that you shouldn’t spend some time with your German Shorthaired Pointers or you shouldn’t be playing with your German Shorthaired Pointers, we are just trying to make the point that it is very important, to wash your hand properly with good hand wash, yes it can help you prevent any further problem that may occur in future or promote any ongoing problem in your family or even in you.
Washing your hands with a good handwash can be the best thing to do to prevent any allergic reactions. Just don’t ignore proper hand wash because it can also make you feel itch around your body and you might have to take a quick survey to get itch-free
Containing the hair
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I hope you learned that dog hair can get spread everywhere by which I mean every corner of your house, you can find it on the couch, on your bed, on your dress, on the floor, in the bathroom, and even in the food sometimes. So, it’s the best thing that if you just contain their hairs at one spot, it can help you prevent some allergies from getting triggered.
Probably, the best place where you can contain the hairs is the place where your German Shorthaired Pointers is going to sleep at night because when a dog sleeps, they usually press their whole body against something, due to which lots of shedding take place. It will also be better if you just train them on how, where and when to find their bed when they want a nap.
In this way, you can keep all the hairs and danders that have been shed at night in one spot and you can clean it easily, That spot is going to be their bed. You can easily clean their bed in the morning and get rid of those loose hair and dander. So, you must train your dog and associate that spot with sleep, as it can help you in containing those hairs and danders in one spot.
By training them you are letting them know where to take a nap when they will be feeling sleepy because they will learn that it is their sleep space and they should be sleeping in that space.
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Luckily, you can find dozens of medication out in the public that can help lessen the problems of one’s who are allergic to animals that are caused by general pet saliva, danders, urine, and hair. There are many over the counter antihistamines available that you can easily find on your local Walgreens and Walmart store.
If you want you can easily visit your nearby local Walmart or Walgreens store and purchase those antihistamines just by walking into the allergy aisle. Do you know? The histamines are what that causes the most problems for the people who are allergic to animals. You can easily block those histamines by taking antihistamines that are causing this problem.
(Some Common Over The Counter Antihistamines) |
Loratadine |
Fexofenadine |
Diphenhydramine |
Brompheniramine |
Chlorpheniramine |
Cetirizine |
Those antihistamines come in various forms like liquids, spray, pills, and even in the form of eye drop. If you are one of those people who sense of becoming immune to those antihistamines then let me tell you or let me aware you that it’s not true. You are may sensing such things because of not taking your medications properly which is essential for blocking those problems.
If you really want to block those problems and maintain a healthy immune system you should always consider taking antihistamine on a regular basis with your meal. The best way that you can take is to set a reminder to take medications regularly. In this way, you can keep your immune system healthy and become less irritated.
Bedroom off-limit and No dogs on the couch
We get it that you love sleeping with your cuddly-buddy in the bed but do you know – it is one of the major contributors to the problems that cause allergies. Look, a dog is always going to shed as it’s their thing, either in their own bed or on yours.
Plus, they will be sleeping in your bed, they are going to rub r scratch themselves to get rid of any itch, which can leave some danders right into your bed, where you will be putting your hand and face unconsciously, it will also allow those irritants to get right into your nose and eyes that can also make you feel miserable.
If you want to really prevent this kind of situation, you can consider teaching your dog to stay off your bed and couch. In this way, you can easily prevent any possible allergy from getting triggered. If you are really serious about it, you can also close the door of a bedroom to give some notion to your dog that it’s not the place where he can be roaming around.
Also, you should set some boundaries what is ok and what’s not and make them aware that they are not allowed on the couch every time.
Dogs that are less likely to trigger allergies

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.