Before you adopt any cat for you or for your family, there are lots of things that you need to take a quick look at and consider first, especially when there is someone in your home present who is allergic to animals.
Adopting an Oriental Shorthair Cats in your home can be very exciting and fun for you as well as for your family members but there are tons of factors that you need to learn about them before buying Oriental Shorthair Cats for yourself. The most important thing that comes to your mind is are Oriental Shorthair Cats hypoallergenic?
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Are Oriental Shorthair Cats Hypoallergenic?
Fortunately, yes, Oriental Shorthair Cats are considered a hypoallergenic cat breed but to keep their allergens at a minimum, you need to groom them perfectly by which we mean, you need to brush their coat frequently to keep them from shedding danders.
Recent researches and services done on Oriental Shorthair Cats owners, it has been observed that you can expect some frequent shedding or constant shedding during summers as well as winter.
Researchers are still trying their best to find a cat breed that is completely 100% hypoallergenic but unfortunately, all cat produces some kind of danders as well as protein that is believed to be allergic to sensitive people.
This protein is present in their urine and saliva. Apart from that, their dead skin which is also known as danders is very allergic to people who have an oversensitive immune system.
So, if you were here to know if Oriental Shorthair Cats are considered as hypoallergenic cat breed or not then congrats because now you know that they claim the title of the hypoallergenic cat breed.
Now, talking about the hypoallergenic cat breed, you need to know that there is no true hundred percent hypoallergenic cat breed present in the world.
However, they are one of those cat breeds that are considered to be perfect for people who have less serious allergies.
If you have any kind of serious allergies then you can also keep Oriental Shorthair Cats but you need to make sure that you learn some preventive measures that you can take to decrease any kind of possible allergy from getting triggered.
Unfortunately, every cat breed carries allergens that can irritate any people who have an oversensitive immune system. Now after knowing, they are a hypoallergenic cat breed, let’s know why they are considered a hypoallergenic cat breed.
What Makes A Oriental Shorthair Cats Hypoallergenic?

There are lots of things that you can take a look at on Oriental Shorthair Cats but the main cause of being considered Oriental Shorthair Cats as hypoallergenic cat breeds is their less shedding features.
Talking about the shedding, they often shed little to nothing and seem to keep their dander to a minimum. However, it still required good practice to groom your Oriental Shorthair Cats perfectly and frequently.
It is important to bathe them as well as brush them regularly. Apart from that, they are also considered as the hypoallergenic dog breed on the basis of thair less presence of Fel D1 protein that seems to be one of the major causes of allergies to people.
They do have Fel d1 protein present in the urine as well as saliva but most of the time, this protein doesn’t harm that much compared to another breed.
Now, after knowing why Oriental Shorthair Cats are considered a hypoallergenic cat breed, let’s know what a hypoallergenic breed really means.
The simple word hypoallergenic animal stands for or means that the animal or pet that you are going to keep in your home is not going to cause any kind of harm or allergy or irritants to anyone around it.
Most of the time, it has been observed that hypoallergenic cat breed often shed little to nothing at all just like Oriental Shorthair Cats.
It can be understandable that the cats who doesn’t shed too much will likely have fever danders compared to another breed. However, it has been observed in Oriental Shorthair Cats tend to have more saliva allergens than danders allergic.
There are lots of advantages of having a hypoallergenic cat breed at your home like you or the one who is suffering from allergic to cat doesn’t need to take any kind of precaution on medication to keep it around which makes it very easy for you to maintain your cat.
However, Due to the high presence of saliva allergens, you need to keep your cat a little bit Cleaner, as well as you, need to teach your cat to keep their tongue to themselves.
But let me ask you a simple question and do you really believe that hypoallergenic cats exist?
If you do then let me tell you something, thair is no 100% hypoallergenic cat breed that has been found till yet in this world.
If you even think that your cat is going to shed little to nothing, you need to understand that it requires lots of effort and grooming to keep them stay what they are and to keep them stay hypoallergenic.
Apart from that, you may think that the most common cause of a cat is thair urine and hair but in the case of Oriental Shorthair Cats, The Saliva seems to be the major cause because, in their saliva, the presence of Fel d1 protein can really irritate you.
Do you know? Almost 10% of the United States population is allergic to animals and you are not alone.
So it is very important for you to take a look at your family member or check nearby around your house if there is somebody present around who is allergic to animals or not.
If you find anybody suffering from allergy then let me tell you, it can be very concerning and can be pretty much difficult for you to maintain his / her allergy because most of the cats seem to carry some allergens with them doesn’t matter if it’s dander allergens or saliva allergens.
Apart from that, bad grooming can also increase danders forming on your Oriental Shorthair Cats coat and it can really spread all over your home, you can also find it on your cloth and on your couch.
However, when you take a look at an Oriental Shorthair Cats coat, you can notice that they come with a single layer coat in its body that has short to medium size hair underneath.
So, even they come with a coat that has a different pattern, your cat has the tendency to Trigger some kind of allergy in some time. They are only considered as hypoallergenic cat breed on the basis of their fewer danders forming and the feature of keeping their allergens to themselves.
Usually, in the CAT coat, you can find two different types of coat, a single coat, and a double-layered coat. Any kind of cad breed that comes with a double coat in its body tends to shed in the summer season but if a cat comes with a single coat, they are less likely to shed.
In the shedding season, you might expect them to shed some hair because every cat breed needs to make some room for the new hair growth in which their old hair will subsequently fall and can leave some danders behind.
Fortunately, this cat breed is considered hypoallergenic and doesn’t shed as much as another cat breed but it doesn’t mean that they are completely void of danders and shedding.
They are going to produce some danders at least in the shedding season by which we mean in the season they need to layer up so that they can prepare themselves in order to regulate their body temperature according to the seasonal changes.
Every single cat breed is known to provoke some kind of allergies in sensitive people.
If you are allergic to cats or have any kind of sensitive immune system in our body or in your family then and even they are considered as hypoallergenic cat breed, there are lots of things that you need to learn so that you can easily control their allergens as well as shedding and their danders forming so that they won’t cause any kind of allergies
Oriental Shorthair Cats Shed, How Much?

Every single cat breed feline breed needs to shed sometime, some will shed more while some will shed less. When you look at the Oriental Shorthair Cats coat, you can easily notice their hair length and you will understand that they are not going to shed as much as another cat breed or as much as you or one would think.
But, They do have a tendency to produce some Fel d1 protein just like other cats which means, they still have some allergens in their body that can irritate you or anyone who suffers from an allergy.
Maybe you may find them considered as a hypoallergenic cat breed on another website, after doing hours of our research from our end, I learned that they are not completely void of shedding and dander.
That is why we would consider you to learn some more things about them and my only goal is to make you aware of what you can expect from an Oriental Shorthair Cats so that you can understand if an Oriental Shorthair Cats is going to be a good option for you or not.
However, they are definitely going to lose some hair at some point like while they will be playing around or stretching themself all day long to get rid of any kind of itch.-W
e all know that their hair needs to grow continuously so that it can replace the old one in which the old hair is going to subsequently fall out right on the floor and can get stuck on any corner of your house.
With the growing age, every single cat needs to grow some hair at it is going to replace the old one as it is a simple cycle that is going to happen continuously throughout your Oriental Shorthair Cats lifetime.
With age, you will notice your cat shedding more as they need to make their coat thinner. Apart from that, when a cat is young, it has been noticed that they feel very energetic and you can find them running around and rubbing themselves against things.
Plus, you will also notice a young cat licking themselves which is a good thing because they can easily groom themselves which can indirectly help you in keeping their hair and danders at a minimum.
But when they become old, they don’t have that kind of energy or flexibility to lick their body, so here comes your role where you will need to groom them perfectly.
In conclusion what we learn they are definitely going to shed as it is part of their life cycle so that they can make some new room for new hair growth at some point.
However, if you leave any kind of high-temperature place where the temperature is always higher than you might expect to see some constant shedding with your feline then he or she should have.
Apart from that, as I told you, they are still considered a hypoallergenic cat breed, so, if you notice any kind of excessive shedding or you think that your cat is shedding more than usual like a lot, then there is definitely something wrong with your cat-like excessive shedding is always considered as a health problem.
Again, I repeat your cat shouldn’t shed much. if there is one thing that you need to look always in your cat then it is excessive shedding.
There are lots of things that can contribute to the extreme amount of shedding of their hair like poor diet, the wrong method of grooming, or your Oriental Shorthair Cats is already suffering from some kind of allergy or infection.
Excessive shedding is always considered a common health problem in cats and it can also get worse if not treated early.
Here’s What Contributes To People’s Allergies

I don’t need to tell you that your Oriental Shorthair Cats also have the tendency to cause you some allergy at some point if you don’t keep them perfectly groom as well as healthy. Most people suffer from allergies to their urine, saliva, danders, and hair.
All single cat breed produce some kind of protein that is believed to be the major allergen for allergies. There are lots of things that can contribute to people’s allergy but here we are going to discuss four of the major causes that come from a cat that can Trigger your allergy.
According to the recent research and survey done in the United States with the Oriental Shorthair Cats owner, the biggest thing that causes constantly triggering people’s allergies is their urine and saliva.
Fel D1 protein is really harmful to people who have an oversensitive immune system. You can expect the same from your Oriental Shorthair Cats.
Your Oriental Shorthair Cats will have fel 1 protein in her saliva as well as in her Urine and that is why you will need to teach them some important Habits that can lessen the possibility of getting any kind of allergies triggered.
Usually, most of the time, dander comes in contact with people whenever the cat scratches itself against anything to itch itself as it spreads small tiny particles into the air which are known as danders that have the potential to bother people’s allergies.
If you have an oversensitive immune system or you think that you suffer from an allergic to a cat then don’t be worried because from here I am going to share some tips that can help you in keeping them stay healthy.
Plus, the best part of having an Oriental Shorthair Cats is that there are lots of several owners that claim that they are allergic to cats but haven’t yet manifest any kind of allergic reaction to Oriental Shorthair Cats.
Now, let’s learn some tips that can help you and your family with allergies
Tips For Families With Allergies

Even you know that Oriental Shorthair Cats is considered a hypoallergenic cat breed, there are some tips that can really help you in making them stay hypoallergenic.
These tips are also going to help you in preventing too many danders and shedding them from getting speed around your house.
If you really want to adopt an Oriental Shorthair Cats in your home and want to enjoy your life with your Oriental Shorthair Cats then these are the tips that can really help you as well as your family members.
Even people say that cat doesn’t need as much as grooming than dogs, I recommend you to keep them perfectly groom because most of them are in need of perfect grooming.
Most people are not aware of the effectiveness of proper grooming that can make a huge difference in how their’s can allergies react to Oriental Shorthair Cats.
Proper and effective grooming can make a huge difference in preventing too many danders from getting stuck around your house and on your cloth.
After researching, we learn that there are two most important factors of perfect grooming and it can really make a huge difference in keeping the danders to a minimum.
Those two factors are brushing coats daily as well as bathing them perfectly. So, let’s learn how to brush your Oriental Shorthair Cats coat.
How To Brush Your Oriental Shorthair Cats Coat?
The first thing that you need to understand is that there are lots of brushes that can be ideal for other cats but let me tell you it is very important to know the ideal brush that can perfectly suit your Oriental Shorthair Cats.
Let me tell you, people often use the wrong kind of Brush on their cats’ Coat that can really irritate your cat as well as can make them feel pain.
This is the brush that I would recommend you to use because it can really help you in keeping their coat healthy as well as keeping that danders forming at a minimum.
Now, after knowing the brush, you need to understand that you need to brush your cat coat frequently like three times a week. If you have free time then we would also recommend you because it will be the best solution if you brush their coat daily.
However, 3 times a week is enough. apart from that, you need to understand that whenever someone brushes their cat coat against their hair growth, it becomes very painful for their cat.
That is why I would recommend you brush your cat coat in the direction of the hair growth as it will be less painful for your cat.
How To Bath Your Oriental Shorthair Cats?
I hope that I don’t need to tell you that you shouldn’t bathe your Oriental Shorthair Cats too often because it can make their skin irritated and make them look unnatural.
Plus, when you bathe your Oriental Shorthair Cats more than once a month, it makes skin dry. Dry skin is going to promote more than dander forming on the skin which is not good for any people.
In order to keep their dander forming to a minimum and to ensure that their all loose dead hair gets washed away with the water, you need to bathe them perfectly. The frequency of the bath should be once a month or every 6 weeks.
Adding to that, you should always use a good quality of natural shampoos that is ideal for your cat. A natural cat shampoo is going to make sure that all the loose dead hair, as well as danders, get wash away with the water and keep their skin moisturized after the bath every time.
So, there are some shampoos that we would recommend you to use with bathing. You should always bath with these shampoos because these are the perfect shampoos that are going to suits your Oriental Shorthair Cats need. This shampoo is going to keep your Oriental Shorthair Cat’s skin healthy.
Recommended shampoo
Oriental Shorthair Cats Diet
Now, we all know how much it is important to keep your Oriental Shorthair Cats diet perfectly. If you don’t know what is a perfect diet routine for your Oriental Shorthair Cats that can help this skin make healthy then and don’t be worried because I am going to clear your doubts.
Let’s start with the first thing that you need to understand that you should always avoid Cheap food.
Why? Actually, whenever you buy cheap food, it has been observed that all the Cheap food that is available in the market does have the nutrition but doesn’t have the right balance of nutrition that is necessary for your Oriental Shorthair Cats.
You should always consider feeding your Oriental Shorthair Cats with a high quality of food because high-quality food always has high-quality ingredients.
Apart from that, you should always make sure that you are feeding your cat with high-quality food that has some fish ingredients in it.
Fish ingredients are going to make sure your Oriental Shorthair Cats skin is always healthy. Healthy skin is going to ensure that their danders forming at a minimum.
Here is some recommended food that we recommend you to feed your cat because they are very tasty for your cat as well as contain high-quality fishy ingredients that will help them make their skin more healthy, Shiny, as well as perfect.
Wash Your Hand After You Are Done Spending Time With Your Oriental Shorthair Cats
I don’t need to tell you that you should always wash your hand properly whenever you are done handling your cat or spending time with your cat.
If you avoid a proper hand wash, then let me tell you that their small tiny dander can get stuck right into your palm through which you will be touching your nose, eyes, mouth, and other parts of the body unconsciously allowing those irritants to get right into the places where it shouldn’t be and it can make you feel miserable.
So, if you really want to avoid this kind of situation then it is highly recommended to you wash your hand properly with the good hand wash
Final Thoughts
Oriental Shorthair Cats is always considered as a hypoallergenic cat breed because on the basis of their fewer danders forming and having the ability to carry less allergen.
They are less likely to trigger any kind of allergy but these tips are very helpful in making them stay hypoallergenic. If you are feeding the wrong kind of food to your cat then the shedding is going to be heavier and danders forming will be much more than expected.
Apart from that, bad grooming can also promote more danders forming. Bath them with the natural shampoo and feed them with the proper diet routine that is going to fulfill their all nutritional needs.
I hope that I managed to give you some valuable information through this post and if I did then do Share Our Post as it is going to encourage us to write more about them so that we can help you without getting demotivated.
Our only intention is to help you a little bit because helping people is like getting blessings from God.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.