Having a Pitbull in your home as a pet can be very fun and exciting for you as well as for your family members. However, there are tons of factors that one needs to consider before they decide which one fits their family needs and their needs.

Are Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?
If you or anybody have allergy in the family then it is very concerning and obvious to know if a Pitbull is going to be a hypoallergenic or not. Are Pitbulls hypoallergenic?
Post Contents
- Is Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?
- Why Pitbulls Are Not Considered As Hypoallergenic?
- Pitbull Shed, How Much?
- Here’s What Contributes To People Allergy
- How To Avoid Allergy From Being Triggered By Pitbull?
- Pitbull’s Diet
- Supplements
- Medications
- Dogs That Are Less Likely To Trigger Any Kind Of Allergic To Anyone.
- Dogs That Are Also Non-Hypoallergenic Dog Breed
Is Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?
No, Pitbulls are not considered to be a hypoallergenic dog breed because they do shed their coat & hairs twice a year. Regular Brushing and Proper Caring is required to keep it at minimum
You can manage it if you learn a proper routing method that is ideal to keep their shedding at a minimum.
If you were here to know if Pitbull is going to shed or not then congrats because you now already know that they are not a hypoallergenic dog breed.
However, if you want to learn about their shedding, dandruff, dandruff, and many other things that can trigger any possible allergies in you or anybody then go through the whole article.
In this article, I have discussed some preventive measures that you can take to decrease any chances of possible allergy from being triggered by your Pitbull.
In this article, you will learn about your Pitbull shedding time, then the frequency, and irritants that can trigger your allergies. We will also get to know some tips that can help you in keeping those then does and their shedding at a minimum.
So, Here is what you need to know.
Why Pitbulls Are Not Considered As Hypoallergenic?

Are Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?
Before I tell you why Pitbulls don’t doesn’t name the title of hypoallergenic dog breed, you will need to know what exactly the hypoallergenic stand for.
The word hypoallergenic simply means that the animal that you are going to keep in your home as a pet is not going to cause any possible allergy to anyone around it.
But, often it has been observed that hypoallergenic dog breed does shed but they shed almost little to nothing at all.
So this means every single dog breed that sheds little to nothing is considered as hypoallergenic dog breed because they will not have as much as danders compared to another large dog breed that can cause any possible irritants for those who are allergy to dogs.
You can think or put yourself by thinking that there are many advantages of keeping a hypoallergenic dog at home like you or the one with the allergy doesn’t need to take any medications or any precautions to keep it around, which will subsequently make it easier for the owner to maintain their pet.
But, the question that I need to ask you, have you ever wondered or question yourself that is there any breed that is a hundred percent hypoallergenic?
If you have then let me tell you the straight answer no. Unfortunately, there is no such breed or thing that is a hundred percent hypoallergenic in this world. Why?
Well, often, it has been observed that two major causes of allergies from a pet are dander and saliva. Most of the people living in the United States tend to get affected by their danders and saliva.
Most of the people would think that the only cause of allergy getting triggered from a pet is their urine and their hair but in the case of Pitbull, it’s not just the urine or hair that is going to cause allergies.
In Pitbull breed, danders and saliva are the two major irritants and are enough to make you feel miserable. of course, you can easily get irritated from their hair, urine, and other things but most of the time it has been observed that these two causes the major issues that can also get worse if not treated properly.
Do you know? Almost 10% of the United States population is allergic to dogs. So it is very crucial to double-check if there is somebody around in your house who has an allergy from a dog.
If you are really going to keep a Pitbull in your home then you should always for your family if they are suffering from any allergies.
If you find one then it would be very difficult to manage for you to control his/her allergy because most of the dog tends to shed and leaves some danders spread all over the floor/home or on their bed.
But in the case of Pitbull, they have medium size hair which seems to shed quite heavily but they are not going to shed heavily every single day. Plus, you can also keep their danders forming at a minimum if you learn the preventive measures that you can take to keep it minimum.
So, if you are thinking that hypoallergenic dog breed is going to be completely hypoallergenic then you are wrong because so-called dog breeds that claim the title of hypoallergenic are not entirely void of danders and shedding.
They are only referred to as a hypoallergenic dog breed because their coat tends to shed less and doesn’t have the same reactions compared to a dog who sheds frequently and aggressively.
Talking about the dog coat commonly, there are two types of coat that you can find in most dog breeds, a single coat, and a double-layered coat.
Dogs that come with a single coat will have less hair and that is why they will need to shed less but on the other hand the dogs that come with the double coat in their body, they will need to shed more frequently and aggressively because they will need to regulate their body temperature according to the seasonal changes.
If you are trying or considering stopping their shedding completely then it is not worth it.
You may end up causing more problems for your dog because you can’t stop your dog completely from shedding as it is a normal life cycle process that happens throughout your dog lifetime.
Apart from that, you may think that shaving is a good option but let me tell you you may end up causing huge a problem for your dog because they will not have any kind of protection from the outer element in the cold days and in the hot summer.
They can easily get heated by the sunlight and get insulated by the cold. So, you will need to avoid considering any kind of shaving their coat.
Pitbull Shed, How Much?
As I told You previously every single dog breed needs to shed sometimes. However, some will shed more compared to the some that shed less.
Just by looking at the coat of a Pitbull you can understand that they tend to develop a medium-size coat in its body. So, your Pitbulls is going to shed but not as much as one would think like Siberian Husky.
They come with a double coat in their body and they will definitely have some hair to lose. You will notice them shedding some dead loose hair depending upon the season, temperature, and other factors.
We all are aware that all kinds of dog hair continuously grows and replaces the old one in which the old hair is going to be subsequently fall out. Apart from that, Another thing that is quite noticeable in your Pitbull is their age.
As soon as your dog becomes old new hair will definitely grow to replace the old ones and it’s a simple cycle that is going happen throughout his lifetime.
With ages, all old dogs need to shed more so that their coat can become thinner as older dogs don’t have as much energy and stamina compared to the young dogs.
On the other hand, when the dogs are young, they tend to be very energetic and at that moment, you will notice them scratching themselves playing around or getting themselves rubbed against things to get rid of the itch.
However, when the dogs are young, they can easily lick themselves and keep their danders to a minimum as well as can distribute all their natural oils to their rest part of the body.
Just to make aware, if you live in a place where the temperature is always hot then you might notice your Pitbull shedding quite heavily in the Summertime.
Apart from that, if you live in a place where the temperature always fluctuates or season changes frequently then it is quite normal to notice Pitbull shedding 2 times a year quite heavily.
Apart from that, if you notice them shedding a lot which means excessive shedding that there is definitely something wrong with your buddy which needs to be heightened.
They could catch a health problem that is caused by excessive shedding in your dog. You need to treat it well. Excessive shedding is a health problem that is very common in dog breeds and you can control it if you feed them with proper diet routine as well as keep them in perfect grooming.
We will discuss the dietary part and the grooming part later in this article in which you will get to know what are the essential elements that play a key role in grooming and that routine in keeping them healthy as well as keeping their dander forming at minimum.
But before that, let’s know what contributes to People’s allergy.
Here’s What Contributes To People Allergy

Are Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?
When we talk about the contribution, there are lots of things which I mean there are tons of things that can really contribute people allergy but here we are only going to discuss the two major irritants that come from a dog-specially from a Pitbull.
Adding to that, according to the recent research done in the United States survey and Research, the two of the biggest cause that seems to Trigger people’s allergies in 2019 are their saliva and danders.
Yes, there other things that can contribute towards one’s allergy but in the case of the Pitbull, they tend to have few saliva allergens then dander allergens.
Normally, you will notice danders falling out from your Pitbull whenever they scratch themselves against the thing to itch themselves. It is quite normal to notice a dog scratch themselves against anything.
Whenever they do this, it spreads small tiny little particles which is also a dead skin / danders into the air that can really Trigger peoples allergy.
People who suffer from an allergy to animals tend to have an over-sensitive immune system. Danders is alone enough to make them feel miserable and contribute to their allergy and infection.
Some people can easily get infected by their urine, hair, and saliva but danders are the major issue. Now, I am going to give you some ideas on how you can avoid allergies from being triggered by your Pitbull.
How To Avoid Allergy From Being Triggered By Pitbull?

Are Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?
After learning why and how Pitbulls are conshedered as not being a hypoallergenic dog, it is necessary to learn some tips that can really help you out in preventing too much danders forming and shedding from getting spread around your house.
It is very important and can play an important role for you and your family if you really want to enjoy your life with your Pitbull. If you want to prevent too much shedding then these tips can come very handy.
Pitbull’s Grooming
When we talk about the grooming, you may think that grooming is not going to be very important for your dog and does not has anything related to terms of keeping danders to a minimum but let me tell you it can really help you in preventing too much danders from getting spread around your house.
Proper and effective grooming can make a huge difference in how people allergic get triggered. Many peoples living in the United States are not aware of the effectiveness of proper grooming but don’t think that it is not as much as necessary as other parts.
There are two important factors of grooming that can really help you in preventing those danders from getting spread or from getting to a maximum level in dogs.
One is brushing their coat and the other one is bathing them. Now let’s discuss their brushing and bathing part.
How To Brush Your Pitbull Coat?
I don’t need to tell you that you should brush your dog coat every single day and whenever you get the time you should always practice a proper grooming method on your dog.
Adding to that, many people seem to use the wrong kind of Brush on their dog coat. Let me tell you that a dog that has a single-layered coat in its body needs a pin brush.
On the other hand, the dog that comes with the double coat in its body needs a slicker brush. So, being a double-coated dog breed. Pitbull will need a slicker brush for sure.
If you don’t have a good quality of slicker Brush in your home then I would recommend you invest in a good quality of slicker Brush. Here is our recommendation as it is the best slicker brush that you can find online.
The reviews are too great and let me tell you that you will be amazed by seeing how much a little brush can make a huge difference in keeping that danders forming to a minimum.
Best Slicker Bristle Brush | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush | It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish. | View on Amazon |
Adding to that, you must remember that you should brush your dog coat in the direction of their hair growth otherwise it would be much painful for your dog.
Moving forward, in the shedding season, you will need to use a good De-shedding De-Shedding Tool that can help you out in pulling out all the excessive loose dead hairs that shed in the season.
If you don’t have a good De-Shedding Tool that let me tell you that it is a highly recommended to invest in a De-Shedding Tool for Pitbull because when the season arrives, your Pitbull is going to shed heavily and if you don’t control it properly, you can experience some constant danders getting stuck on your cloth, on your bed, and other places.
This is the De-Shedding Tool which I am talking about and it’s a furminator De-Shedding Tool which helps you out in pulling out all the excess that loose hair in few minutes.
This De-Shedding Tool comes very handy to any dog owner and lets me tell you that by using this De-Shedding Tool, you will be amazed by seeing many dead hairs actually come out and it will help you out in lessening your effort and work.
Best De-shedding Tool | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
FURminator Undercoat Deshedding Tool | It can help you in de-shedding their most loose hairs in minutes and lessen your efforts and work. | View on Amazon |
Apart from that, this De-Shedding Tool is also reliable, durable, and easy to use. It also feels nice to hold and if you want to keep them from shedding too much danders and excessive hair in the shedding season which is Spring and autumn then make sure you take a look at this product.
Now let’s move forward and dog about their bathing.
How To Bath Your Pitbulls?
When I was a first-time dog owner I used to think that whenever we bath our Dog makes clean. It also helps them in keeping shedding at a minimum and prevents too many danders from spreading in my home as the loose hair and the danders will be washed away with the water but it was the opposite.
Actually, whenever we bath a dog too often, it makes their skin dry. It is the thing that I learned after a few months after Consulting my veterinarian. You should never bath your Pitbull more than once a month as it will make their skin dry and unnatural.
Their natural oil tends to get washed away with the water. Adding to that, dry skin also promotes more dander forming on the skin which is not a good thing for any family who has allergies.
You should always bath your Pitbull once a month or every 6 weeks and always keep in mind that you use a proper good Natural Shampoo that is specially made for dogs that is not hypoallergenic.
Here is some recommendation on proper Natural Shampoo that is going to help you out in getting rid of any kind of excessive danders, irritants, allergens and hairs that need to be pulled out and washed away.
This shampoo also makes sure that their natural oil isn’t going to wash away with the water and also keeps your Pitbull body moisturizer all the time.
Pitbull’s Diet
Diet also plays an important role not in only keeping them healthy but also keeping their dander forming and shedding at a minimum.
You should always make sure that you are feeding your dog with the right nutrition because it can help their skin look healthy as well as shiny. Let me tell you, bad quality of food contains grain which is harmful to dogs.
If you are feeding bad quality of food that doesn’t have the right balance of Nutrition then we would recommend you stop it because you should always look for the food that has the right balance of Nutrition.
It has been observed many times that the bad quality of food does have the nutrition but doesn’t have the right balance of it and that is why your Pitbull never gonna make it to the healthiness goals.
There are only a few foods that do have the right balance of Nutrition that can help you out in keeping your Pitbull skin as well as coat healthy and Shiny.
Here is some examples of proper dog food that is way too much better for your Pitbull compared to other dog foods.
These dog foods have been tested over thousands of Pitbull and have been proven in keeping their skin healthy which indirectly helps you in keeping the shedding as well as dander forming at minimum. These foods are also very tasty and have been reviewed quite well.
Most people seem to ignore the use of supplements because they don’t know that the power of supplement supplements can make a huge difference in keeping those danders forming to a minimum.
Let me tell you that a supplement is not going to completely stop them from shedding danders but it can help them in keeping their dander forming to a minimum.
A good supplement that helps in making their skin & coat healthy is the Omega. You should always look for the supplement Omega and fatty acids.
Apart from that, you also need to remember that the Omega supplement which you are feeding has been made from a wild fish rather than farmed pond fish.
Adding to that, you can also add other supplements that contain fish ingredients as fish is very healthy for your dog’s coat & skin. Avoid feeding your Pitbull with any kind of grain supplements or food as it is harmful to dogs.
Wash Your Hand After Petting Your Pitbull
You may think that it is it necessary as much as washing your hands after leaving the bathroom but let me tell you when you ignore a proper hand wash after you are done playing with your Pitbull or handling them, you unconsciously encourage the danders to get the places nearby where it shouldn’t be.
Whenever you touch your Pitbull that tiny little particles which is dander often get stuck on your palm through which you will be touching your nose. eyes, hair, face, and other parts.
It can make you feel miserable and to get rid of those feeling you might have to take a bath. That is why would recommend you wash your hand properly after you are done playing with your dog.
Whenever you pet your dog, just remember that you need to wash your hand with a good hand wash. We are not saying that you shouldn’t spend time with your Pitbull but ignoring a proper hand wash can increase the chances for danders to create more problems for you.
It can also give some contribution to any ongoing problems in you or your family members.
Containing Pitbull’s Hair
I hope that it sounds obvious and meaningful because when you just contain their hair in one place, you can easily clean it up. The best place to contain their hair is the place where your Pitbull would be sleeping.
It has been noticed that when a dog sleeps, lots of shedding takes place because of getting scratched or rubbed themself during the sleep. If you contain their hair in the bed or in the sleeping space, you can clean it up in every early morning.
If you ignore containing their hair then you can find their hairs on the couch, on your bed, on your dress, in the bathroom, on the floor, and even in the food sometimes.
So, the best thing that you can do is just to contain their hair at one spot to prevent some allergy from getting triggered. You should always train your dog where they can find their bed whenever they want to take a nap.
Whenever they will be sleeping, they will know where to go. you can associate that place with the sleeping place to your dog and you can give the notion that its the place where they should be sleeping at night.
You are very lucky because you can easily find dozens of medications out in the public that can help you in lessening the problems of one who has allergic to animals.
These medications can help you in lessening the problems that are caused by General pet dander, urine, saliva, and hair. There are lots of over-the-counter antihistamines that you can find it easily on your local Walmart store.
If you just want to buy it that you can visit your nearby local Walmart or Walgreens store and purchase that antihistamine just by walking into the allergy aisle.
(Some Common Over The Counter Antihistamines) |
Loratadine |
Fexofenadine |
Diphenhydramine |
Brompheniramine |
Chlorpheniramine |
Cetirizine |
Do you know? Histamines are what that causes the major problem to those peoples who have an oversensitive immune system. By taking this antihistamine, you will block those histamines that is causing you problems or can cause you problems in the future.
This antihistamine can come in various forms like spray liquid, pills, and even in the form of eye drop. After using this kind of medication, most people seem to experience becoming immune to that antihistamine but let me tell you that it is not true.
The main reason behind those kinds of senses can be not taking your medications properly which is really essential for blocking this problem.
The antihistamine can really help you in keeping your immune system healthy and make them become less irritated. You should always set a reminder to take your medications properly and regularly
Bedroom Off-Limit And No Dogs On The Couch
I get it that you want to sleep with your buddy and send some cuddly time but let me tell you it is not good for you if you are the one who suffers from allergies.
Whenever you sleep or invite your dog into your bed, you invite their danders as well. Being a dog, your Pitbull is always going to shed as it’s their natural thing and it doesn’t matter if they shed in their own bed or on yours.
They will be sleeping in the bed and going to rub or scratch themselves to get rid of any kind itch, resulting in danders getting fallout in your bed where you will be putting your hand and face unconsciously.
It is going to allow those irritants to get right into your nose and eyes and it can make you feel miserable and irritated. If you want to prevent this kind of situation then we would recommend you put some bedroom off-limit rule.
You should always consider teaching your Pitbull to stay off your couch and bed. It is the best possible way to prevent any kind of allergen from getting stuck right into your bed or on the couch where you will be spending most of your free time.
If you are really serious about it then you can also close the door of your bedroom as it is going to give some kind of notion to your dog that it’s not the place where he should be where he can be roaming around.
The same applies to the kitchen area also. You should always set some boundaries for your dog and make them aware of what is ok and what’s not. Make them aware that they are not allowed on the couch every time.
Vacuum Your Home Every Day
I hope that it sounds very obvious because you should vacuum your home every single day if you get a dog in your home. It doesn’t matter if it’s a hypoallergenic dog breed or non-hypoallergenic.
You should always vacuum your home is regularly. In this way, you can clean all the tiny little particles and hairs that often get fall out of your dog.
We would recommend you use a good quality of vacuum cleaner and if you don’t have one then here is the product that can help you out in sucking up all the tiny little particles that can make you feel miserable.
Dogs That Are Less Likely To Trigger Any Kind Of Allergic To Anyone.
Dogs That Are Also Non-Hypoallergenic Dog Breed
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94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.