Are you considering to pet a Rattlesnake in your home? If you are then it is very important to consult a professional before you do this. You should never adopt a Rattlesnake as a pet if you don’t have enough knowledge of the species and have adequate space.

Apart from that, it is also very important to know if Rattlesnake is going to bite you or not, it is very obvious to ask are rattlesnakes poisonous
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Are rattlesnakes poisonous?

Yes, rattlesnakes poisonous and its venom can even be life-threatening. If you get a bite from Rattlesnake then it is very important to get the medical support help. It can be fatal but it rarely happens.
If someone gets a bite from a Rattlesnake, then it is very important to treat the victim’s bite area properly.
Rattlesnake Venom contains very harmful toxic elements that can cause severe medical problems and it can also be life-threatening.
I told you, rattlesnakes are poisonous, so it is very recommended to consult a good professional before you adopt a Rattlesnake in your home.
Apart from that, you should have enough knowledge about them and also be prepared for situations in which a person can be a victim of a rattlesnake bite. You must know how to treat the bite as well as how you can prevent the bite from a Rattlesnake.
It is also very important to know what to do if you or anyone gets bitten by Rattlesnake.
We did hours and hours of research on rattlesnakes just to know if they can be fatal to humans or not.
We found that it can be dangerous to pet a Rattlesnake and it also requires extra care and attention to keep them in an enclosure.
Rattlesnake is not an ideal pet for first-time pet snake owners as it requires special attention, care, and knowledge to take care.
However, there are many peoples out there who wish to keep a Rattlesnake in their home as a pet.
In this guide, I am going to tell you all the things that you need to know about rattlesnakes as poisonous/venomous snakes.
Along with that, you are also going to know some space of information about how you can prevent a bite from a Rattlesnake and how you can lessen the possibility of venom getting spread after the initial bite.
In this guide, you will learn a lot of things that every pet snake owner should know if they pet a venomous snake-like Rattlesnake.
It is also very crucial to know the Symptoms and Signs of rattlesnakes bite so that you can identify the bite quickly and can take preventive measures to stop the Venom from being aggressively spread.
Other Snakes ? That Makes Good Pet (Click to know if they are venomous or not)
White Snakes | Northern Water Snakes | Hognose Snakes |
Black Racer Snakes | Grass Snakes | Black Rat Snakes |
Rattlesnakes | Bull Snakes | Eastern Hognose Snakes |
Green Snakes | Ringneck Snakes | Kingsnakes |
What to do if a Rattlesnake bites someone?
Most of the time, it has been seen that the people living in Arizona never came across Rattlesnake for their entire life but this doesn’t mean that nobody will ever face search situations.
if a person is very unlucky then he can be a victim of a rattlesnake bite. if you get a bite from a venomous snake like the rattlesnakes then you must seek medical support and professional that can help you out immediately.
There are a few points that I can help you understand what to do if a snake bites you.
- If a snake bites a person or if someone becomes a victim of a Rattlesnake bite then the first thing that he or the second person should do is to call Medical support or to get him to the nearby hospital as soon as possible.
- The victim should not move his muscles too much, make sure that the victim is not doing too much muscle activities as it can increase the chances of venom getting sprayed aggressively.
- Don’t give any kind of medications without consulting a professional and never suck out the Venom through your mouth as it can be life-threatening for both persons.
- Don’t panic and keep yourself calm and focused so that your heart rate remains even. if the heart rate increases, the blood is going to run faster through the victim’s veins and will allow the Venom to spread more aggressively.
- Do not use any kind of tourniquet
- Keep the victim still as much as possible and don’t ever try to tie or wrap the Limb area or the bite area. you must keep the blood flow even.
- Keep the victim in a position that would not make the blood flow either down or up.
What are the common Symptoms and Signs of a Rattlesnake bite?

The most common sign that you should look for if you get bitten by a Rattlesnake is one or two puncture marks.
Whenever a person gets a bite from a Rattlesnake fang, it leaves puncture marks on the bitten area. It is very obvious to experience some kind of tingling or burning in the bitten area. You will also experience some pain as well.
The common symptoms of a Rattlesnake bite are as follow
- Excessive sweating
- Excessive salivating
- Excessive swelling
- Discoloration
- Bruising
- Weakness
- Numbness in the Limbs or face
- Blurred vision
- Difficulty in breathing
- Lightheadedness
There are lots of other symptoms as well as a Rattlesnake bite but these symptoms are the most common ones that a victim can experience.
After knowing the symptoms, there is still some question that remains unanswered that needs to be answered like how to treat a rattlesnake bite?
And more importantly how you can avoid rattlesnakes bite ?. So, let’s begin with the first one how to treat a rattlesnake bite?
How To Treat a Rattlesnake Bite?

If someone becomes a victim of a Rattlesnake bite, then the first thing that you should look for is medical assistance. You must seek professional medical support as soon as possible. The first thing to do is to call for an ambulance if you are able to.
If someone or even you get a bite from Rattlesnake then it is worthless if you waste your time to catch the snake but it will be very important for you to remember its color and size.
As soon as you get a bite from a snake doesn’t matter if its Rattlesnake or another one, you should always remember the color and size of the snake, so that the medical professional team can identify which species it was that beat and give you the proper medications.
If you are unable to call the ambulance or the ambulance is on the way then there is few do’s and don’ts to minimize the risk.
- Don’t raise the bitten area above the heart level as the Venom can spread much quicker than it should be and can also reach your heart more quickly.
- Don’t tie the limb or bitten area as it will cut off the blood flow and can result in the loss of limbs.
- Don’t panic or scream as it will increase your heart rate.
- Don’t wash the wound area if you get bitten from the venomous snake as the medical team needs to identify the species of snake that bite you so that they can quickly get the correct anti-venin.
- Don’t try to suck out the venom through your mouth as you can invite the bacteria to get right into your stomach and that can increase the possibility of disease and also it can be life-threatening.
- Don’t apply ice or water until the medical support reaches.
- Do not cut the wound or its surrounding area as it isn’t going to help you but it can increase the chances of infection more.
- If you feel any sign of shock then try to lie down on your back and raise your feet slightly. Keep yourself warm.
- If the bitten area is bleeding then let the blood bleed as it can allow some of the venom to be released with the blood.
- Keep yourself calm and relaxed
- Remove all the tight clothing and jewelry as soon as you get the bite.
- Keep your body still and especially the area where the rattlesnake gives you the bite. Any kind of movement is going to worsen the effect and will also increase the blood flow allowing the venom circulate faster
- Place a clean bandage on the wound if you have one
- Make sure that you are breathing heavily until the medical support helps you out.
These are some do’s and don’ts of Rattlesnake bite that you must know if you enter a snake Territory or if you are going to pet a Rattlesnake in your home. Apart from that, there are some myths about treating snakes bite. let’s know them.
Other Snakes ? That Makes Good Pet (Click to know if they are venomous or not)
White Snakes | Northern Water Snakes | Hognose Snakes |
Black Racer Snakes | Grass Snakes | Black Rat Snakes |
Rattlesnakes | Bull Snakes | Eastern Hognose Snakes |
Green Snakes | Ringneck Snakes | Kingsnakes |
Common Means About Treating Venomous Snakes Bite
It doesn’t matter if the bite is from a poisonous snake or not if you are following the wrong guidance.
There are lots of common myths about treating a venomous snake bite and we blindly believe that it’s true. These myths are only misconceptions of people that need to be stopped practicing and recommending
There are 7 common methods that need to stop practicing and you should also make sure that you avoid this kind of tips.
- You should never suck out the venom through your mouth, even a senior citizen tells you to do that because the Venom bacterias can get right into your stomach through the mouth, it can cause your disease and that will be life-threatening for sure.
- Never use any kind of pump suction device as most of the time it has been seen that this kind of device does more harm than good. Don’t use a pump suction device even they are meant to be used for pumping out the Snake venom.
- Avoid Using any kind of cold compression or applying ice on the wound and its surrounding area
- Don’t Cut out Or into the snake bite Area.
- Don’t take any kind of medication without consulting a professional. You should only take medications If they are directed by a professional doctor.
- Don’t do any kind of muscle activity after getting a bite from Rattlesnake. Too much movement will increase the Blood flow And the Venom will circulate faster.
- Don’t use a tourniquet
The FAQ frequently asked question
Do Rattlesnakes Attack Humans?
Most of the time it has been seen that a snake doesn’t attack humans Until they feel threatened or provoked. However, if you are entering a snake territory then you may provoke Rattlesnake to bite you and It can be life-threatening If the medical support helps Are far from you. Apart from that, Rattlesnake can also bite its owner if they feel irritated, threatened, and hungry.
Can Rattlesnake Hurt You?
Rattlesnake never hurt human without any reason. However, Rattlesnake can hurt you if they feel threatened or provoked by you. Apart from that, their Venom is enough to kill small animals and it can also be life-threatening for humans. If a Rattlesnake bites a person, then he must seek medical support immediately.
Can Rattlesnake Attack Small Pets?
They prey on small animals like a rodent, Rats, Mice, and many others so they have the potential to attack small pets for sure. They can also attack dogs and cats if they feel threatened by biting them. Small animals and pets are preys of Rattlesnake.
How Poisonous Are Rattlesnakes?
A bite from Rattlesnake can be very dangerous but they are rarely fatal to humans. However, if a person gets a bite from one then he should always look for professional medical support immediately. If not treated properly, It’s venom can be life-threatening to humans and other animals as well. Its Venom contains a harmful neurotoxin and Hema toxic elements.
How Long Does Rattlesnake Venom Take To Kill A Human?
Most of the human deaths occur between 6 hours to 48 hours after the initial bite. if the victim get the anti-venom treatment within 2 hours of the initial bite appropriately then probability of recovery from that bite is greater than 99%.
Can A Bite From a Rattlesnake Kill You?
The bite of a Rattlesnake can be very dangerous and it can also be life-threatening if a rattlesnake bites you. However, with proper medical treatment, the probability of recovery increases by up to 97%. Adding to that, if the anti-venom medications have been given within 2 hours of the initial by then the probability of the recovery is more than 99%.
What Are The Chances Of Dying From a RattleSnake bite?
The chances of dying from my Rattlesnake bite is almost zero because of the high-quality medical care presence in the United States. So, chances is one in a million of dying from my Rattlesnake bite. If you live in an Asian country, the chances increases.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, I would prefer you to not adopt a Rattlesnake as a pet if you don’t have enough knowledge or enough adequate space in your home.
Apart from that, keeping a Rattlesnake in your home requires special care and attention and knowledge. If you don’t have any kind of knowledge about venomous snakes like Rattlesnake then you should never think of adopting one.
Apart from that, if you have children in your home then it is not recommended to keep a Rattlesnake in your home even you know enough about petting a venomous snake.
If you are still considering pet a Rattlesnake then always remember to lock them in a secured vivarium/enclosure so that your kids can’t open it ever.
After the initial bite, the only thing that you must seek is a professional medical support and for that, you must call for an ambulance as soon as possible.
There is nothing much you can do on your own to treat a bite from a venomous snake however there are some tips do’s and don’ts that can help you in keeping the risk to a minimum.
If you want to pet a non-venomous snake then check this page – Non-Venomous Snakes
Other Snakes ? That Makes Good Pet (Click to know if they are venomous or not)
White Snakes | Northern Water Snakes | Hognose Snakes |
Black Racer Snakes | Grass Snakes | Black Rat Snakes |
Rattlesnakes | Bull Snakes | Eastern Hognose Snakes |
Green Snakes | Ringneck Snakes | Kingsnakes |

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.