Are you considering Ringneck snake? If you are then maybe this guide is going to help you because, in this guide, I am going to give you all the information that you need to know about Ringneck Snakes as poisonous snakes

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Are Ringneck Snakes Poisonous?

Yes, Ringneck Snakes are slightly poisonous but they are not fatal to humans. You can easily handle them without worrying about their Venom because their Venom is not harmful to humans. However, there is a treatment practice that you should follow after getting a bite from Ringneck Snakes in order to minimize the risk of getting infected from the bacteria present in the venom.
Ringneck Snakes have Venom In The Saliva but it is very moderate and are are not harmful to humans.
They use this venom to sedate their prey animals. They use these venoms to sedate small animals like toads, rodents and other animals.
However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to treat the wound after getting a bite from Ringneck Snakes because that bite can contain harmful bacteria, which is enough to cause you infections.
Apart from that, it is very important for you to know “how you can treat a bite from them”. In this guide, I am going to give you five steps of treating Ringneck Snakes bite. But before that let’s know the Symptoms and Signs of Ringneck Snakes bite.
Other Snakes ? That Makes Good Pet (Click to know if they are venomous or not)
White Snakes | Northern Water Snakes | Hognose Snakes |
Black Racer Snakes | Grass Snakes | Black Rat Snakes |
Rattlesnakes | Bull Snakes | Eastern Hognose Snakes |
Green Snakes | Ringneck Snakes | Kingsnakes |
What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Ringneck Snakes Bites?

Ringneck Snakes are very small creature but there are some signs and symptoms that you can experience from its BITE. Here, we are going to discuss the most common symptoms and signs of Ringneck Snakes bites.
The signs and symptoms are
- Excessive saliva
- Excessive sweating
- Pain in the bone or its surrounding area
- Redness around the wood
- Itching around the wound
- Excessive swelling
- Two puncture wounds
- Numbness in the face for limb
- Weakness
- Bruising
- Vomiting and nausea
Well, these are the common Symptoms and Signs that you can experience from a snake bite. However, if you get a bite from a Ringneck Snakes, you may experience none of the symptoms because they are very small and can inject a very small amount of venom in your blood but you can experience some pain for sure.
If you experience pain after handling your Ringneck Snakes then you can know that you have been bitten by them.
Now, after knowing that you got a bite from a Ringneck Snakes, you need to know how you can treat the bite thoroughly.
You can do the treatment by yourself and minimize the risk of getting infected, so let’s know that first.
How To Treat Ringneck Snakes Bite?

First of all, if your Ringneck Snakes is not letting your bite area go which is very common then pull its head towards the wounds so that the damage inflict less by them.
Apart from that they are very small creatures so make sure that you don’t hurt them when you are pulling them away if you have petted them.
Now, there are five steps that you need to follow in order to clean the wounds and treat the wound perfectly to minimize the risk of getting infected.
But before that, if you noticed that the wounds is big and you are bleeding aggressively then you may need some stitches which is very unlikely to happen, but still if you experience some kind of these issues and you will need to visit your nearby hospital or health clinic.
Now, Ringneck Snakes are very small snake kinds so wound is also going to be very small and the bleeding will be almost little to nothing – you can’t treat it by yourself so let’s know the right direction about treating the bite.
- After getting a bite from a small Ringneck Snakes, you need to rinse off the wounds by clean and freshwater. Make sure that you also rinse off its surrounding area. Don’t use any kind of soap or cleanser.
- After rinsing off the wounds and surrounding area, you need to apply mild antibacterial soap to clean the wound. Don’t use any kind of soap/cleanser that contain hydrogen peroxide or alcohol as it can irritate the bite area and also can damage essential and healthy tissues that is needed to heal the wound and to make the recovery process quicker.
- Now after cleaning the wound with mild antibacterial soap, you need to dry the wound and its surrounding areas by bloating it with a soft cloth. Alternatively, you can also use a cotton or a towel to dry the wound.
- Now you may think that you should apply a bandage but we would not recommend you apply any kind of bandage around the wounds or on the wounds. why? Because when you apply a bandage it makes the area and the wound moist, warm, and dark which is a perfect breeding ground for bacterias.
- Now as you told you that you should never apply a bandage but you can use a bandage if you get a bite from a venomous snake or you feel that there is a risk of cross-contamination. If you feel that the wounds is getting infected that you must forget everything and get yourself to a medical professional doctor immediately.
These are the five basic and straight forward steps that you need to follow if you want to clean and treat the snake bite wound.
Don’t be very worried about a bite because they are very small and they are not going to cause any damage unless you left the wounds untreated.
Apart from that, their venom is almost harmless to humans. Now let’s know how you can prevent a Ringneck Snakes Bite.
How To Prevent Ringneck Snakes Bite?
If you really want to be very cautious and want to prevent the bite from your Ringneck Snakes then you can follow these steps that I have mentioned below.
- Handle your Ringneck Snakes properly with the firm grip don’t apply too much pressure on them as they can feel threatened or provoked.
- Avoid handling your small Ringneck Snakes too much as it can irritate them and make them bite you.
- Always make sure that you check before you stick your hand into crevices.
- Don’t disturb your Pet Ringneck Snakes if they are having their lunch or dinner.
- Keep them fully protected and make sure that the enclosure is always closed because Ringneck Snakes can also climb and escape.
- Keep your backyard grass always short.
- Avoid keeping piles of leaves, large woods, and large rocks around your house to keep yourself, your family, and neighbors protected from snakes.
- Don’t approach a snake if you see one outside or anywhere else.
- Don’t go out at night in areas where the snake tends to be more nocturnal and attacks the visitors frequently according to local.
- Whenever you enter a territory, make sure that it’s not a snake territory.
- If you need to enter a snake territory then make sure that you are wearing protective clothing like boots, leather gloves, and long pants.
Other Snakes ? That Makes Good Pet (Click to know if they are venomous or not)
White Snakes | Northern Water Snakes | Hognose Snakes |
Black Racer Snakes | Grass Snakes | Black Rat Snakes |
Rattlesnakes | Bull Snakes | Eastern Hognose Snakes |
Green Snakes | Ringneck Snakes | Kingsnakes |
What Are The Species Of Ringneck Snakes?
There are several kinds of Ringneck Snakes s by which we mean there are several recognizable subspecies of Ringneck Snakes and each of them has a different name.
15 species of Ringneck Snakes
- Monterey Ringneck Snakes
- Mississippi ringneck snake
- San Diego ringneck speak
- Regal Ringneck Snakes
- Coral Belle Ringneck Snakes
- San Bernardino Ringneck Snakes
- Northwestern Ringneck Snakes
- Judges’ Ringneck Snakes
- Anthony Ringneck Snakes
- Prairie Ringneck Snakes
- Pacific Ringneck Snakes
- Key Ringneck Snakes
- Southern Ringneck Snakes
- Northern Ringneck Snakes
- Amazon Ringneck Snakes
Now we are going to answer some frequently asked questions about Ringneck Snakes.
The FAQ frequently asked questions
Can Ringneck Snakes Kill You?
No, A Ringneck Snakes can’t kill you because they have very weak venom. There venom doesn’t have the potential to kill a human or household pets. However, if you get a bite from Ringneck Snakes then it is necessary to treat it because leaving the wound untreated can increase the risk of infections.
Do You Need To Visit A Hospital After Getting a Bite From Ringneck Snakes?
No, a bite from Ringneck Snakes isn’t going to put you in hospital or kill you. They don’t have true Venom glands, instead they have only little tiny fangs. Their Venom is very weak to kill a human or household pet. However it is always recommended to treat the wounds to minimise the risk of infections.
How Do Big Do Ringneck Snakes Get?
Ringneck Snakes are one of the most smallest snakes compared to other snakes kind. According to the recent report, the biggest Ringneck Snakes has been measured 10 to 15 inches in length to date.
Can Ringneck Snakes Hurt Dogs?
A Ringneck Snakes can bite a dog if they feel threatened or provoked but its Venom is not going to cause any damage to the dog. There venomous are very weak to kill a household pet.
Can Ringneck Snakes Hurt Cats?
Ringneck Snakes can bite if they feel irritated, threatened by them but it isn’t going to cause any problem to cats because their Venom will be very weak. They inject very small amount of weak Venom with the bite because of the absence of venom gland.
Do Ringneck Snakes Bite?
Yes, Ringneck Snakes bite and there are also constrictors. They also have small amount of weak Venom that they used to kill and catch their prey. They can bite humans as well as they feel threatened by them. However, it’s bite is not going to kill a human or any big household pads. They only use thier venom to sedate their small prey.
Are Ringneck Snakes Aggressive?
No, Ringneck Snakes are not aggressive. However, they always look on escaping from threats. If they feel threatened or see a threat coming towards them then they can hide or slither someplace else.
More in Snake Category

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.