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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Figs? [Feeding Guide]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Figs? [Feeding Guide]

In this post we take a look into the benefits of feeding figs to dragons, how to feed, how often and how much, plus any potentially harmful side effects.

Can bearded dragons eat figs?

Bearded dragons can eat figs. Figs are a good source of calcium for bearded dragons’ growth of bones and reproduction. However, Bearded dragons should have dried figs sparingly due to high levels of sugar and calories in dried figs that can cause obesity or other health issues to bearded dragons.

Figs are classified as having low levels of oxalates which should not be an issue if you are feeding your bearded dragons figs once in while like once a week.

Can a bearded dragon eat fruit?

Bearded dragons can eat other fruits apart from figs such as bananas, apples, watermelon, strawberries, and other berries, grapes among others.

However, you should always feed fruits sparingly since fruits have a high sugar content which if fed in excess can lead to health complications such as obesity, stomach upset, and teeth rot

What are figs

Figs come from the ficus tree, which is part of the mulberry family. Figs have a distinctly sweet, chewy, and soft texture. They are also filled with seeds that are crunchy but edible.

You can either get figs when they are fresh or dried. Fresh figs are delicate and highly perishable compared to dried figs which can last longer.

Figs come in different varieties varying in texture and color, most are either green or purple, but the flesh inside is red.

Figs have very high sugar content to a point that in the earlier days before refined sugar came about figs were used as sweeteners.

Dried figs have more calories, sugar, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins compared to fresh figs. While, fresh figs have more vitamin C, A, and beta-carotene as compared to dried figs.

Nutritional value of both dried and fresh figs

The table below shows the nutritional value of both dried and fresh/raw figs.

Raw figsDried figs
Calories74 kcal249 kcal
Protein0.75 g3.3 g
Lipids0.3 g0.93 g
Dietary fiber2.9 g9.8 g
Sugar16.26 g47.92 g
Calcium35 mg162 mg
Iron0.37 mg2.03 mg
Magnesium17 mg68 mg
Phosphorus14 mg67 mg
Potassium232 mg680 mg
Vitamin C2 mg1.2 mg
Folate6 mcg9 mcg
Choline4.7 mg15.8 mg
Vitamin A7 mcg0 mcg
Beta-carotene85 mcg6 mcg
Lutein and zeaxanthin9 mcg32 mcg
Vitamin K4.7 mcg15.6 mcg

There are both benefits of feeding figs to your bearded dragon’s let us look at each below.

Benefits of feeding Figs to Bearded Dragon


Calcium is very crucial to the health of a bearded dragon, especially when dealing with a baby or juvenile dragons.

Figs also contain phosphorous but not in levels high enough to cause adverse health effects to your dragon. The recommended ratio of calcium to phosphorous is either 1:1 or 2:1.

Dried figs have more phosphorous than fresh or raw figs, this means that fresh figs are much better when feeding the baby or juvenile bearded dragons.

Vitamins and minerals

Figs are loaded with several vitamins and minerals that your dragons need for healthy development.

For example, fresh figs have more beta carotene and vitamin A compared to dried figs.

Too much vitamin A can cause vitamin A poisoning. That is why it is recommended to feed bearded dragons beta carotene as they can convert it to vitamin A.

Given that dried figs have no Vitamin A content but still have beta-carotene it would be easier to feed your bearded dragon dried figs.


Keeping your bearded dragon hydrated is very important for its health. Unfortunately, there are some bearded dragons that do not drink water easily.

For such dragons are easily hydrated through the foods that they eat. Given that figs have considerable water content. Feeding figs to your dragons will also keep them hydrated.

Dietary fiber

both dried and fresh figs have fiber in them. Fiber helps prevent constipation in bearded dragons.

Risks of feeding too much figs to Bearded Dragons

High Sugar and calories

Both dried and fresh figs have a lot of sugar and calories with dried figs having more compared to the latter.

The high sugar content can destroy the teeth of bearded dragons if offered frequently.

High calories on the other hand can lead to obesity. This is due to the fact that your bearded dragon does not exercise as often as its wild relatives.

Therefore, feeding figs to your bearded dragon on daily basis is bad idea.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can bearded dragons eat fig leaves? You should not feed fig leaves to your bearded dragon, fig leaves do not carry the same nutritional benefit as fig fruits.

Can bearded dragons eat figs every day? You should not feed figs to your bearded dragon every day. High amounts of sugar and calories in figs can lead to tooth decay and obesity respectfully.

Can you feed figs to baby bearded dragons? You can feed figs to baby bearded dragons but only once in a while as high sugars may destroy their teeth. Plus high sugars may cause obesity.

Can bearded dragons eat fig seeds? There is no harm in your bearded dragon eating fig seeds. It will soon pass it as waste, given that figs also have high fiber which prevents constipation.


Figs are a great fruit for your bearded dragons. But they should be cautiously offered to your dragons. Feeding them excessively can cause adverse health conditions. Include figs in a list of treats that you offer your beardie occasionally.