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25 Countries that Produce the Best Quality Honey in the World

25 Countries that Produce the Best Quality Honey in the World

Honey, often referred to as “liquid gold,” has been cherished by humans for thousands of years. Its delightful taste, numerous health benefits, and versatility in culinary applications make it one of the world’s most beloved natural products. However, not all honey is created equal. The flavor, aroma, color, and even health benefits of honey can vary greatly depending on its origin.

In this comprehensive article, we will take you on a journey to discover the top countries that produce the best quality honey in the world. We will explore honey’s unique characteristics from each of these nations, its price range, and much more.

25 Countries Producing the World’s Finest Honey

Turkey: Centauri Honey: $11,000/kg

Turkey is renowned for its Centauri Honey, considered the world’s most expensive honey. It’s harvested at a high altitude, away from human residences, ensuring purity and safety. Centauri Honey is sourced from bees that feed on natural herbs and plants to deter parasites. It’s only harvested once a year to sustain bee populations.

New Zealand: 32+ UMF Limited Reserve Manuka Honey: $5,200/kg

New Zealand produces a variety of honey, with Manuka honey being the most famous. It’s made from the nectar of Manuka tree flowers native to isolated regions. Manuka honey is highly valued for its unique taste and therapeutic properties. The Manuka tree blooms for just two to six weeks a year, making the honey rare and sought after.

Yemen: Sidr Honey: $1,000/kg

Yemen produces some of the finest honey globally, with Royal Sidr Honey being the best. It’s made from the wild Sidr tree’s blossoms found in Yemen’s uncultivated desert regions. Sidr honey is harvested manually during winter, and the trees are naturally grown without pesticides or chemicals.

Malaysia: Tualang Black Honey: $500/kg

Malaysia’s honey varieties, including Kelulut, Acacia, and Tualang honey, are known for their health benefits. Tualang Black Honey is among the most expensive due to its health benefits and difficulty obtaining it. It’s gathered from combs on towering Tualang trees.

Israel: Life Mel Honey: $453.5/kg

Israel’s honey, sourced from Mount Hermon’s blossoms, is highly sought after. Special military authorization is required for beekeepers to gather it, as this area remains untouched by industrial crops. Life Mel Honey from Israel is known for its unique taste and therapeutic benefits.

Greece: Golden Thyme Honey From Ikaria: $250/kg

Greece produces high-quality honey, with varieties like thyme honey, pine honey, citrus honey, fir honey, and heather honey. The Golden Thyme Honey from Ikaria is among the most expensive because the bees exclusively gather nectar from medicinal herbs and local flora.

Thailand: Stingless Bee Honey: $216/kg

Thailand’s Stingless Bee Honey is highly valued for its therapeutic and psycho-chemical properties. It has natural hydrating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial qualities, making it popular for wound healing.

Ethiopia: White Honey from Tigray Mountains: $215.9/kg

Ethiopia is Africa’s largest natural honey-producing country, with unique honey varieties like White Honey from Tigray Mountains. It has a distinct flavor and color due to native plants found in the region.

Russia: Bashkirian Honey: $130-220/kg

Russia produces various honey types, with Bashkirian Honey being the rarest and most expensive. It’s sourced from a high-altitude, pollution-free zone and is harvested once a year.

Spain: Miel Lo Mejor del Bierz: $162/kg

Spain is a leading European honey producer, with monofloral varieties like orange blossom, rosemary, eucalyptus, thyme, and chestnut. Miel Lo Mejor del Bierz from the El Bierzo district is one of Europe’s most expensive honey varieties.

France: Opéra Garnier Honey: $129.6/kg

France produces numerous honey varieties, including Opéra Garnier Honey, extracted from the roofs of Opéra Garnier in Paris. Its limited annual supply of 500 kg adds to its exclusivity.

Nepal: Himalayan Honey: $120.5/kg

Nepal’s beekeepers produce both multi-floral and uni-floral honey, with Himalayan Honey being the most valuable due to its rarity. It’s produced by Himalayan giant bees that gather nectar from delicate rhododendron and wildflower petals.

Australia: Manuka Honey MGO 100+: $107.9/kg

Australia offers a variety of honey types, including jarrah, banksia, leatherwood, mallee, and karri honey. Manuka honey, with varying prices based on its MGO rating, is the most famous for its health benefits and purity.

Mexico: Avocado Honey: $63.45/kg

Mexican avocado honey is one of the rarest honey varieties globally, produced by bees feeding on avocado trees in the Michoacan highlands. It’s known for providing immunity from pollen allergies.

United States: Tupelo Honey: $61.72/kg

The United States is known for producing various honey varieties, including kiawe honey, eucalyptus honey, mountain wildflower honey, buckwheat honey, spring blossom chunk honey, and tupelo honey. Tupelo honey is the most expensive due to its rarity, sourced from the Apalachicola River Basin, Florida, where tupelo trees grow.

25 More Countries Producing the World’s Finest Honey

1. New Zealand

Honey Name: Manuka Honey

Price Range: $30 – $100 per 250g

Features: New Zealand is renowned for its Manuka honey, which is prized for its unique flavor and remarkable health benefits. Manuka honey is derived from the nectar of the Manuka tree and is famous for its antibacterial properties. It’s graded with a Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), indicating its potency.

2. Greece

Honey Name: Greek Thyme Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: Greek Thyme Honey is highly sought after for its distinct thyme-infused flavor and rich aroma. It’s often used in traditional Greek desserts like baklava and is praised for its antioxidant properties.

3. Italy

Honey Name: Acacia Honey

Price Range: $10 – $30 per 500g

Features: Acacia honey from Italy is renowned for its mild, delicate flavor and clear appearance. It’s a popular choice for sweetening beverages and is often used in cooking and baking.

4. France

Honey Name: Lavender Honey

Price Range: $15 – $40 per 500g

Features: France is famous for its Lavender honey, which is characterized by its exquisite floral aroma and unique lavender undertones. It’s a favorite among chefs for drizzling over cheeses and desserts.

5. Spain

Honey Name: Orange Blossom Honey

Price Range: $8 – $20 per 500g

Features: Spain’s Orange Blossom Honey is celebrated for its citrusy notes and golden color. It’s a delightful addition to teas, and its versatility makes it an excellent ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes.

6. Turkey

Honey Name: Chestnut Honey

Price Range: $8 – $20 per 500g

Features: Chestnut honey from Turkey is robust and intense, with a slightly bitter undertone. It’s a popular choice for spreading on bread or pairing with strong cheeses.

7. Argentina

Honey Name: Eucalyptus Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: Argentina is known for its Eucalyptus honey, which has a distinctive menthol flavor and a slightly blue hue. It’s considered soothing for sore throats and respiratory issues.

8. Australia

Honey Name: Blue Gum Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: Blue Gum Honey, native to Australia, has a mild eucalyptus flavor and a pale amber color. It’s a favorite for sweetening beverages and is often used as a sugar substitute in recipes.

9. Ethiopia

Honey Name: Sidamo Honey

Price Range: $5 – $15 per 500g

Features: Ethiopia’s Sidamo Honey is known for its rich, floral aroma and sweet, fruity taste. It’s harvested from the Sidamo region’s diverse flora, making it a unique and delicious treat.

10. Mexico

Honey Name: Yucatan Honey

Price Range: $7 – $18 per 500g

Features: Yucatan Honey from Mexico boasts a bold flavor profile with earthy undertones. It’s often used in traditional Mexican cuisine, including marinades and sauces.

11. Romania

Honey Name: Sunflower Honey

Price Range: $5 – $12 per 500g

Features: Romania’s Sunflower Honey is characterized by its light, golden color and subtle floral notes. It’s a versatile honey used in baking, cooking, and as a natural sweetener.

12. Chile

Honey Name: Ulmo Honey

Price Range: $10 – $30 per 500g

Features: Ulmo Honey from Chile has a unique flavor reminiscent of butterscotch and a dark amber color. It’s a delicacy often enjoyed drizzled over desserts or paired with cheese.

13. Croatia

Honey Name: Dalmatian Sage Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: Croatia’s Dalmatian Sage Honey is highly aromatic, with a robust herbal flavor. It’s a popular choice for adding depth to salad dressings and marinades.

14. Hungary

Honey Name: Linden Honey

Price Range: $8 – $20 per 500g

Features: Hungarian Linden Honey is celebrated for its light, floral taste and pale yellow color. It’s a favorite for sweetening herbal teas and desserts.

15. India

Honey Name: Himalayan Honey

Price Range: $5 – $15 per 500g

Features: Himalayan Honey from India is known for its diversity, with flavors ranging from mild and floral to bold and earthy, depending on the region of origin. It’s a staple in Indian cuisine and traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

16. Slovenia

Honey Name: Forest Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: Slovenia’s Forest Honey is a dark and robust honey with complex flavors from various forest blossoms. It’s prized for its rich taste and is often used in hearty dishes.

17. Bulgaria

Honey Name: Linden Honey

Price Range: $5 – $15 per 500g

Features: Bulgarian Linden Honey, like its Hungarian counterpart, is celebrated for its light, floral taste. It’s a popular choice for sweetening hot beverages and drizzling over pancakes.

18. South Africa

Honey Name: Fynbos Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: South Africa’s Fynbos Honey is unique to the region and boasts a rich, aromatic flavor with floral and earthy notes. It’s often used in South African cuisine and desserts.

19. Portugal

Honey Name: Chestnut Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: Portugal’s Chestnut Honey is thick and dark, with a strong, nutty flavor. It pairs exceptionally well with cheeses and is used in Portuguese pastries.

20. Ukraine

Honey Name: Buckwheat Honey

Price Range: $5 – $15 per 500g

Features: Ukraine’s Buckwheat Honey is dark and robust, with a distinctive malty taste. It’s a favorite for sweetening cereal and is believed to have potential health benefits.

21. Canada

Honey Name: Clover Honey

Price Range: $8 – $20 per 500g

Features: Canada’s Clover Honey is mild and sweet, with a light amber color. It’s a versatile honey used in a wide range of culinary applications, from baking to glazing.

22. United States

Honey Name: Wildflower Honey

Price Range: $8 – $20 per 500g

Features: The United States produces Wildflower Honey, which varies in flavor depending on the region and the mix of wildflowers. It’s a popular choice for use as a natural sweetener and in barbecue sauces.

23. Japan

Honey Name: Sakura Honey

Price Range: $15 – $40 per 500g

Features: Japan’s Sakura Honey, made from cherry blossom nectar, is delicate and lightly floral in taste. It’s often used in traditional Japanese confections and teas.

24. Croatia

Honey Name: Lavender Honey

Price Range: $10 – $25 per 500g

Features: Croatia’s Lavender Honey is celebrated for its exquisite lavender aroma and floral taste. It’s a favorite for drizzling over desserts and adding a unique twist to cocktails.

25. Germany

Honey Name: Rapeseed Honey

Price Range: $5 – $15 per 500g

Features: Germany’s Rapeseed Honey has a light color and a mild, slightly nutty flavor. It’s often used as a table honey and is a favorite for spreading on bread.

These countries offer diverse honey varieties, each with unique flavors, benefits, and price points, making them highly sought after in the global honey market.


Honey is undoubtedly one of nature’s most delightful gifts to humanity, and the world’s diverse honey-producing nations offer a treasure trove of flavors and aromas waiting to be explored. Whether you’re seeking the intense flavors of chestnut honey from Turkey, the delicate floral notes of lavender honey from France, or the exotic appeal of Sakura honey from Japan, there’s a honey to suit every palate and purpose.

The price range of these honey varieties can vary widely, but their uniqueness and quality are well worth the investment. Moreover, honey isn’t just about taste; it also offers a plethora of health benefits, including antibacterial properties, antioxidants, and potential relief from various ailments.