Humidity present inside the bearded Dragon enclosure may have a direct or indirect impact on its health. The keeper must monitor the humidity in the enclosure regularly. High humidity is a direct threat to their respiratory system. Here, you will learn Do Bearded Dragons Need Humidity, its reason, and how much.
Do bearded Dragon Need Humidity? The humidity level for them is based on relative humidity. The temperature inside the enclosure should mimic their natural environment. A low degree of relative humidity is vital for bearded dragons’ survival. The ideal humidity for a dragon is between 30% to 40% in all seasons, day or night, according to the school of veterinary science UQ 2015.
People living where the species are naturally available can be kept in the same temperature and humidity. However, the ones kept inside the tank may not get the right temperature or relative humidity. This is due to the interference of the air conditioner, heating, and fans at a normal level. Keeping the humidity level between 30% to 40% in their enclosure will help their growth, support their health and well-being.
Choosing the right range of humidity according to the species can be defined very broadly based on relative humidity. Since they need 30 to 40% of humidity, you must monitor the temperature and humidity level of its captivity at night. The temperature directly affects the humidity level for bearded dragons. Here is how temperature affects humidity levels inside the Bearded Dragon enclosure.
Analyzing and maintaining the perfect bearded Dragon humidity is one of the most important tasks for their health. This is because the right humidity level will be a comfort and a health requirement for your beardie. Avoid exposing a bearded dragon to humidity that is too high or low. It can directly affect their health and impact their respiratory system. This guide will help you with everything you need to learn about bearded dragons and humidity. Let’s learn about the temperature and humidity relation.
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Temperature And Humidity Relation.
You may fool yourself by having the perfect humidity range For your bearded dragon once. At night, the humidity level can go upright in the night. The relative humidity is expressed as a percentage and counts how much water vapor in the air is present at a given temperature. The 100% humidity level is the maximum and the saturation point.
This is what relative humidity is. 40% humidity level means the air is holding 40% of the maximum water vapor at the given temperature before it becomes saturated. Air having a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius can hold more than three times as much water vapor as air with 10 degrees Celsius. At night you should keep the temperature of the enclosure around 70 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
At night, it is common to notice the humidity level increasing as the temperature decreases. The humidity level at a time may seem fine, but it can go up to 70% at night. At night, it will appear to increase. Here I have talked about what to do if you find bearded Dragon humidity 70 at night.
As the ideal humidity for them is between 20% to 40%, I’ve also talked about what to do when the bearded dragon humidity goes up at night. Aside from high humidity, you may find humidity too low someday, which is more problematic. High humidity can directly impact their respiratory system, and low humidity will make them suffer shedding problems.
The humidity level is more a health requirement than a comfort requirement for them. The low or high humidity level can directly develop a serious health issue for reptiles. The relative humidity & temperature are not a big difference to you, but it makes all the difference to your bearded dragon.
What Happens If Humidity Is Too High For Bearded Dragon?
Too high humidity for bearded Dragons is a threat to their health. It can develop bacterial infections, respiratory problems, and fungal growth on its skin & substrate. Other associated health issues can also occur if these desert dwellers are kept in high humidity. They may also become uncomfortable. It can be decreased by maintaining the temperature between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
What Happens If Humidity Is Too Low For Bearded Dragons?
Low humidity is very bad for bearded dragons. It can lead them towards dehydration which can cause deadly health issues. The low humidity level will have them shedding problems. Low humidity level also affects their respiratory system. The humidity level can be increased by increasing the temperature in their enclosure.
Low humidity levels may also make your bearded dragon feel uncomfortable. It may be difficult for you to notice if they have any issues with their movement and emotion. It tends to have an underdeveloped emotional system and is limited to experience three basic expressions only. Some owners even observe their Dragons being sad sometimes but can bearded dragons have feelings?
How To Measure Humidity For Bearded Dragons?

You can use an analog or a couple of digital humidity gauges to measure humidity levels for bearded dragons.
Understanding The Types Of Hygrometer
You can always find two types of hygrometer, either analog or digital. Both of them are perfect according to your need and comfort. However, if I were in your place, I would have installed both ones. Having two hygrometers is always best for accurate reading and backup.
What’s Good In Analogue Hygrometers?
First of all, it’s a more affordable solution than digital versions. Plus, you will never need to calibrate it as it is already done at the factory. Other than that, they are very accurate. Since today many digital counterparts are available and give you a more accurate reading, you should go this one. The analog hygrometer is more for the person being very aesthetic or people who enjoy having old-looking setups. The biggest pro of having analog hygrometers is no battery is needed.
What’s Bad In Analogue Hygrometers?
It does not necessarily give as accurate as its digital counterpart. It usually comes without a proverb which makes it placed in a position where it can be easily measured.
What’s Good In Digital Hygrometers?
Digital hygrometers are more precise inaccurate reading than analog ones. It also comes with probes or without probes. Some may also come with an alarm. It is a great help for ones who can’t measure humidity levels all the time. If the humidity level increases or decreases, the alarm will get triggered. However, you will need to set the alarm according to your dragon’s need after placing it in the enclosure.
What’s Bad In Digital Hygrometers?
The major withdrawal of getting a digital hygrometer is its battery need. It requires the battery to run. The chords or the probe need to be tucked away. The distance between the signaling circuit and the humidity sensor will also be limited. Plus, it is more expensive than analog ones.
How To Check The Humidity In A Bearded Dragon Tank
- Choose the best hygrometer for accurate, perfect reading. (Tip: Get 2)’
- Please one hygrometer about halfway up the wall of the tank.
- Place one on the waterside and the second on the cool side of the enclosure.
- Match and pick up the accuracy of readings on both hygrometers.
Where To Place Hygrometer In Bearded Dragon Tank
It is best placed in the center. Hygrometers are effective and can be placed anywhere with flexibility. However, placing it centrally will make you feel more confident in reading. Placing one in the cool end of the tank & the second one in the hot end will give you a huge difference in humidity reading. We already know that relative humidity is related to temperature.
The temperature gradient in a bearded dragon enclosure has a range of 20 degrees Celsius difference from one end to the other. I hope & assume the heating and lighting are set correctly and accordingly. Adding, you can place the hygrometer centrally on the back wall as well. Hygrometer with the probes will give you more freedom in terms of placement.
Try and get the digital hygrometer with the probes to place it apart. It will make it easy for you to access and read the humidity level. Avoid keeping the hygrometers near-live plant foliage. Few noobs may place it in the corners where air circulation is limited. You should avoid placing the hygrometers in any corner or over a water dish.
It can interfere with humidity reading that is not accurately reflecting the environment. Always consider placing the probes against the accessory or the wall because some highly energetic or curious Dragon could always chew it.
How To Lower Humidity Level In Bearded Dragon Tank?
The humidity level can increase when the temperature decreases. Do check if the hygrometer reading is accurate on humidity levels. Your room temperature will affect their enclosure humidity level.

Ventilation. You can try increasing the ventilation to control the humidity level in the tank. This practice will allow more air to circulate in living out the humidity to the room where the habitat is kept. You can get ventilation from any hardware Store available in different sizes and varieties.
Turn/adjust AC/Fan. Adjusting the speed of AC of the fan can help you to achieve a better humidity level. Alternatively, turning on the air conditioner or opening the windows can also help get the right temperature.
Move The Tank. Sometimes it becomes necessary to move the Dragon tank to another room where the humidity level is better achieved between 30% to 40%.
Live Plants. Plants also affect the humidity level present inside the air. If you need to lower the humidity level inside the enclosure, try moving the plants to another region. You can also remove them all together until you get the humidity level under control.
Move The Water Bowl From The Heat Source. Every bearded Dragon tank will have a cooling side or a warm inside. If you notice the humidity level increases, you can also move their water bowl away from any heat source inside the tank to control it.
Use Basking Bulb Temperature. You can also increase the temperature of your basking bulb as it can help you lower the humidity level inside the enclosure.
Check Or Switch Substrate. Certain types of the substrate are great in retaining moisture and increasing humidity, which should be avoided. You can mark the bark and the coconut substrate materials as the typical culprits for increased humidity levels. You should consider switching the substrate if you identify high humidity as a recurring problem.
Avoid Misting. It is very important to mist your bearded dragon and their enclosure time from time to time as it is the best part of the care. However, misting alone can have an obvious impact on the humidity level as well. If you are having issues keeping the humidity level under control in the enclosure, it will be a good idea to stop misting.
Dehumidifier. If everything above has been sorted but nothing worked, maybe you reside somewhere with high humidity. Consider using a dehumidifier. Owners who tend to live in regions where the humidity is naturally high will need a dehumidifier.
How To Raise The Humidity In A Bearded Dragon Tank?
You can come in a situation where you will find hydrometer readings telling decrease. It can show the conditions becoming dry inside the tank. It can cause many health issues for your bearded dragon, so consider addressing it soon and properly.
Place The Water Bowl On The Hotter Side. Placing or moving the water bowl to the hotter side of the tank can help you raise the humidity level. It is one of the easiest and straightforward solutions that you can put in place within minutes.
Mist More Frequently. As you know, the misting is the best part of the care; you should try misting them more frequently. If the humidity level is too low, misting your little pet tank will help it increase further. However, frequent misting will make the minerals deposit accumulate where it is sprayed. Try using purified water, as it will make it easier for you to keep your bearded dragon enclosure looking clean.
Add Live Plants In The Tank. Many plants can naturally generate additional moisture in the air compared to the surrounding habitats. This is one of the easy fixes and good decor to make your beardie tank look more beautiful. This is one of those ways that doesn’t need effort, expense, or much time. Try placing the plants that can easily be moved from one end to another according to need.
Tips For Keeping Bearded Dragon
If you reside in a place with very cold temperature there, consider giving your bearded dragon sunbathe. They need direct sunlight UV rays to make vitamin d for themselves. Here is how long can a bearded dragon stay in the sun. Apart from the D vitamin, they need protein for constant growth. You must feed insects like Dubia roaches & eggs to your bearded dragon occasionally.
You can also feed them half an egg every other week or so. Bearded Dragons can also eat quail eggs and benefits their health. Plus, it would help if you did not handle your bearded dragon more often. Here you can learn if bearded Dragons like to be handled or not. From my experience, I have learned most bearded Dragons don’t like being handed but consider being out of the cage. Bearded dragons like to be out of their cage but not handled anyway.
Handling or keeping them out for too long can lead them to stress. Stress can lead your bearded dragon to unusual movements and behavior. If you notice bearded dragon hiccups like behavior, then it is not concerning. Out of stress, some may also try to climb glass. Plus, being such a gentle pet, they are prone to many accidents and health issues. Some may even lose their tail due to poor care.
Which Hygrometer Is Better In Terms Of Accurate Reading?
For bearded dragons, digital hygrometers are a better solution compared to analog in terms of accurate humidity reading.
Is 50 Humidity Too High For Bearded Dragon?
Yes. The ideal humidity level for bearded Dragon enclosure is around 30% to 40%. Anything above 40 will be considered a high and threat to their respiratory system and health.
Is 20 Humidity Too Low For Bearded Dragon?
Yes. The humidity level inside a bearded dragon enclosure should be maintained between 30% to 40%. Lower than that will cause them shedding problems and urinary tract issues.
Final Thoughts
Now, after knowing why do bearded Dragons need humidity and how to adjust them, it’s time to start monitoring. Always make sure to monitor the humidity level in their closer and address all the issues. It is necessary to adjust properly as it has a direct impact on your bearded dragon’s health. By now, you know all the moves and the methods so, adjusting the humidity level shouldn’t be too hard for you now. I hope you learned a lot from this guide and feel more confident in their care. If you have any queries, feel free to ask through comment or mail. Read this If the bearded Dragon humidity is too low, then read this. Follow us on social media

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.