One of the tallest and sturdy dogs is Great Danes. So, it becomes very obvious that they are very popular and are also considered as one of the most entertaining pet dogs in the whole United States.
However, before adopting any kind of dog in your home even Great Danes, you need to consider lots of things. There are various things that can really affect your lifestyle as well as your family lifestyle near Great Danes.
One of the things that seem to be very obvious to ask and every single Great Danes owner wants to know about is their shedding.
Their shedding can really affect your lifestyle and can also make it worse if you are one of those busy people who don’t have that much time to perform good grooming practices on their dogs. So, do Great Danes shed?
In this guide, you will get to know everything about your Great Danes shedding and some tips that can help in keeping the shedding at minimum.
You will also get to know some ways that can help you in preventing the shedding as much as possible but before I tell you those tips and the ways, let’s know do Great Danes shed or not?
Post Contents
- Do Great Danes Shed?
- Why Great Danes Shed?
- Things That Factor Into Determining The Amount Of Great Danes Shedding
- Elements That Can Affect Your Great Danes Shedding
- Ways To Prevent Their Shedding
- Tips To Keep Great Danes Shedding At A Minimum
- Grooming Tools That You Need To Keep Your Great Danes Shedding At Minimum.
- Final Thoughts
Do Great Danes Shed?
Yes, Great Danes do shed and they can also shed very aggressively in the shedding season. Every single dog breed even a Great Danes loses some damaged old dead hair or loose hair through shedding. Fortunately, due to having a short coat on the body, you can easily maintain thair shedding.
Now and after understanding that your Great Danes can shed and can also shed very aggressively in the shedding season, you might want to avoid them but let me tell you, they tend to develop very short smooth short coat on the body and you can easily maintain it by performing proper grooming practices.
You can also keep their shedding at a minimum by keeping their all grooming needs to be fulfilled as well as by feeding them with proper nutrition-dense dietary routine.
In this guide, we will discuss that part later but before that, if you really want to be prepared for the worst like for the shedding Season or for the days when your Great Danes will be shedding very aggressive due to some reasons, you need to understand few things.
There are few things that can factor in determining the amount of Great Danes shedding. By learning this thing, you can easily understand the frequency of your Great Danes shedding.
Plus, I will also tell you some elements that is going to affect your Great Danes shedding to different degrees. If you don’t know then let me tell you, these elements can really affect your Great Danes shedding and can also make it worse in the shedding season.
But before we learn what are the biggest things that contribute towards its shedding or what are the biggest things that factor into determining the amount of Great Danes shedding – let’s understand why did they shed so much.
Why Great Danes Shed?
Actually, every single dog breed needs to shed some of its har, it doesn’t matter what kind of breed it is. Some shed less compared to the other breed that sheds more. It depends upon their coat and its texture.
If dogs come with a very thick coat or a double quote on its body then they will shed at its maximum but if a dog comes with a single coat then the shedding will be minimum.
But, every single dog breed is going to shed some of its hair, especially in the shedding season in order to regulate well according to the season changes.
Yes, you heard it right, they need to adapt well and regulate their body temperature according to the seasonal changes and for that, they will need to shed some of its hair.
In the shedding season, they are going to shed very aggressively even your Great Danes. The shedding season seems to appear two times a year – in the autumn season and in the spring season.
In the spring season, your Great Danes is going to sheds some of its winter coat and some of its hair so that their coat can become thinner to keep them cooler throughout the Summertime.
This helps them in preventing their body from getting overheated during the summer days.
On the other hand, in the autumn season, your Great Danes is going to shed some of its hair so that they can make room for new hair growth that is going to help them in keeping their body warm and nice throughout the winter.
This kind of coat becomes very thick and prevents their body from getting insulated during the winter season.
This is how your Great Danes is going to regulate their body temperature and there is nothing you can do to completely stop your Great Danes from shedding.
However, there are some tips that can help you in keeping the shedding at a minimum but these tips are only effective if you do it in the proper way.
Things That Factor Into Determining The Amount Of Great Danes Shedding
There are few things that can really factor into determining the amount of Great Danes shedding and can really help you in understanding what would be the frequency of your Great Danes shedding and how much they are going to lose their hair.
Plus, these things can affect their shedding frequency at different degrees. So, being a responsible Great Danes owner, you should always be prepared for the worst. So, what are the biggest things that contribute towards Great Danes shedding?
Sex of Dog | Pregnancy or Lactation | Health Nutrition |
Your Residential Location | Weather | Supplement |
Medicine | Age | Quality of Coat |
Parentage | Ancestral line | Diet |
Elements That Can Affect Your Great Danes Shedding
There are few elements that can really affect your dog’s shedding and can also make it worse in the shedding season if not heightened properly. If you really want to be prepared for the worst then it is very important to learn what would be the worst scenario.
There are different scenarios and this element can affect their scenario to different degrees. These elements can play a huge role in determining when and how much your Great Danes is going to shed.
Some of these elements can be easily controlled because they are manageable by humans but most of them will not be. There are lots of genetic as well as environmental aspects that involve these elements.
It’s better to learn these elements before we come to know the tips that can help with keeping the shedding at a minimum.
Age Of The Great Danes
I hope that it won’t shock you if I tell you that age plays an important role in determining how much your Great Danes is going to shed.
When your Great Danes will be a puppy, you are less likely to notice any kind of shedding from them but as soon as they grow older you are more likely to experience some constant shedding and can also go into heavier moderation in future if they are kept on bad grooming practices or bad diet routine.
This is the main reason why you may have noticed the older dog shedding more hair than the younger ones.
Quality Of The Great Danes Coat
It is very obvious that if the coat quality of your Great Danes is bad then they are going to shed very heavily. If a Great Danes come with very bad quality that it always indicates that you are Great Danes is going to shed a very aggressively in the future.
Bad quality is not a good sign. So, you need to make sure that you are keeping them on proper grooming practices and you are keeping their skin as much as healthy as possible because keeping their skin and coat healthy is the best way to ensure that the shedding is at minimum.
You should always adopt a puppy from a reputable breeder who offers health insurance on their Puppy.
You should never adopt a puppy from a puppy mill because most of the time, it has been noticed that they don’t give a damn about their puppy because they just want to sell those puppies and make some quick money.
They never do health checkups on their puppies. So, always ensure that you are adopting a puppy from a reputable breeder to ensure that the puppy is of top quality.
Always check the paperwork that can help you understanding that the puppy you have adopted has been cleared from all health clearance and examination.
Sunlight Hours
I don’t need to tell you that if the sun is shining for hours and hours in your region for the last few days then it is clear signs that indicate your Great Danes is going to shed very heavily in the upcoming days.
If the sunshine for hours and hours from the past few days then your Great Danes can easily get overheated and that is why it is very natural for them to shed some of its old hair so that their coat can become more thinner to keep their body cooler during those hot sunny days.
Temperature Fluctuations
If you are noticing your Great Danes shedding more aggressively in some months while in some months not so much then it is more caused by the temperature fluctuations.
If you live in a region where the temperature always fluctuates then it is a clear sign that your Great Danes is going to shed.
In order to regulate the body temperature according to the seasonal changes or temperature fluctuation, they will need to shed some of its hair.
Plus, if you are considering importing Great Danes from another state or even a country then be ready to deal with their shedding because they are going to shed very aggressively in order to adapt well according to the environmental changes and seasonal changes.
The Heat Cycle Of A Female Great Danes
If you are noticing your female Great Danes shedding some of its hairs in the heat cycle then don’t be worried because it is quite normal for female Great Danes to shed In The Heat cycle.
Due to the sudden fluctuation of hormones that take place inside your female Great Danes body results in more shedding.
Abnormal Shedding or Excessive Shedding Of Great Danes
Look, as I told you Great Danes is going to shed but they are not going to shed very aggressively. They are only going to shed two times a year very aggressively but, if you are noticing your dog shedding unusual amount of hair that there is definitely something wrong with your buddy and it can be very concerning for you.
It is always great to double-check with a veterinarian because if your Great Danes shedding an unusual amount of hair then it is more called the abnormal shedding or excessive shedding which is one of the most common kinds of health issues.
If you are noticing tons of shedding from your Great Danes when it’s not the right time for them to shed of the Year then there could be a serious underlying health issue that you need to treat it properly.
Plus, if you are noticing balding or itching on their body that it is also a clear indication that this kind of shedding is not good for your dog. At that moment, you should never panic because you need to deal with it very calmly.
You need to understand that there are some things that can easily be fixed or treated if you learn it properly and you take the right measures.
However, let me tell you that there are some reasons that can make you understand why your Great Danes will shed out of season. Here are the reasons.
Ways To Prevent Their Shedding
- Always brushes a Great Danes coat outside your home if you really want to keep their shedding hair outside and want to stay the mess outside. It is the best way to ensure that their hair won’t get collected inside your home.
- You should always teach your dog how to follow your command because it comes very handy when you want to make them stay in one place while you will be having your dinner or lunch because their shedding hair can easily travel through the air and get right into your food.
- Don’t allow your dog on the couch because the fabric is the enemy of people who keeps a dog in the home. Their fur/hair can easily get stuck on the fabric and it will be very difficult to clean. So, no dogs on the couch.
- Put bedroom off-limit rules and teach your dog to say out of your bed because their shedding hair can fall right into your bed and get stuck with it.
You will spend most of your time either on your bed or on your work. So, don’t allow your dog to be on your bed and to do that, you can also close your bedroom door to get some kind of notion your dog that it’s not a doggy place or the place where he is invited. - Always wash your cloth perfectly and regularly because it is important to change your cloth regularly because when you forget your Great Danes, their hair can stuck write on your cloth. So, wash your cloth regularly.
- Make sure that you keep your Great Danes skin moisturized because their skin is very important to keep their shedding at a minimum. If their skin gets dry then your Great Danes is going to shed very aggressively.
- Vacuum your home regularly because their hair can easily get collected in the corner of your home and get stuck with it. So, vacuum your home regularly to clean those dead loose hairs from the floor
- Use of a very powerful vacuum cleaner to ensure that you can get to places where it is impossible to reach with their hands.
Tips To Keep Great Danes Shedding At A Minimum
There are some tips that can really help in keeping the shedding at a minimum and being a responsible dog owner, you need to learn the steps because it can not only help you in keeping the shedding at a minimum but also keeping them healthy as much as possible.
Effective and popular grooming can make a huge difference in determining how much your Great Danes is going to shed. Brushing is one of the most important factors of that grooming.
You should always brush the Great Danes coat accordingly in order to keep the shedding at the minimum.
You may wonder how brushing their coat is going to be effective in keeping the shedding at a minimum then let me tell you when you brush your Great Danes coat, their skin releases natural oil on their body and with a good quality brush which will be recommended later in this article, you can easily distribute that natural oil to another part of their body which will help them in moisturizing their skin properly.
This will help in preventing their skin from getting dry. So, you need to make sure that you always brush their coat whenever you get time.
It is recommended to brush your Great Danes coat in the direction of their growth to ensure that the experience for your dog is painless.
Plus, you should always use a good quality brush that perfectly fits your dog’s coat need. There are lots of variety of Brush available in the market but not all of them is going to be the ideal or a perfect brush for your Great Danes.
If you are confused about what would be the ideal brush for your Great Danes then let me tell you, a slicker brush is what your Great Danes coat need
You should always bath your Great Danes in a proper manner because if you bath your Great Danes frequently then the shedding will be maximum because their skin will get dry.
It is important to keep the frequency of a bath at low as much as possible because bath a Great Danes too often can make their skin dry which is not good for anyone.
Dry skin is good to promote more shedding. Their natural oil can easily get washed away with the water and can leave the skin dry after the bath which is not good.
So, in order to prevent that, you need to use a good quality pet shampoo that can help you in keeping their skin moisturized after the bath.
Here are some recommended shampoos that I would recommend you to use while you bath your Great Danes because these shampoos are not only helpful in moisturizing your Great Danes skin right after the bath but also going to be very effective in getting rid of any kind of Dirt, danders, and debris that often get stuck on their coat.
It is very important to feed your Great Danes with the good quality dietary routine because a high-quality food that contains a high-quality ingredient which is going to be very healthy for their skin.
If their skin is healthy then the shedding will be at a minimum. You should always feed your dog with good quality food that contains protein-rich ingredients.
Always avoid cheap foods because cheap foods do have the nutrition but don’t have the right balance of nutrition which is necessary for your Great Danes to fulfill all his nutritional needs.
According to recent surveys, most of the cheap foods available in this market are not right for your Great Danes.
Here is some recommended foods that I would recommend you feed your Great Danes because these foods not only have the right balance of nutrition but is perfect for your Great Danes skin.
You should also avoid feeding Great Danes with any kind of kitchen leftover foods or foods that contains grains in it. Grains are harmful to dogs and it can also increase the chances of gum diseases and Dental problems.
Grooming Tools That You Need To Keep Your Great Danes Shedding At Minimum.
Slicker Brush
Best Slicker Bristle Brush | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush | It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish. | View on Amazon |
As I told you, your Great Danes needs a slicker brush, you are maybe confused about what would be the best slicker brush. Well, this is a slicker brush that I would recommend you because this is the brush that I had been using from the past few months and it works perfectly fine.
It amazed me because I was surprised by seeing how much a little brush can make a huge difference in keeping the shedding at a minimum. This brush is not only easy to use, reliable, durable but also can give you a long-lasting effect.
It is very effective in keeping the shedding at a minimum and brushing the coat perfectly. I would not say that this is the best brush that you can find online but when it comes to getting the result you want, you can be reliable on this one.
Grooming Glove
Best Glove | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Grooming Glove – Gentle Deshedding Brush Glove | It can remove all dead hairs, loose furs, and dirt. Using this product on your dog will be a painless and fun experience for your dog | View on Amazon |
If you really want to avoid brushing their coat daily then you can also use a grooming glove. The grooming glove is very easy to use, you just need to slip in the glove over your hand and run your hand over your Great Danes coat.
Within 5 minutes, you will be done and you will successfully be removing all the dead loose hair that was ready to fall out right in your home. This grooming glove is perfect for every single dog owner who wants to avoid brushing their dog’s coat on a daily basis.
However, a grooming glove is not going to magically stop your Great Danes from shedding but can help you in getting rid of those dead loose hair that was ready to fall out inside your home.
When you brush your Great Danes coat, you are likely to spend more 15 to 20 minutes but when you use a grooming glove, you will be done within 5 minutes.
Can You Completely Stop Your Great Danes From Shedding?
No, there is nothing you can do to completely stop your Great Danes from shedding. However, there are some ways and tips that can help in keeping the shedding at a minimum but, nothing could be effective in keeping in stopping their shedding. read more…
What Months Do Great Danes Shed The Most
In the shedding season, your Great Danes is going to shed the most. In the autumn season and the spring season, your Great Danes is most likely to experience some constant shedding going on on their skin or coat. read more…
How Do You Control Your Great Danes Shedding?
The first two basic things that you should do is feed your Great Danes with the right nutrition-dense dietary routine and perform good grooming practices. These are the basic things that can help you out controlling your Great Danes shedding. read more…
Final Thoughts
I hope that I managed to give you some space of information about great Danes’ shedding and if you think that I did a pretty good job then do share this post because it is going to encourage me to write more about them.
Apart from that, if you have any questions regarding Great Danes then you can comment below and let me know and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. Now, see you in the next post, till then, take care, and goodbye.
94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.