It can be very exciting and fun to adopt a Norwich Terriers in your home but there are lots of things that you need to consider first before adopting any kind of dog in your home to determine if they’re going to be a perfect companion for your family members or not.
As you know, a Norwich Terriers have a double-layered coat on its body. They have a very soft insulating undercoat that gets covered with a hard wiry topcoat.
As you know like just like every single breed, your Norwich Terriers is going to shed but not as much as you would think. However, let’s learn the exact thing about the shedding. So, do Norwich Terriers shed?
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Do Norwich Terriers Shed?

Yes, Norwich Terriers shed but not as much as one would think. You would have to brush them quickly in order to remove dead loose hair that often gets stuck on their coat and it can fall out right on your home floor if not heightened properly.
Regular brushing will keep your Norwich Terriers very neat and clean and free from excessive shedding.
I don’t need to tell you that there are lots of things that can determine how much your Norwich Terriers is going to shed In the future because there are lots of expect and factors that play a huge role in making them shed aggressively.
There are lots of environmental as well as genetic expects that play a huge role and let me tell you, shedding is not one of the most favorite things For anybody.
Just to remind you, 10% of the United State population is allergic to animals and if your Norwich Terriers is going to shed then they will be leaving some danders behind which can be the reason behind your allergies getting triggered.
However, there are some things that will help you in keeping the shedding as well as the dander forming at a minimum but, before I tell you how you can lessen your effort and how you can manage your Norwich Terriers shedding especially in the shedding season, less know what are the things that can really factor into the amount of shedding.
Things That Factor The Amount Of Norwich Terriers Shedding

As I told you George Norwich Terriers is going to shed at least some of its hair, you need to understand that there are few things that can really factor into determining how much on the Norwich Terriers is going to shed in the future or in the shedding season.
Some of these factors are very easy to control and you can control it very easily and manage it properly but most of them will not be. As you know there are lots of genetic aspects as well as environmental factors that involve these factors, let’s learn about them.
Let’s know what are the biggest things that factor into how much your Norwich Terriers is going to shed in upcoming days or months.
Sex of Dog | Pregnancy or Lactation | Health Nutrition |
Your Residential Location | Weather | Supplement |
Medicine | Age | Quality of Coat |
Parentage | Ancestral line | Diet |
Why Do Norwich Terriers Shed So Much?

After knowing what are the things that can determine how much your Norwich Terriers is going to shed in future, let’s learn why do they shed so much.
Actually, your Norwich Terriers is going to shed some of their hair to regulate the body temperature according to the seasonal changes.
Plus, when they are young, you will be less likely to notice any kind of shedding because there will be little to nothing shedding on their body but as soon as they become older, it is obvious to notice them shed some of its sheddings into heavy moderation as days passes by.
There are three stages through which your Norwich Terriers is going to pass through. The first one is the early phase in which your Norwich Terriers is going to develop the hair from their follicles.
After that, here comes the second stage in which their hair will reach its full length and held securely in places by the hair follicles of your Norwich Terriers.
Now, after that now comes in the last phase which is also known as a resisting phase because, In this phase, your Norwich Terriers is going to shed some of its hair to make some room for the new hair growth.
In this phase, their hair follicle shrinks to a very minimum which results in cutting off the blood supply to the hair shaft. Due to the sudden cutoff of the blood supply to the hairs shaft, their hair gets attached and fall out.
Apart from that, your dog is going to shed according to the seasonal changes as well. In the shed season, this breed is going to shed aggressively.
The shedding season seems to appear 2 times a year. In the autumn season, they will need to develop a thick layer of the coat so that they can easily keep their body warm and nice throughout the winter.
In the spring season, they will need to shedding some of its winter coat so that they can keep their body cooler throughout the Summertime so that they won’t get in overheated.
So, it is obvious that your dog going to shed so that it can regulate the body temperature accordingly to the seasonal changes. There is nothing you can do to completely stop your Norwich Terriers from shedding.
It is very natural for them and without shedding, they can’t survive in any place where the temperature fluctuates with months. After knowing why they shed so much, let’s learn what are the elements that can affect your Norwich Terriers shedding.
Elements That Can Affect Your Norwich Terriers Shedding

I hope that you do know that when puppies Are Young, you are less likely to notice any kind of shedding. At a time, they will often shed little to nothing at all.
But, as soon as they get older, you are more likely to notice some shedding and with the passing days, the shedding can go into the heavier moderation for sure.
Now after understanding, you can easily guess why the old dogs shed so much. It is also one of the elements that can factor into the amount of shedding of your Norwich Terriers.
Quality Of The Coat
look, the shedding also depends upon the quality of the coat. If their coat is healthy then it is a hundred percent sure that their shedding will be at a minimum but if their skin gets dry or if their coat gets healthy then it is obvious that they are going to shed aggressively
So it is very obvious to adopt Norwich Terriers from a reputable breeder and to ensure that the puppy you are adopting comes with a very healthy coat. It is very important to ensure the quality of your puppy because that quality of coat can lead to an Extreme amount of shedding.
It is obvious that diet plays an important role in determining how much your dog is going to be healthy. But do you know, it can also help you in keeping the skin more healthy.
If their skin is healthy and moisturized then it is obvious that your dog is going to shed at a very minimal.
So, you need to avoid bad or Cheap food and ensure that you are feeding your Norwich Terriers with high-quality food that contains high-quality ingredients.
If you notice your Norwich Terriers shedding aggressively in some months and in some months not so much that it is obvious that this kind of shedding takes place due to the temperature change.
So if you live in a place where the temperature or season changes very frequently than it is obvious that your dog is going to shed accordingly so that they can regulate their body temperature according to the seasonal changes.
How To Keep Their Shedding At A Minimum
- The first thing is to groom them perfectly and you need to understand that you should always brush their coat regularly to keep the shedding at a minimum.
- Always brush for a Norwich Terriers coat in the direction of their growth because it is important to brush them effectively and in a proper manner that can really ensure that the experience of grooming for your dog becomes painless.
- You need to understand that your Norwich Terriers need its own brush and it is important to brush Norwich Terriers coat with the right ideal brush that perfectly fits your Norwich Terriers coat. If you don’t know then let me tell you your Norwich Terriers is going to need a slicker brush.
- If you already have a slicker brush then Congrats and if you don’t have one then the here is the recommended slicker Brush. It is the brush that I have been using for the past few years and it is amazing.
Best Slicker Bristle Brush | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush | It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish. | View on Amazon |
- Avoid bathing your Norwich Terriers frequently because of the frequent bath can make the skin dry. Dry skin means more shedding. So, always bath your Norwich Terriers when they need it. It is recommended to bath Norwich Terriers only once a month or every 6 weeks.
- Always try or use a good quality of shampoo that is going to ensure that their natural oil won’t get washed away with the water because their skin can easily get dry. Use a good quality pet shampoo that is 100% natural and ideal for your Norwich Terriers coat.
- Here are the recommended shampoos that I would recommend you use while you will be bathing your Norwich Terriers because it can really help you in removing all the danders, dead hairs, and loose hairs with the water from their coat effectively.
- Don’t ever feed your Norwich Terriers with any kind of kitchen leftover food or foods that contain grains. Grains are harmful to dogs and they can really increase the chances of gum diseases or dental problems.
- Don’t buy cheap food because it has been observed that cheap foods do have the nutrition but doesn’t have the right balance of nutrition that is needed for your Norwich Terriers skin to fulfill all their nutritional need. So, avoid Cheap food.
- Always feed your Norwich Terriers with high-quality food that contains high-quality protein-rich ingredients that can ensure that your Norwich Terriers all nutritional needs get fulfilled as well as the food can make the skin more healthy.
- Here are the recommended foods that you can feed to your Norwich Terriers because this food not only has the right balance of Nutrition but also have the ability to make a Norwich Terriers skin more and more healthy each month.
This food contains protein-rich ingredients and fish ingredients which is very healthy for your Norwich Terriers’ skin.
- Always feed your Norwich Terriers with supplements like Omega supplement and fatty acids supplements because it is very handy for owners who want to make their dogs coat & skin more and more healthy each month.
Final Thoughts
I hope that I manage to give you some space of information about your Norwich Terriers shedding and if I did then do share this post and if you have any questions regarding your Norwich Terriers shedding then you can comment below and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. So, see you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.