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Feeding Bearded Dragons: How to Grow Dubia Roaches
Are you looking for answers about Can I feed my bearded dragon dead Dubia roaches? Why and How many should I feed?
Well, we are going to answer all your questions in this post and hopefully, it will enlighten you what not to feed a beardie!
Dubai Roaches can be bred in a few steps. A simple solution to a huge problem. To find out how to read this article.
As the parent of a bearded dragon, you’ve probably noticed that they eat a lot.
According to the specialist, Dubia roaches are thought to be the ideal meal for dragons.
These roaches, on the other hand, are a slow-breeding species. This is a major issue, especially if you have more than one mouth to feed.
Dubai roaches are high in protein and will ensure that your dragon’s nutritional needs are met.
Furthermore, unlike the other feeder insects, they do not emit a foul odor. So dubia roaches are an absolute must for your bearded dragon.
Luckily there is a solution to the ‘slow breeding marketplace’ problem! You can raise a Dubia roach colony at your home.
It’s simple to grow, and with the instructions we are providing, you’ll know exactly how to care, and what materials you’ll need to grow this roach colony.
What to Feed Bearded Dragons?
Dragons can be finicky, and many of them have an attitude. They are extremely picky eaters who demand a well-balanced diet.
This can be problematic for new bearded dragon owners. Remember adult and baby dragons have different nutritional requirements.
Make a list of the food that your dragons enjoy. Outside bugs should not be fed to them since they may come into contact with infectious organisms.
Avoid feeding dead bugs as they are not very healthy. Bearded dragons thrive on staple vegetables, mealworms, and their favorite Dubia roaches.
Growing a Dubia Roach Colony
Dubai roaches, often known as orange-spotted roaches, are a favorite with critters who love large insects, such as bearded dragons.
These dragons, whether they are babies or adults, will devour these roaches in no time. Growing a Dubai roach colony is thus a fantastic idea.
This article should act as a guide to take you through each stage and ensure that you grow some Dubai roaches successfully.
It might be a little icky, but if you enjoy learning new techniques, you’ve come to the right place.
Setting Up a Dubia Roach Colony
These animals do not live with humans and are very clean.
They expand in different sizes throughout their lifespan, making them an attractive feeder bug for a variety of reptiles and other larger insects.
Since they are native to Argentina’s tropical region, they need a relatively temperate climate to thrive. So here’s what you’ll require.
1. Breeder Tanks
The first item you’ll need to grow your colony is a large smooth-sided plastic tub (with a locking cover).
Climbing is impossible for Dubia roaches on smooth surfaces. Additionally, you must have proper ventilation in your tub.
You’ll need to drill some big air holes in your lid.
To keep your roaches inside, smooth the rough edges of your air holes and cover them with an adhesive covering or a thin layer of net.
Make sure to have plenty of holes to allow proper ventilation
2. Housing
You’ll need to add some housing for the Dubai roaches to populate once your lid is ready and your tub is clean. Many people use egg crates for this.
You can get the leftover egg crates from a breakfast restaurant, even your pet store may offer you fresh, unused egg crates for free if they are overstocked.
Egg crates are usually placed vertically inside the tub. If your tub isn’t tall enough, you can simply lay them flat.
3. Food
Now it’s time to give the bugs some food. Get around the food tray and cover one side with a thin layer of a mesh screen.
This will make it easier for the baby roaches to climb up and get to the food.
Additionally, you should have a separate dish for serving veggies and fruits. To avoid infecting the entire area, make sure this dish is a little tall.
Create a fine mixture by grinding dog food and oats. Give them a reasonable amount, to begin with. Avoid giving too much, otherwise, they may overfeed and die.
You can also give them water crystals (polymer crystals that absorb water) or moist fruit to go with them. Just be careful and change it frequently.
4. Temperature
Dubai roaches are temperature sensitive. They prefer conditions of 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit for growth. You must choose a site where the temperature stays within this range at all times.
This enables the roaches to reproduce. Anything less will impede the breeding process, while more will certainly kill them.
It’s doubtful that you’ll be able to set up your tanks in an area that stays within this temperature range, so you might need to supplement your heating arrangement.
There are various ways to heat a room, but the most common include heat mats and light bulbs. These should be set up outside the tank.
Heat mats are more widely used as they do not overheat quickly and there is less danger of roaches coming into contact with a bulb, which might cause damage to your room’s furniture too.
Just make sure the tank is placed a little higher above the heat mat to allow the heat to escape and prevent the tank from overheating.
A thermostat is another way to control the temperature.
5. Humidity
Humidity also plays a significant role. It is necessary to maintain a humidity level of 40-60%.
Anything beyond 40 percent can be tolerated, but humidity levels below 40 percent can create serious issues.
Egg capsules, for example, dry out and become sterile at low humidity causing the female roaches to drop these eggs and begin reproducing again.
Low humidity also has an impact on nymph growth, as it dries and kills them.
Humidity levels exceeding 80%, combined with darkness and a high temperature, can promote the growth of bacteria and mold.
Be Cautious of Allergies
Even though the procedure is straightforward, touching roaches can be unpleasant and undesirable.
Nonetheless, for someone who has an undiagnosed roach allergy, this approach can be quite unsafe.
Use extreme caution when raising this colony.
Otherwise, you might have some unhappy bearded dragons and cause harm to yourself and your pet.
In Conclusion
For your bearded dragon, Dubia Roaches are the best feeder insect. If you buy feeder insects at the pet store daily,
feeding your bearded dragon can get expensive.
However, you may raise your own Dubia Roaches and save a lot of money by doing so.
By establishing a Dubia Roach colony for breeding and feeding (with the steps we mentioned), you can ensure a steady supply of healthy feeder insects for your bearded dragon or other exotic pet. Follow us on social media

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.