No doubt that Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is very cute due to its color and Chocolate Husky is very attractive due to its amazing appearance.
But have you ever considered a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix? This one is a huge appeal as a pet and its demand is increasing like crazy every single year.

Welcome to the Husky Chocolate Lab Mix guide, here, you are going to know everything that you need to know about Husky Chocolate Lab Mix as a pet.
Here I am going to discuss their appearance as well as their history. I am also going to give you some space of information about where do they come from, their health issues, their temperament, and how you can take care of a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix if you adopt one.
Post Contents
What is a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix?

A Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is a mix of chocolate lab and Siberian huskies, that were originally bred in the United States. They feature a very thick coat that can come with medium-sized hair with medium-short hair. Their coat can be very fluffy as well as silky.
A Husky Chocolate Lab Mix can be very energetic, fun-loving, affectionate, and friendly. They can come in a variation of color combinations and no doubt why they are one of the most popular modern-day designer dogs.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix can be a perfect fit and a great pet for families with children. They can also be very affectionate toward its owners, they tend to get along with children as well as other pet animals.
While keeping a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix can be hard sometimes as a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is a crossbreed of husky and chocolate lab.
They can come in different types of colors like Husky or your chocolate lab Husky mix but mostly you will notice them in a single color. On the bright side, they can be very loving, loyal, affectionate and friendly Dogs.
They are also good with strangers, so you don’t have to worry about the guest’s appearance suddenly in your home. They always look forward to spending some time with you and your family members and can be very outgoing too.
It can be pretty hard to find a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix as it is one of the most popular modern designer dogs that is being bred in a small number.
The cost of the Husky Chocolate Lab Mix puppy also fluctuates according to the demand and availability of the puppy. It can be expensive to adopt hybrid like this one and can also be expensive to maintain one as a pet.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix tends to be very goofy, lively and outgoing medium-sized dogs. They can also be very good Watchdog and the working dog as well.
Any dog lovers can easily get attracted to a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix due to its cute color which is “chocolate” and special appearance because of its one parent Husky. Husky Chocolate Lab Mix can inherit some unique behavioral as well as physical traits from its parents.
Just to learn more about them, we interviewed 3 Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s owner and got to know that it can be very exciting and fun to be around a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix.
We also did some research and spent more than 8 hours to collect some valuable information through the internet. After hours and hours of research and interviewing 3 Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s dog owners, we brought you this article.
To know more about the stay with the article and go through the whole article, so that you can learn more about them and also we are going to discuss how you can find one around you.
Physical appearance

Husky Chocolate Lab Mix Coat
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix tends to have a very thick top layered coat that can come either with short hair or medium-sied long hair. Their Coat can shed occasionally or seasonally, depending upon what they inherited and from whom they inherit most of its physical traits.
Its coat also needs some grooming done occasionally to maintain its cleanliness and healthiness. You will also need to brush their coat once every 2 or 3 days. We will discuss the grooming later.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix color
Only by its names, you can expect what color they can come in. A Husky Chocolate Lab Mix will definitely come in chocolate color which is the most favorite and cute color of girls as well as a boy.
You can also find some Strike or a spot of color combination as they are a mix of husky too. But, most of the time, it has been seen that they come only in one color which is chocolate and look slightly like Fox.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix size
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s parents are a medium-sized dog. So, a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is also going to be a medium-size dog and can be a very good Watchdog as well. If you don’t have too much room space or you live in an apartment then it will be recommended not to adopt a medium-sized dog and especially a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix as they can be very energetic and can be destructive at home in your absence.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix weight, height, and lifespan

It is very hard to predict the exact information on their weight, height, and lifespan but we can take a quick look at their parent and get an idea of what to expect from Husky Chocolate Lab Mix.
We also did interview 3 owners and we learned that it’s physical traits as well as behavioral traits totally depends because each of the puppies is going to be different from one another.
Husky comes with a height of 1 foot 8 inches to 1 foot 11 inches tall at the shoulder and can weigh around 35 lbs to 60 lbs. Husky comes with a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.
The chocolate lab comes with a height of 1 foot 1 inch to 1 foot 9 inches tall at the shoulder and can weigh 55 to 80 lbs. The chocolate lab comes with a lifespan of 10 to 12 years.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix can come with height 2 inches to 1 foot 11 inches tall at the shoulder, and weigh around 45 to 65 Pounds approx. You can expect the lifespan of 10 years to 12 years from Husky Chocolate Lab Mix. Proper care also ensures and increases their lifespan to almost 15 years.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix temperament

As I mentioned earlier, their physical traits, as well as behavioral traits, totally depend on their parents with what and how much they inherit from its parent’s – husky and chocolate lab.
They can inherit some unique behavioral as well as physical traits and each of the Husky Chocolate Lab Mix puppies is going to be different from one another.
However, we can guess their temperament and after interviewing 3 Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s dog owners, we got to know how Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s temperament is going to be.
If you really want to adopt a good companion and looking to make good companionship with your dog and need urgently a good Watchdog as well that can behave well with children as well as other animals, then maybe a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is what you need.
They can be aggressive towards the stranger and can also be a good barker.
Keep in mind that Husky Chocolate Lab Mix doesn’t like to be felt ignored and they can start chewing their owners belonging if they feel ignored. Plus, they require proper care, attention, and interaction with their owners, they also love to spend time with their owner.
They don’t do well if they are left alone on their own. You can’t leave a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix for more than 6 hours on their own as they can easily feel depressed and anxious when nobody is around to interact with them.
They need proper interaction and frequent attention from their owner or their family member. They can be very destructive if they are left alone on their own with full energy.
They can be aggressive also if they inherit some behavioral traits from the parent – Husky side. By which I mean, it is very hard to train the parent husky and you are also likely to face some issue with your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix in training session too.
So, it would be recommended to Train Your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix early as training them when they are fully grown can be a very bad experience.
However, with proper training, you can make the following command and also can make them learn how to perform tricks. They are also very willing as they also look forward to listening to your commands.
Apart from that, they are also good with children so they can easily get along with small kids and other family members. You don’t need to be worried about the behavior point of view side.
The only downside of Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is they don’t do well on their own and they need proper attention and interaction to survive and lead a happy life.
If you see a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix chewing your belonging then it means that they need some interaction from you or your family member. A dog like this one mostly chews their owner’s belongings to give some notion/signs to their owner that they are been ignored by them.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix Health Concerns
I hope that you have probably heard of health issues that come with hybrid/mutt like this one. If you haven’t then it may feel sad to you but unfortunately, every hybrid by which I mean every designer dog that has been bred in numbers to date comes with some genetic health issues.
Some of them can be the major ones while some of them can be the minor ones, it totally depends on what they inherit from their parent’s genetics.
Most of the common diseases that have been caught with Husky Chocolate Lab Mix are cataracts and dilated cardiomyopathy. Apart from that, Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is also vulnerable to allergies that are very common in mutt/hybrids. Husky Chocolate Lab Mix has the potential to inherit some serious health problems from its parent’s – husky and chocolate lab.
Your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix can face health problems at some point especially when they are at the growing stage because of their increasing numbers of growth cells. These issues could be corneal Dystrophy, excessive shedding, hyperglycemia, hip dysplasia, and allergies.
After spending hours and hours of time research, we got to know about serious health problems that your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix may face some minor as well as major health problems at some point in their life.
We discovered and predicted those health issues based on their parent’s genetics Siberian Husky and chocolate lab.
Husky Chocolate Lab Mixes are more likely to face health issues like hypoglycemia, hip dysplasia, skin discoloration, cataracts, eyesight problems, allergies, and breathing problems.
These are some problems that I have learned by looking at their parent’s genes. Your Husky Chocolate Lab Mixes are more likely to face this kind of health problem at some point.
However, after interviewing those three Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s owner we got to know that they haven’t faced anything susceptible to this health problem with Husky Chocolate Lab Mix.
But according to our research, you might face this problem if your puppy is not healthy or you have been feeding a very bad diet routine. It could be any reason but still, it would be recommended to have occasional testing done.
Apart from that, you should also make sure that you adopt a puppy from a genuine breeder who offers health insurance on a puppy. Don’t ever adopt the hybrid-like Husky Chocolate Lab Mix from a breeder who won’t offer Health Insurance as most of them tend to lie about their puppy because they just want to make quick money by selling those puppy, especially puppy Mills.
From the last 10 years, puppy Mills have been breeding a large number of puppies and they don’t even care about their health they just want to breed numbers of puppies so that they can earn money in a short time.
A few of the health concerns can be major ones and can create huge problems if not heightened early, but most of them are the minor ones that can be cured and taken care of very easily. From our viewpoint, we would suggest you be on the safe side by visiting the vet with your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix more often for a quick health check-up. It is very-very-very crucial to have the occasional testing done on your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s elbow, skin, and hips.
Occasional testing can be the best way to identify and eliminate this kind of serious health concerns at the early stage before it spreads aggressively on your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix. It would also be better if you feed them with the right dietary routine to keep them healthy and safe all the time, as a dog’s lifestyle and dietary routine is what affects their health.
Before I tell you about their history, I would like to tell you or inform you that breeding such hybrids increasing very fastly from the last few years. I know it won’t shock you if I say nowadays adopting and breeding such a mutt or designer dog like Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is very common and actually, it is also quite a trend.
Breeders are breeding such a hybrid in large numbers especially puppy Mills so that they can make quick money. Apart from that, breeders are also bleeding numbers of Husky Chocolate Lab Mix because of their increasing demands and the unavailability of the puppy. The demand is at its peak for chocolate lab and there is not enough numbers of puppies to fulfill those demands
Here in this graph, you can see how much the demand has been increased over the last 5 years. No doubts that the demand for a hybrid like Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is going to increase more in the upcoming years and will always increase in the future too.
But the point is not about demand and supply. Actually, the point is the saddest thing to know. The demand for designer breeds is fuelling puppy Mills/farms. They are breeding large numbers of designer puppies in the mill so that they can make quick money in a shorter period. Its only business for them, they don’t give a damn about their hybrid puppies health. That is why it is very important to stop providing the fuel by which I mean you should not avoid buying or adopting a puppy from a puppy mill or farm.
Now, moving forward, talking about Husky Chocolate Lab Mix’s history, there is nothing available on the Internet that can tell us about them but there is plenty of things that we can learn from its parent’s history. Both of its parents got a brief history to look on but here we are only going to take a quick look at some valuable points so that we can get to know more about the parents and came to a conclusion about what to expect from Husky Chocolate Lab Mix.
Origin of a chocolate lab.
In late 2013, chocolate Labs got well popular and managed to make a good impression on the shooting field. However, for a few years, the brown color of labs was not acceptable to Labrador lovers. The demand for this beautiful chocolate lab used to come from ordinary homeowners as those people enormously preferred the word chocolate to describe their pet.
Even today we use colors name “chocolate” very often first like favorite Snack Bar and chocolate favorite drinks. However, it is very tough to know if a lab is completely chocolate or not as it can only be referred to as a chocolate lab if it’s little puppies also born with chocolate color. Mostly, black labs were considered respectable for a labrador.
Origin of Siberian Husky
Originally, it has been believed that the Siberian Husky was originated among the Chukchi. They used to be a walking Dogs as well as family dogs due to their special appearance, friendliness, loveliness, and outgoing nature. After the DNA test on Husky, it has been confirmed that they are one of the oldest dog breeds that are present in this world.
In the early days, the Siberian huskies were used to be kept as family dogs who often used to sleep with Children and provide them with their warmth so that the children can sleep comfortably in winter seasons.
After 1900 the Siberian Husky was first imported to Alaska. In 1908, Husky was imported to Alaska so that they can be used as sled dogs during the Gold Rush. Apart from that, they also used to be a very good competitor in the 408 Mile dog sled race. Even today, they are an active competitor in this sweepstakes game.
Siberian Husky was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1930 and the Siberian Club of America was also founded just after its 8 years by which I mean 1938. As soon as this Club of America was founded, the Canadian kennel club also recognized them in 1939.
Characteristics and facts of Husky Chocolate Lab Mix.
- Husky Chocolate Lab Mix tends to be very adorable, active, outgoing, friendly, intelligent, loyal, and energetic dogs. They come with unique behavioral traits and physical traits that they inherit from his parent’s chocolate lab and Siberian Husky.
“They can also behave very badly sometimes as they also tend to be very e demanding but with proper training, you can fight this.”
- Husky Chocolate Lab Mix is a mix of chocolate lab and Siberian Husky and both parents are medium-sized dogs and have some arrogance. So, it is very obvious to experience some arrogance in the training session. However, take and respond with devotion if you treat them with kindness.
- Training comes very handy to that owner who wants to keep dogs in one place and away from the bedroom and kitchen area as well as always behave well mannered in front of their guest. But training a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix can be pretty hard as one of its parent Husky is very hard to train.
- Husky Chocolate Lab Mix loves to socialize with peoples and always look forward to spending some times with their owner.
- They can also be very outgoing sometimes and it would be recommended to take them for a walk every day so that you can keep their energy level low. And also bark sometimes especially When a Stranger approaches at your door.
- Husky Chocolate Lab Mix doesn’t do well on their own.
- Leaving them alone on their own for too long can make them feel stressed and depressed and it has been seen that most of the time leaving a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix for more than 5 hours make them prone to serious focus issues and depression.
- They come with thick Coat that can have either short hair or medium size hair. If it comes with medium-sized hair then it would be recommended to brush their code daily so that you can keep their hair from getting matted.
- Apart from that, it is also recommended to moisturize their skin so that their skin won’t get dry
- They tend to shed occasionally as Siberian Husky tend to shed two times a year, especially in the Early Spring and in the late summer. You may also some aggressive shedding from your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix due to their special genes. If they come with short hair then you may not need to worry too much about the grooming or shedding.
- If you are allergic to dogs then proper and effective grooming can make a huge difference in how your allergy reacts around your dog.
- Effectively grooming your dog is the most important thing that you need to do is to keep their danders forming to a minimum and always make sure that their skin is always moisturized and not being dry. Dry skin means more dander forming on them
- Always make sure that you don’t bath them more than once a month as bathing them too much can make their skin look unnatural and dry.
- Apart from that, you will also need to make sure that you are bathing them with proper shampoo and conditioner and keeping their skin moisturized all the time.
- Make sure that you feed them with high-quality dog food that only contains protein-rich ingredients like meat.
- Always avoid the quality of food and always make sure that you are not feeding them with fruits and vegetables more than once a week. A proper diet is going to keep your Husky Chocolate Lab Mix healthy and prevent them from facing any health issues in the future.
How much a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix puppy cost?
Husky Chocolate Lab Mix puppies and cost you around $500 to $1500 depending upon the quality of the puppy, availability of the puppy, and your residential location. Its price can also skyrocket if you are adopting a puppy from a reputable breeder who offers Health Insurance and a puppy with a popular color combination.
How to find a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix puppy?
Well, you can easily find a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix puppy by doing a quick nearby search. You can search nearby for a reputable breeder who breeds Husky Chocolate Lab Mix puppies. Apart from that, you can also just google it and check the availability of the puppy in your location. If you can’t manage to find one then it would be recommended to ask your local and neighbors if they can help you to find a well-known breeder. The last option would be to import a Husky Chocolate Lab Mix from another country/state.
Other Chocolate Lab Mixes
- Husky Chocolate Lab Mix
- Golden Retriever Chocolate Lab Mix
- German Shepherd Chocolate Lab Mix
- Border Collie Chocolate Lab Mix
- Australian Shepherd Chocolate Lab Mix
- Weimaraner Chocolate Lab Mix
- Rottweiler Chocolate Lab Mix
- Pitbull Chocolate Lab Mix

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.