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Are Poodles Good With Cats? Do they Get Along easily?

If you’re a cat-owner and are considering bringing a poodle either by buying or adopting one from poodle rescue centers to the fold, you may be concerned about the oft-mentioned hostility between cats and dogs. So, how will it work out between the poodle and your resident cat in this new ‘blended family’? This article …

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Can Parakeets Eat Bananas? [Feeding Guide]

Poor or inadequate nutrition in birds’ diets is cited as the number one cause of illness among pet birds. We are planning on introducing parakeets to our collection of pets. I got curious whether since bananas are readily available they can make a good treat for budgies. Below I share my findings. Can parakeets eat …

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Can Budgies Eat Watermelon? [Feeding Guide]

Are you wondering whether watermelon is safe for parakeets? We have done tons of research on fruits that are safe for budgies. Below we share our findings on watermelon. Can budgies eat watermelon? Budgies can eat watermelon including watermelon seeds mixed with other fruits such as papaya, banans, berries, mango, pineapples, oranges, and apples. Watermelon …

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Are Ducks Good Pets? [ Everything you should know]

Pets become part and parcel of our families and bring us abundant joy, companionship, and emotional support whenever we need it. Had a stressful day at work? You can always count on that snuggle with your pet. A lonely time in your life? Your pet got your back. Even if you’re having a good time …

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Are Parrots Good Pets? [Definitive Guide To Owning a Parrot]

Parrots are smart, colorful, funny birds that are often seen as charming pets. It seems that at every corner, a pet birdie is causing a laugh as they mimic some person or even adorably giving a greeting or a farewell to someone. It is easy to see why people love pet parrots. But do these …

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Can Ducks Eat Tomatoes? This Is How To Feed Tomatoes To Ducks

When feeding ducks, knowledge of which foods are safe and which foods may harm them is crucial. Unsafe food may not only compromise the egg-laying capacity and proper growth of ducks, but it can also lead to the untimely death of the ducks – particularly with poisonous food. The tomato is one of those foods …

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