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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Clover? [3 BENEFITS]

Plant materials should make up part of the bearded dragon’s diet, especially for adult dragons that tend to be more herbivorous than their younger self which is mostly carnivorous. Given that cloves are easily available and easy to grow, I decided to research whether beardies can eat them. Can bearded dragons eat clover? Bearded dragons …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cilantro? Feeding Guide.

Bearded dragons enjoy eating greens, some greens may harm bearded dragons if offered in large amount. I did some digging to see whether cilantro or coriander is safe for beardies and the benefits it provides. Can bearded dragons eat cilantro? Bearded dragons can eat both cilantro leaves and stems. Feeding bearded dragons 100g of cilantro …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin [4 BENEFITS]

In today’s post, we take a deep look into whether it is safe to offer pumpkins to the dragons and the benefits this vegetable has to offer, plus how often it should be fed. Can bearded dragons eat Pumpkins? Bearded dragons can eat pumpkin gut, leaves, and flowers. Pumpkin gut has some worming properties that …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms? [2 BENEFITS]

Insects and worms are part of a bearded dragon especially when they are young. During spring I normally see a lot of earthworms in my backyard. I go curious whether they are safe for beardies, so I did some digging here is what I found. Can bearded dragons eat earthworms? Bearded dragons can eat earthworms, …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cauliflower? [Everything You Should Know]

Are you wondering which vegetables are safe for bearded dragons? We have done a lot of research into the right and safe vegetables to feed bearded dragons. Can bearded dragons eat cauliflower? Bearded dragons can eat cauliflower moderately. Bearded dragons should have between 6-13 grams of cauliflower per month. It should not be a staple …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Figs? [Feeding Guide]

In this post we take a look into the benefits of feeding figs to dragons, how to feed, how often and how much, plus any potentially harmful side effects. Can bearded dragons eat figs? Bearded dragons can eat figs. Figs are a good source of calcium for bearded dragons’ growth of bones and reproduction. However, …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots? Benefits & Risks

We have done extensive research on safe vegetables to feed bearded dragons. Vegetables should form a considerably high percentage for the adult bearded dragons compared to juvenile bearded dragons. Can bearded dragons eat carrots? Bearded dragons can eat carrots and carrots tops. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A for bearded dragons. However, dragons …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ginger?

Bearded dragons both adult and young need vegetables and other plant material in their diet. While some vegetables are loaded with nutrients needed in the bearded dragon growth and development. Some can be harmful, I did some digging to find out more about ginger. Can bearded dragons eat ginger? Bearded dragons should not eat ginger. …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cantaloupe?

Below are results of a research I did to find out whether Cantaloupe is safe for bearded dragons and how often they should eat it. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cantaloupe? Bearded dragons can eat cantaloupe but only as an occasional treat. Feeding cantaloupe to bearded dragons provides them with beta-carotene, hydration, and fiber. However, if …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bread? (3 Reasons to Avoid)

I got curious whether beardies can actually eat bread without any health issues. To understand the subject better I did some research, below are my results. Can bearded dragon eat bread? Bearded dragons should not eat bread. Bread has almost no nutritional value to the body of bearded dragons. Bread in the stomach of bearded …

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