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Can Bearded Dragons Swim? Facts Explained

In this post, we take a look at how bearded dragons can perform in the water. Can bearded dragons swim? Bearded dragons can swim, they are prolific swimmers. In fact, they can even remain underwater for about 10-15 minutes, longer than this and they may drown. When swimming bearded dragon’s body movement resembles that of …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Hornworms? Feeding Guide

Bearded dragons are omnivores eating both insects and plant materials. When young bearded dragons tend to be more insectivorous compared to when they are adults. While they can eat most insects, you should always ensure these feeder insects provide the right nutrients. Below are the benefits of feeding hornworms to the dragons and how to …

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Do Bearded Dragon Drink Water? (6 Rehydration Techniques)

If you own a bearded dragon you must be wondering why they can’t seem to drink water from the bowl, or you would just be wondering whether they really need water at all. In this post, we strive to provide the answer to that very question. Do bearded dragon drink water? Bearded dragons do drink …

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Can Bearded Dragon Eat Spinach? Risks & Benefits

The diet of the bearded dragon should contain both veggies and insects. Some veggies can be harmful to beardies, I did some reading to find out where spinach stands. Here are my findings. Can bearded dragons eat spinach? Bearded dragons can eat spinach but only as an occasional treat. Spinach is a great source of …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Arugula? [5 Benefits]

Veggies make up a high percentage of adult bearded dragons’ diets. While some veggies are safe for beardies, some can be very dangerous. I did some digging to find out whether arugulas are safe. Below I share my findings. Can bearded dragons eat arugula? Bearded dragons can eat arugula. Arugula or rocket salad is a …

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Can Bearded Dragon Eat Kale? [Can They Eat it Daily]

Earlier today when I was at our local zoo, I saw several species of lizards. Some were carnivorous and others omnivorous. My main interest was in bearded dragons, they were easy to handle and pet around. So, I got curious about their plant diet. Below is research I did on whether they can enjoy kale. …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lettuce? [Nutriotionally POOR]

Vegetables make up a small percentage of young bearded dragons and a large percentage of adult bearded dragons. It is therefore very important that you feed your dragon nutrient-loaded vegetables. I did some digging on what benefits lettuce offers to beardies. Can bearded dragons eat lettuce? Bearded dragons can eat both lettuce and iceberg lettuce …

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Can Bearded Dragon Eat Pickles? Pros and Cons

Knowing the right food to feed your bearded dragon is very important if you are looking to keep it healthy. In this post, we will take a deeper look into whether beardies can be fed pickled vegetables. Can bearded dragons eat pickles? Bearded dragons should not eat pickles due to their high acidity and sodium …

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Can Turtles Eat Strawberries? [Everything You Should Know]

I ran a local aquarium shop mostly dealing with ornamental fish of all kinds. Recently, I have been looking forward to introducing turtles as part of the aquatic animals we sell. To be able to advise clients on the appropriate plant-based diet for turtles given that most of my clients are beginners. I did the …

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Can Tortoise Eat Tomatoes? [what About Unripe Tomatoes]

After watching tortoises eat some watermelon in our local zoo during one of my visits, I got curious whether they can eat other fruits as well especially when our guide mentioned that some tortoises should not eat fruits. Below is a research I did about which types of torts should eat tomatoes and ones that …

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