I have encountered many hybrid dogs and this one was one of the most impressive and amazing dog hybrids. Every single hybrid has its own kind of unique traits and this one also have its own kind of unique behavioral traits.

What Is A Pitbull Bloodhound Mix? Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is a hybrid dog breed that has been bred by cross-breeding a Bloodhound and Pitbull in the United States. Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is the recent modern-day designer dog that has been popular from the last few decades and is in demand.
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is going to inherit a unique behavior as well as physical traits from its parent’s genetic. Every single puppy of Pit Bloodhound Mix is going to be different from one another depending upon how much and what kind of traits theY inherited from each of the parents’ side.
However, in this guide, we will learn about the Bloodhound Pit Mix as well as you will also get to know how to get one and what will be the cost of a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix. So, without wasting time, let’s learn, what exactly the Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is
Post Contents
- Pitbull Bloodhound Mix
- Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Picture
- Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Physical Appearance
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix Characteristics
- Pros And Cons Of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix Temperament
- Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Health Concerns
- How To Take Care Of A Pitbull Bloodhound Mix
- Pitbull Bloodhound Mix For Sale
- Final Thought
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix

Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is amazing dog breeds that are very easy to train and due to the high intelligence level, they are going to follow your command will more likely to please you by performing tricks for you.
They have the potential for youthfulness and yes, also the tendency to bark or howl. Most of the time, it has been noticed that both of its parents have a tendency to bark and howl and that is why the offspring Bloodhound Pitbull Mix will also have a tendency to howl and bark at strangers or whenever they feel alone.
If they have not given proper mental stimulation then they are also going to be very clingy with you. Apart from that, the energy level of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is going to be at its peak. Bloodhound Pitbull Mix tends to be a very energetic dog breed as both parents are high energy dog breeds.
So, the exercise that you are going to give your Pitbull Bloodhound Mix should be intense enough because they require an excessive amount of exercise.
Apart from that, they are also very friendly and playful dog breeds and will like to play with you all day long. After understanding, some of the main points of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix, let’s learn, some physical appearance of a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix.
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Picture

Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Physical Appearance
Every single puppy of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is going to come in a different physical appearance and will vary from dog to dog because it totally depends on what kind of traits they inherit from its parents’ genetic.
Every single Pitbull Bloodhound Mix puppies is going to be different from one another depending upon whom they have inherited most of its traits.
So, it is less likely to predict the exact physical appearance of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix‘s puppies but when we take closer to its parents, we can understand and what would be the expected physical appearance of a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix.
Here we are going to do the same. We are going to take a look at its parents’ physical appearance and by that, we will try to know what would be the expected physical appearance of a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix in time.
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Coat
The Pitbull comes with a very stiff Coat that feels very smooth by the touch. Apart from the smoothness, the coat also come with very short hair in it which makes Pitbull very easy to groom.
You only need to brush that coat two or three times a week to keep their grooming needs fulfilled. Apart from that, talking about Bloodhound coat, it feels very thin and loose by the touch.
Around the head and neck, it has a deep thickness with loose skin. This skin tends to be very loose. So, you can expect that the coat of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix puppies going to be very unique.
If a Pit Bloodhound Mix inherits most of its physical traits from the Bloodhound side then their skin is also going to be loose and thin but is likely to be very smoothish by the touch.
If Pitbull Bloodhound Mix inherits most of its physical traits from the Pitbull side then their skin is not going to be loose but are likely to be very smooth and stiff.
As I told you, It totally depends upon their parents Genetics and the puppy what they inherit.
Bloodhound Pitbull Mix Color
Talking about the parent Pitbull color, the Pitbull comes in a variety of colors starting from white, brown,, black, red, blue, and tan. On the other hand, Bloodhound comes in a white and tan color, black and tan color, snd red color.
These are the color that you are expected to see in Bloodhound. So, you can expect the Pitbull Bloodhound Mix to carry the same.
The Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is a hybrid dog breed that has been created by crossbreed in both the parents and you can expect them to come in the color of the parent like brown, black, white, grey, or in any mixture of its parents’ colors.
Bloodhound Pitbull Mix Size
Both of the parents, Pitbull and Bloodhound are medium size dog breed. So, you can expect them to carry the same.
The Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is also going to be medium size dog breeds as their parents are. In order to understand the height, weight, and lifespan of a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix, we will need to learn about the characteristics of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix. So, let’s do it.
Bloodhound Pitbull Mix Characteristics
It is almost next to impossible to know the exact characteristics of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix because each of the puppies is going to be different from one another and it is next to impossible to look at all the puppy to know what kind of character they are going to carry in the future.
So, as I told you to see next impossible, it doesn’t mean that we need to ignore this. Because if we take a closer look at its parents’ characteristics, we can guess, and predict what would be the characteristics of a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix.
Pitbull Height, Weight, And Lifespan
Height | 1 foot, 5 inches to 1 foot, 7 inches tall at the shoulder |
Weight | 30 to 85 pounds |
LifeSpan | 12 to 16 years |
Bloodhound Height, Weight, And Lifespan
Weight | 80 to 110 pounds |
Height | 1 foot, 11 inches to 2 feet, 3 inches tall at the shoulder |
Life Span | 11 to 15 years |
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Height, Weight, And Lifespan
Weight | 45 to 95 pounds |
Height | 1 foot, 6 inches to 2 feets tall at the shoulder |
Life Span | 12 to 15 years |
Pros And Cons Of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix

9 Pros Of Bloodhound Pit Mix
- Pit Bloodhound Mix is an amazing dog breed that can also make a great pet. In case if are looking for a great companion then maybe this is what you need because they are very friendly by nature.
- A Pitbull Bloodhound Mix can easily get along with children if they have been socialized very early.
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is easy to train dog breeds due to their high intelligence level.
- Pitbull Bloodhound Mix will always be ready to perform in outdoor activities and will always look forward to pleasing you.
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is less prone to health concerns compared to other hybrid dogs.
- Grooming of Bloodhound Pit Mix would be easy if they inherit most of its physical traits from the Pitbull side.
- Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is also popular as a kid-friendly dog breed and tends to be very affectionate with family which makes them perfect hybrid dogs for families with kids.
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix has the ability to tolerate coat and hot weather and will adapt well according to the temperature changes.
- It can be a fun and exciting experience for everyone to be around such as a unique hybrid Bloodhound Pitbull Mix that comes with unpredictable personalities.
9 Cons Of Pitbull Bloodhound Mix
- Bloodhound Pit Mix is not the perfect hybrid Dogs for Apartment living.
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is not going to tolerate any novice owners.
- Pit Bloodhound Mix doesn’t do well enough when they are left alone on their own.
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is a high energy dog breed that requires intense exercise to keep their energy level at home.
- Leaving Pitbull Bloodhound Mix full of energy can prove to be very destructive because it can start jumping on and off of the furniture and can start damaging your things.
- If a Pit Bloodhound Mix inherits most of its physical traits from the Bloodhound side then socialization is not going to be very easy.
- Even they come with the least health concerns they prone to certain health concerns which can prove to be very worrisome in the future.
- A Pitbull Bloodhound Mix can also be very aggressive and can howl at night to disturb your neighbors
- Bloodhound Pitbull Mix can also be a very dangerous and aggressive dog hybrid if they inherit most of its behavioral as well as physical traits from the parent Pitbull side.
Bloodhound Pitbull Mix Temperament

You should always remember that the temperament of a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix will also vary from dog to dog. If Bloodhound Pitbull Mix inherits most of its behavior traits from the Pitbull side, their temperament is going to be just like Pitbull.
But if they inherit most of its physical and behavioral traits from the Bloodhound side then the temperament of a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is to be just like the bloodhound. There is some common temperament of both parents then we can expect to see in the offspring.
The hybrid Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is also going to carry the same temperament.
The temperament of a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix should be very friendly and can be very kind and courageous. Bloodhound Pit Mix tends to be a very courageous, kind, aggressive, obedient, intelligent, lovely, friendly, and affectionate dog breed.
Apart from that, they are also very easy to train dog breeds. Due to their intelligence level, they will always follow your command. Apart from that, they can’t tolerate being alone because they don’t like to be feel ignored or left alone on their own.
Leaving a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix on their own for more than 6 hours when they are full of energy can prove to be very destructive at home. You must give them proper exercise in order to keep the energy level low.
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is prone to depression and if you are leaving your Bloodhound Pitbull Mix for an extended amount of time on their own then they are likely to experience depression or separation anxiety.
Adding to that, Pit Bloodhound Mix is not going to tolerate being ignored and if they feel ignored, they can start chewing your belongings to give some kind of notion to you that they are feeling completely ignored or abandoned by you or any of your family member.
This is how your Bloodhound Pitbull Mix is going to react to any ignorance. But on the good side, if your looking for a great dog that can also be very friendly with kids that they may be a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is what you need because they are great with kids.
After understanding the temperament of a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix, it is very important to know the health issues of Bloodhound Pit Mix that you are likely to face in the future
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Health Concerns

Every single hybrid that has been bred till now comes with some genetic health problems and if you don’t know that then it will feel sorry but unfortunately, everything designer dog that has been bred in United traitss comes with some genetic health problems that they inherit from each of their parent’s genetic health concerns.
Every single Pitbull Bloodhound Mix is going to have some genetic health issues. Let me tell you, it is recommended to have the occasional testing done on their hip, elbow, and skin to be on the safe side.
This is the best possible way to eliminate any kind of potential threat at the early stage because before it spread or harm your dog. Occasional testing is mandatory if you are going to keep your Pitbull Bloodhound Mix healthy as much as possible.
Before I tell you what would be the expected health concerns that you are likely to face in your Pit Bloodhound Mix, it is very important for you to understand their parent’s health concerns because of the Bloodhound Pit Mix is going to inherit the health concerns from their parents.
So, first we are going to see and look at its parent genetic health concerns and then I will tell you what kind of health concerns you are more likely to face in your Bloodhound Pitbull Mixin the future.
Pitbull Health Concerns
- Hip dysplasia
- Thyroid disease
- Knee problems
- Dental Problems
- Allergies
- Skin infections
- Heart problems
- Gum Diseases
- Cataract
- Ichthyosis
- Cerebellar Ataxia
- Gastric torsion
Bloodhound Health Concerns
- Osteosarcoma
- Lymphosarcoma
- Orthopedic diseases
- Osteochondritis
- Luxating patella
- Hypothyroidism
- Ear infections
- Cardiomyopathy
- Epilepsy
- Eye diseases
- Allergies
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix Health Concerns (Expected)
- Osteosarcoma
- Lymphosarcoma
- Thyroid disease
- Knee problems
- Dental Problems
- Luxating patella
- Hypothyroidism
- Skin infections
- Heart problems
- Ear infections
- Cardiomyopathy
- Epilepsy
- Eye diseases
- Ichthyosis
- Cerebellar Ataxia
- Gastric torsion
- Allergies
How To Take Care Of A Pitbull Bloodhound Mix
Feeding Your Bloodhound Pit Mix
It is recommended to feed Pitbull Bloodhound Mix with good quality food that contains high-quality protein-rich ingredients.
Avoid Cheap food because it has been noticed that cheap foods do have the nutrition but don’t have the right balance of nutrition that is necessary for your Bloodhound Pitbull Mix to fulfill all its nutritional needs.
Avoid Feeding a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix with kitchen leftover foods or foods that contain grains in it. Grains are harmful to dogs and it is recommended to avoid it. You should also remember that the hybrid dog dietary routine slightly differs from the normal pure breed dietary routine.
Training Your Pit Bloodhound Mix
The training would be very easy but if you want to keep your Pitbull Bloodhound Mix attention time higher in the training session then you should always encourage them to perform well in the training session by awarding them with high-value treats.
It is recommended to Train Your Bloodhound Pitbull Mix early if you want to raise a good well-mannered dog. House-proofing training is recommended for every hybrid dog.
After that, you can also make them follow your command and make them learn tricks like roll over, fetch, play dead, and many others.
Brushing A Bloodhound Pit Mix Coat
One of the most important factors of proper and effective grooming is brushing Pitbull Bloodhound Mix’s coat. You should always brush your Pit Bloodhound Mix coat with a good quality brush that can perfect suit Bloodhound Pit Mix coat need.
If you don’t know what would be the ideal brush for your Pit Bloodhound Mix and then let me tell you a slicker is what your Bloodhound Pit Mix needs.
A slicker brush is going to be very effective in brushing a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix coat.
Best Slicker Bristle Brush | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush | It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish. | View on Amazon |
Apart from that, you mush brush your Pit Bloodhound Mix coat in the direction of their hair growth if you want to ensure that they won’t feel any kind of pain.
Always choose a brush that comes with a very soft bristle that can ensure you that they are not going to feel any kind of pain while you brush the. Remember to brush your Pitbull Bloodhound Mix coat outside your home if you want to avoid the mess and want it to stay outside.
Bathing A Pitbull Bloodhound Mix
You should always bath a Pit Bloodhound Mix only once or once a month or every 6 weeks. Bathing a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix too often can make their skin dry which is going to do more harm.
Dry skin is going to promote more shedding and dander forming. Dander is not good for people with allergies and shedding is not good for people who want to prevent hair from getting spread in their homes.
Plus, it is recommended To bath Pitbull Bloodhound Mix with good quality that shampoo that can ensure that their natural oil is not getting washed away with the water, and their skin is always moisturized.
Let me tell you when you bath your Bloodhound Pitbull Mix, their natural oil can easily get washed away with water and natural shampoo is going to be the golden product if you want to ensure that their skin is moisturized after the bath
Does Pitbull Bloodhound Mix make Good Pet To Family With Kids?
It has been seen that Pit Bloodhound Mix is a very good friendly dog breed and is going to be a great pet to families with kids. They can be stubborn and obedient but with proper training, you can make them well-mannered dog breed. Early socialization and proper training is mandatory to get a well-mannered dog breed.
How Much Does Pit Bloodhound Mix Puppy Cost?
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix can cost you around anywhere from $300 to $600 depending upon the availability of the puppy, quality of the puppy, and your residential location. The cost of a Bloodhound Pitbull Mix puppy can also rise if you adopt up a Pit Bloodhound Mix puppy from a reputable breeder with health insurance or with a special color combination.
Where To Get A Pit Bloodhound Mix Puppy
The first way to ask your nearby locals to locate a good well-known breeder who can avail you the puppy. The other option is going to check it online. Google it and check the availability of the puppy. The last option would be to import one from other States or countries. Here are some websites where you can check the availability of a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix puppy and its cost.
Pitbull Bloodhound Mix For Sale
Adopt-a-pet.com (United States) |
Nextdaypets.com (International) |
Petfinder.com (Canada and the United States) |
Final Thought
I hope that I managed to give you some valuable information about a Pitbull Bloodhound Mix and if I did then so share this post because it is good to encourage me to write more about them.
Apart from that, if you have any questions regarding the dog then you can comment below and let me know and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. See in the next post, till then, take care, and goodbye.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.