From the last years, I have encountered many types of hybrids and that is why I have already shared tons of articles in my blog that can let you know and understand what kind of hybrid would be a perfect companion.
Let me tell you, Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is going to affect your life to different degrees. If you are adopting pure-breed dogs, you are less likely to you experience any kind of health problems from them and their temperament will be predictable compared to the hybrid dogs.
Hybrid dogs (Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix) comes with very unique temperament as well as they are also very prone to different kinds of health problems.

If you have heard of Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix then there is nothing to tell you about why they are popular but if you haven’t then let me tell you Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix are modern days designer dogs that are very popular in today’s world.
The demand for Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is also at its peak and due to that, a large number of Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix has been bred from the last few months in order to fulfill all the demands.
In this Guide, I will give you all the information about the Rat Terrier Pit Mix as well as how you can get one and how much it is going to cost you. Before that, let’s learn what exactly the Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is?
Post Contents
- What Is A Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix?
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Pictures
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Physical Appearance
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Characteristics
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Temperament
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Health Issues
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Dietary Routine
- Supplements For Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Grooming
- Bathing A Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix
- Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix For Sale
- Final Thoughts
What Is A Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix?

Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is a hybrid dog that was originated by cross-breeding a rat Terrier and Pitbull in the United States. It is one of the most popular dog breeds that comes with a very unique temperament and you can also say that they are going to be very affectionate towards their owner.
Apart from being very affectionate, you can imagine them to be a very stubborn and strong-willed dog as they are also offspring of a Pitbull. Pitbull is one of the most dangerous and aggressive dog breeds in the world and that is why Pit Rat Terrier Mix is going to inherit some of the same kind of behavior traits.
If they inherited most of it straight from the Pitbull side then the Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is going to be just like Pit Bull but if the Rat Terrier Pit Mix inherits most of its traits from the rat Terrier side then they are going to be just like a rat terrier.
Rat Terrier is a very adorable breed who tends to be very funny and entertaining dogs. They are very funny, chasing, and incapable of being bored and also stubborn.
On the other hand, Pitbulls are very aggressive dog breeds and that can make a great guard dog. Pitbulls is not the one who is going to be appreciated when they are alone with the kids.
They don’t get easily along with other animals. Apart from that, after knowing a few things about Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix, let’s learn about their physical appearance.
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Pictures

Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Physical Appearance
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix’s physical appearance can vary from dog to dog depending upon how much they inherit and what they inherit from each of its parent’s side.
If the Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix inherits most of its physical traits from the Pitbull side then you can expect them to be just like Pitbull but if they inherit most of its physical traits from the rat Terrier shed then you can expect them to be just like the rat terriers.
However, it has been noticed that most of the Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix tends to inherit its physical traits from the Pitbull side and that is why, let me tell you, what you can expect from the viewpoint of physical appearance from a Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix.

Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Coat
When you take a look at its parents’ coat, Pitbull comes with a very sleek Coat that also feels very smooth by the touch. They also have very short hair and tend to be a single-layered coat breed.
On the other hand. the Other parent rat terrier also has a single layer coat on its body that has very short hair in it. You can expect the offspring to hold the same. Both of them comes with a very sleek and smooth coat that have short hair on their body.
We can expect that the Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is also going to come in a coat that will have very short hair in it. It will also feel very smooth by the touch and are likely to be very easy to groom.

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix Color
Talking about the color of their parents Pitbull comes in different varieties of colors starting from a blue, red, brindle mixture, black, Brown, and other colors. On the other hand, the rat terriers also come in the color of blue, lemon, red, tan, black, white, chocolate, and orange.
We can see that both parents come in different varieties of colors and we can expect the offspring to also come in different colors.
The Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is going to be in any of their parents’ colors starting from brown, White, Orange, red, brindle mixture, tan, and black. However, it has been noticed that most of the time Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix comes in a brindle mixed color, white, tan, black, and red.
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Size
I hope that I don’t have to tell you that Pitbulls are medium size dog breeds while on the other hand rat terriers are also small to medium-sized dog breeds.
So, it becomes very easy to understand that the Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is also going to be small to medium size dog breed depending upon how many physical traits they inherited from each of the parents sides.
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Characteristics
If Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix inherits most of its physical traits from the Pitbull side then they are going to inherit characteristics from their parents Pitbull side.
However, let me tell you, it is always next to impossible to know the exact characteristics of a Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix because every single puppy of a Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is going to be different from one another depending upon the quality as well as what kind of traits they have inherited from their parent’s gene.
There are lots of genetic as well as Environmental aspects that play an important role in determining the physical characteristics of a Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix.
However, if you take a closer look at its parent characteristics, we can understand what would be the common characteristics between them and what are the expected ones in the hybrid.
Pitbull Height, Weight, And Lifespan
Height | 1 foot, 5 inches to 1 foot, 7 inches tall at the shoulder |
Weight | 30 to 85 pounds |
LifeSpan | 12 to 16 years |
Rat Terrier Height, Weight, And Lifespan
Weight | 10 to 25 pounds |
Height | 10 inches to 18 inches tall at the shoulder |
Life Span | 15 to 18 years |
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Height, Weight, And Lifespan
Weight | 20 to 65 pounds |
Height | 14 inches to 1 foot 4 inches tall at the shoulder |
Life Span | 12 to 15 years |
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Temperament
As a told you, Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is going to be a very intelligent dog breed but it is less likely to know the exact temperament of Pit Rat Terrier Mix because the puppy will inherit different kinds of behavior traits from each of its parents’ sides.
However, most of the time it has been noticed that Pitbulls are one of the most aggressive dogs who are very intelligent by nature and are also very stubborn. They are also courageous and obedient dog breeds.
On the other hand, rat terriers are very friendly, easy to train, lovely, affectionate, funny, and intelligent dogs. So, when we take the commons from both parents, we can expect Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix to be a very funny, loyal, courageous, strong-willed, friendly, protective, and intelligent dog breed.
They’re going to be easy to train dogs. You can expect them to be trained very easily. They don’ tolerate being alone. So, if you are planning to leave your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix alone on their own then you may need it to take into consideration because they might not do well in your absence.
Rat Terrier Pit Mix is also prone to separation anxiety and depression and that is why it is not recommended to leave your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix for an extended amount of time on their own.
Leaving Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix on their own for more than 6 hours is like inviting a demon because if they are full of energy they are going to be very destructive at your absence.
Always hire a caretaker for your Pit Rat Terrier Mix if you are going to leave your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix for more than 6 hours.
Most of the time, it has been noticed that Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix also tend to start chewing their owner belonging if they feel ignored by their family member.
They only do this kind of behavior to get some attention from their owner or to notify or to give some kind of notion to their owner that they have been feeling completely ignored or abandoned by the family member and they need some interaction with their family.
Apart from these downsides, there are also upsides of having a Rat Terrier Pit Mix because if you are looking for a great Watchdog who can also be a good companion and will let you perform outdoor activities with you or with your kids then maybe Pit Rat Terrier Mix is what you need.
Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is a very outgoing dog breed as well. However, after learning the temperament of Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix, let’s learn the health issues that you are likely to face with the Rat Terrier Pit Mix in the coming future.
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Health Issues

I hope that I don’t you tell you that every single hybrid dog that has been breed till now comes with some genetic health problems and if you don’t know then it may feel sad to you but sorry, yes, it is true that every single designer dog that has been breed till now is going to inherit some of its parent’s genetic health problems and have the potential to develop its own kind of health concern in the future.
So, Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is also going to inherit some of its parent genetic problems and is likely to prone to any kind of health problems. In order to understand what would be the major health concerns that you are likely to face in your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix, you will need to take look at its parent’s genetic health problem.
Whatever their parents have genetic issues, the offspring will also hold the same. From here, we will take a look first at the parent genetic health concerns and after that, I will tell you what are the health concerns that you are likely to face with your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix.
Pitbull Health Concern
- Hip dysplasia
- Thyroid disease
- Knee problems
- Dental Problems
- Allergies
- Skin infections
- Heart problems
- Gum Diseases
- Cataract
- Ichthyosis
- Cerebellar Ataxia
- Gastric torsion
Rat Terrier Health Concern
- Mitral valve disease
- Microvascular dysplasia
- Primary lens luxation
- Epilepsy
- Dilution alopecia
- Hernias
- Chronic allergies
- Retinal atrophy
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Health Concern
- Hip dysplasia
- Thyroid disease
- Chronic allergies
- Retinal atrophy
- Knee problems
- Mitral valve disease
- Dental Problems
- Allergies
- Microvascular dysplasia
- Skin infections
- Heart problems
- Gum Diseases
- Primary lens luxation
- Epilepsy
- Cataract
- Ichthyosis
- Cerebellar Ataxia
- Dilution alopecia
- Hernias
- Gastric torsion
Always remember that the health concerns that have been discussed above are the expected are and you are likely to face any of those mentioned ones in the future.
Plus, apart from these health concerns your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix can also have its own kind of health concerns as they are hybrid and they have the ability to develop its own kind of health problem in the future.
So, it is always recommended to have the occasional testing done on their hips, elbows, and knees so that we can be on the safe side and eliminate any kind of threat early that may harm your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix in the future.
Occasional testing is recommended and it’s mandatory to keep your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix healthy all the time. So, be ready to visit the vet with your Rat Terrier Pit Mix more frequently if you want to keep your Pit Rat Terrier Mix healthy as much as possible.
Apart from that, diet also plays an important role and that is why let me tell you what kind of diet a Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix requires.
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Dietary Routine
Let me tell you, Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix’s dietary routine may differ from one another. The hybrid dog dietary routine slightly differs from the normal breed dietary routine.
So, you can expect that you have to make a good diet routine by Consulting a good veterinarian in order to understand what kind of food is likely to be safe for your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix.
Let me clear it for you, it is recommended to feed your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix high-quality food that has high-quality ingredients.
You should always avoid cheap foods because it has been observed that the cheap foods do contain nutrition but don’t have the right balance of nutrition that is necessary for your Pit Rat Terrier Mix to fulfill all his nutritional needs.
Apart from that, it is recommended to invest in good quality foods that have high-quality ingredients and protein-rich ingredients.
Adding to that, fish is very healthy for their skin and as I told you, the Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix is also prone to skin allergies, you should also keep their skin as much as healthy as possible.
Avoid feeding your Rat Terrier Pit Mix with kitchen foods or foods with grains as grains are harmful to dogs and homemade food is not recommended to feed your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix.
Feeding a Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix with kitchen leftover food is like inviting them to some diseases. The food that contains grain in it is going to cause your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix some dental problems and gum diseases in the future.
After understanding what kind of food you should feed to your Pit Rat Terrier Mix, let’s learn about some supplements that you can feed your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix to make their coat and skin more and more healthy each month.
Supplements For Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix
Omega 3 supplements and fatty acids supplements are the best when it comes to keep your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix or to make a Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix more and more healthy each month. Omega 3 fatty acid supplements are the best ones for their skin as well as their coat.
But, before you buy any kind of Omega 3 fatty acids supplements, it is recommended to check the ingredient because the Omega 3 fatty acids supplements that you are choosing should be derived from the wild fish – not from the farmed pond fish.
Omega 3 supplement is not only going to make your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix healthy as much as possible each month but also. going to protect your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix from any kind of health problems like skin allergies, heart diseases, and infections.
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Grooming

Effective and popular grooming is not only going to make your Pit Rat Terrier Mix look clean but also going to make a huge difference in keeping them healthy.
One of the most important factors of proper grooming is brushing their coat. Always brush their coat regularly in order to keep the shedding as well as dander forming and minimum.
So, it is recommended to brush your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix with a good quality brush that perfectly suits there coats need. Not all brush available in the market is going to be the perfect one for your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix coat.
If you don’t know what would be the brush for your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix then let me tell you, your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix needs a slicker brush. A Slicker Brush is what that is going to suit your Rat Terrier Pit Mix coat need.
Best Slicker Bristle Brush | Feature & Why to Buy | Check on Amazon |
Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker/bristle Brush | It can help in getting rid of any kind of mats without any pain. Your dog will feel great too. Amazon Choice and Best Rated Popular Brush. It’s a slicker brush that acts as a bristle brush too and can add a great finish. | View on Amazon |
Apart from that, you should also Brush Your Pit Rat Terrier Mix coat in the direction of their hair growth to ensure that the whole experience becomes painless for your dog.
Always remember to brush the Pit Rat Terrier Mix coat outside your home if you want to keep the mess stay outside and don’t want them to get collected inside.
Bathing A Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix
It is recommended not to bath Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix frequently because bathing a Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix too often can make their skin dry. Dry skin is going to promote more shedding and dander forming.
It is not good for any people who want to avoid their hair from getting spread in their home and danders are the one that causes major allergies to people who are allergic to animals.
Danders should be avoided. So, it is recommended to Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix only once a month or every 6 weeks with a good quality pet shampoo that perfectly suits your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix coat need.
It is recommended to use a good quality pet shampoo that is not the only going to moisturize their skin after the bath but also going to make sure that all the dirt gets washed away with the water.
Let me tell you, your Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix natural oil can easily get washed away with the water leaving their skin dry and that is why it is recommended to use a good quality pet shampoo. The shampoo is what that is going to ensure that their skin is always moisturized after the bath and their skin is not getting dry.
Do Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Make Good Pet To Family With Kids
Yes, Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix makes a great pet to any family with kids and they can also make a great Watchdog. They do have some behavior problems if they inherit most of its traits from the Pitbull side like some stubbornness but, with proper training, you can make them as much as friendly as you can…read more
How Much Do Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Puppy Cost?
Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix puppy can cost you around $500 to $800 depending upon the availability of the puppy, quality of the puppy, and your residential location. The price can also go up if you are adopting a puppy with a special color combination or from a reputable breeder who offers Health Insurance…read more
Where To Get A Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix Puppy?
You can Google to check the availability of the puppy on different websites. You can also ask nearby to locate a good well-known breeder who can avail you of the puppy. You can also import one from other states or countries. Here are some websites where you can check the availability of the puppy and its cost…read more
Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix For Sale (United States) | (International) | (Canada and the United States) |
Final Thoughts
I hope that I managed to give you some valuable information about Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix and if I did a good job then do share this post because it is going to encourage me to write more about them.
Apart from that, if you have any questions regarding Pitbull Rat Terrier Mix then you can comment below and let me know and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. See you in the next post, till then, take care, and goodbye.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.