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94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, "InPetCare", in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.

Why Do Ball Python Blow Bubbles In the water? 3 Valid Reasons

One of the incredible things you might see from a pet snake is his blowing bubbles in a pool of water. This is quite common, but what does it mean? Thankfully, this behavior is not a sign of an illness and, on the contrary, it can give you pointers on more of what your pet …

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Ball Python Stuck Shed: 5 Reasons and Remedies

Skin shedding is mandatory for all snakes throughout their lives. Every snake sheds its skin throughout the entirety of its life. Even though it’s usually a normal process, problems can come up that a snake owner needs to know. Any new ball python keeper might worry about a shed that won’t move.  Why Do Ball …

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Can Cockatiels Eat Bell Peppers? [ Benefits Plus Feeding Guide]

Giving vegetables to your cockatiel can help provide a balanced diet. Some vegetables can even help treat malnutrition caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals. Below are the results of research I did to find out the benefits of feeding bell peppers to your tiel. Can cockatiels eat bell peppers? Cockatiels can eat all …

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Can Cockatiels Eat Zucchini? Pros and Cons

Vegetables, greens, and fruits should form an important part of a cockatiel’s daily diet. In fact, specialists recommend that a tiels 20-25% daily diet should be made of veggies, fruits, or greens. Can cockatiels eat Zucchini? Cockatiels can eat zucchini. It will provide cockatiels with vitamins and minerals plus some antioxidants that boost cockatiel’s immune …

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What Fruit And Vegetables Can Cockatiels Eat? [32 Examples]

We have compiled a list of veggies and fruits that are safe to feed to a cockatiel. What fruits and vegetables can cockatiels eat? Fruits and vegetables that are safe for cockatiels to eat include bananas, apples, grapes, strawberries, nectarines, apricots, pears, peaches, mangoes, papayas, kiwis, guavas, cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapples, plum, raspberry, blueberry, and orange. …

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What Cockatiels Should Not Eat? [15 Toxic Foods To Avoid]

Knowing what to feed and what not to feed to your cockatiel can help prevent food poisoning. While there are a variety of foods that can be comfortably fed to cockatiels, there are some foods that you should never feed your tiel. Below is a detailed list of the food that you should avoid. What …

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Can Cockatiels Eat Celery? [3 BENEFITS]

Cockatiels have been reported as the top in the list of pet birds that suffer from obesity, egg binding, and several other diet-related health conditions. Therefore, getting your cockatiel diet right is crucial. Below is a research I did to find out whether celery can be in the cockatiel diet. Can cockatiels eat Celery? Cockatiels …

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Can Cockatiels Eat Bananas? [Feeding Guide]

Greens, vegetables, and fruits are supposed to contribute to about 20-25 % of a cockatiel’s diet. Knowing which fruits will offer the right nutrients to your cockatiel is very paramount. Given that bananas are very easy to come by, I got curious whether cockatiels can enjoy them. Can cockatiels eat bananas? Cockatiels can eat bananas …

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What Nuts Can Conures Eat? [10 Examples]

In the wild Conures forage for seeds, fruits, vegetables, berries, and nuts combined with some insects and their larvae. This variety gives them all the nutrients they need for survival. In captivity as pets, the owner dictates what the conure eats. I did some digging to find out which nuts they can eat without any …

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Can Cockatiels Eat Watermelon? [Feeding Guide]

Fruits are a good source of vitamins and some fruits like figs are a good source of calcium for all birds. However, not all fruits are safe to be fed to birds. Below are the results of research I did on whether watermelons are safe for cockatiels. Can cockatiels eat watermelon? Cockatiels can eat watermelons …

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