Well, we do know humans snore while they sleep but what about dogs?? Is it normal for Pitbulls to snore? If your Pitbulls is snoring – should you be concerned about it?

Is snoring is a bad sign in Pitbulls? Why do Pitbulls snore? In order to get all the answers, you will need need to go through the whole article because, in this article, I have shared all the information about your Pitbulls’ snoring. So, do Pitbulls snore?
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Do Pitbulls Snore?

Do Pitbulls Snore? Yes, Pitbulls do snore due to any kind of obstruction or narrow Airways. Your Pitbulls can also snore due to infection or allergies. Plus, if you smoke indoors then, your Pitbulls might snore due to getting respiratory infections.
After knowing that you are Pitbulls do snore, you might want to know why do they need to snore and if you should be a concern or not.
Let me tell you, there are lots of reasons behind your Pitbulls snoring and many of them can be very concerning for you because snoring is not a good or a bad sign. It is just a sign that can help you understand if they are healthy or not? So, let’s understand, why do Pitbulls snore?
Why Do Pitbulls Snore?

Look, due to your Pitbulls coming with a very short and broad skull that has a very tiny snout that makes them breathe very slowly because it leads them to a short breathing nasal, their air passes can easily get blocked and can lead them to snore.
Plus, your Pitbulls are also prone to respiratory infections and allergies and if you smoke in your home then it can also make your Pitbulls snore. There are other causes of your Pitbulls snoring like an abscessed tooth or sleep apnea.
However, it can also be considered as normal if you notice your Pitbulls snoring for good reasons. However, let me tell you, what are the major causes of Pitbull’s snoring.
9 Reasons Why Your Pitbulls Snores

- Debris can easily lodge itself in a Pitbull’s nasal passage and any inhibit breathing and if you suspect this is the case then it is time for a quick visit at your local veterinarian dog. Any kind of physical obstruction can make your Pitbulls snore.
- Smoking cigarettes – you should better know that your Pitbulls is prone to respiratory infections and diseases and if there is no reason why you should quit smoking then do it for your 9 Reasons Why Your Pitbulls Snores. Secondhand smoke can make your Pitbulls snore.
- The common cold can also make a Pitbull’s snore. Just like humans or us, your Pitbulls can also get sniffer for any kind of irritation. Common Col can be the major culprit behind sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, and snoring.
- Any kind of fungal diseases can make your Pitbulls snore but it is something that can affect both. Humans, as well as animals, are also prone to fungal infections, therefore it can also make your Pitbulls snore.
If the fungal diseases enter the body through your Pitbulls lining of the nasal cavity that it can cause irritation and make your Pitbulls snore. - Any kind of gum problems can make your Pitbulls to snore.
- Dental issues can also be the major reason behind your Pitbulls snoring. If your Pitbulls tooth becomes an abscess or if you notice any kind of growth appearing in the mouth that can block the airways then it can make them snore.
It is a clear abnormality that can easily become infected so it requires more serious intervention from the professionals. - Pitbull’s obesity can really make your Pitbulls to snore. If any extra tissue gets around the throat means a greater chance then it can affect your Pitbulls health, posing harm as well as extreme danger especially if the trachea ends up collapsing with it.
Any kind of obesity can cause much more than snoring. So, it’s a good enough reason for your Pitbulls to lose few Pounds. So, must keep your Pitbulls healthy and try not to make them overweight. - Any kind of allergies due to dander, debris, and dirt can really make your Pitbulls hard to breathe as a result, your Pitbulls can snore while they sleep.
- Let me tell you any dog with that comes with very flat faces are more prone to snore. Dog breeds that come with flat face have their Airways very shorter that trouble them in moving air in and out.
Yes, I am talking about the boxes, pugs, or any kind of bulldogs. In the case of Pitbulls, your Pitbulls can also snore If they come with very short Airways so it is always a good idea to double-check with your veterinarian if you are very concerned about it.
Is It Normal For Pitbulls To Snore?

Just like a human, there is a reason for Pitbulls to snore. Your Pitbulls can always snore by oxidation of the nostrils on a nasal passage that leads toward the constriction of the airways.
Other reasons for your Pitbulls to snore can be extra tissues especially if they are being overweight.
According to recent research, it has been observed that more than 50% of the United States dogs are estimated to be overweighted. Apart from that as I told you, smoking can also make your Pitbulls snore, so do smoke outdoors.
If you notice a Pitbulls acting very normally like eating, drinking, play full, full of energy, and energetic then there is nothing to worry about it. It can be normal for your Pitbulls to snore because some dogs are natural snorers.
However, it can’t be said that it is completely normal for a Pitbulls to snore because if there is no Cause, Your Pitbulls shouldn’t be snoring.
Plus, your Pitbulls snoring can only be considered as normal if they are fit and healthy and is able to run normally and play around without having any kind of issues when they are breathing.
Plus, if this no signs of any kind of discharge or other infections or any blockage in the airways there is no reason for your Pitbulls to snore but still, it is not that it is a good idea to mention your veterinarian about your Pitbulls snoring.
Does A Pitbull’s Snore Can Lead Them Toward Any Health Issue
As you might have heard about humans, snoring is somehow linked to health issues, this can also be true to same some dogs also. However, it has been found that in Pitbulls the often cause of snoring was linked to high blood pressure.
If your Pitbulls is snoring then it is not going to lead them to any kind of health issue because snoring is only a signal that there is definitely something wrong with your Pitbulls.
So don’t worry about snoring leading them towards any kind of health issue because there is always a problem whenever a Pitbull’s snore.
Look for causes why your Pitbulls is snoring and you will be able to understand if they are suffering from any kind of health concern or not.
However, it is very little or very too soon to conclude if your Pitbulls will be in danger due to snoring. Your Pitbulls might not be in danger but it is still recommended to double-check with your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Tips To Stop Pitbulls snoring
There are some tips on how to stop your pitbull’s snore, there is no assurance but you can always try out because it is not going to do in kind of harm instead, it can prove to be very effective in stopping the snoring. Here are they:
- It is always recommended to stop your Pitbulls from eating anything that is not normal for dogs to eat. If they become sick then they can also snore.
- Always feed your dog with the right diet routine that can ensure that there are always healthy and are not getting overweight.
Here are some foods that I would recommend you to feed your Pitbulls because these foods not only have the right balance of nutrition but also have the ability to make a Pitbulls more and more healthy each month. Plus, it is also effective in maintaining their weight.
- You should always reduce your Pitbulls weight if you notice your Pitbulls snoring. If your Pitbulls is snoring then try to change their diet routine.
- If you are a smoker then try smoking cigarettes outside because cigarette smokes can/may irritate your Pitbulls lungs and can also be a factor that makes your Pitbulls snore.
If you are in a position where you are not willing to quit this habit then the best solution is to smoke outside. - You can always try changing your Pitbulls sleeping position, as most people find it very helpful when they change their Pitbulls sleeping position. Here is the best solution that seems to be effective to ensure that your Pitbulls curls up instead of sleeping on its back.
In this case, I would recommend you a round bed or an oval bad because it is perfect for Pitbulls. If you already have a round or oval bed then congrats, but if you don’t have one then here is the recommended bed that you can check it out.
Recommended Oval Bed | Pros | Cons | Check It Out Now |
AmazonBasics Round Bolster Dog Bed (with Flannel Top) – (Perfect Size For Small Sized Dog Breeds) | ✔️ Curved, slightly raised edge acts as pillow ✔️ It is machine washable ✔️ It is made from Polyster canvas sides and bottom for strength | ❌ Bottom may seem very thin compared to sides | Check on Amazon |
Precision Pet SnooZZy Mod Bed (Perfect Size For Medium Sized Dog Breeds) | ✔️ It is made from Ultra-Soft Plush Material ✔️ It’s rounded sides add more comfort ✔️ Machine Washable | ❌ Washing it on the cold, hand-wash cycle can make the side seam | Check on Amazon |
Majestic Pet Poly-Cotton Sherpa Bagel Dog Bed (Perfect Size For Large Sized Dog Breeds) | ✔️ It has Waterproof Denier Base ✔️ It is stuffed with Premium Materials ✔️ Bolster and sideways helps them to relax and to find more comfort ✔️ Made in the USA | ❌ The Fabric can be a dirt trap if you are planing to keep it outdoor | Check on Amazon |
- When you use a circular dog bed it promotes your Pitbulls on making your Pitbulls to sleep in a correct position that really helps them from snoring at night.
A circular dog bed is always going to encourage your dog curling up which can open all their air passages and alleviate pressure on the esophagus.
Can Your Pitbull Snore For No Reason?
No, if Pitbull is very healthy then there is no reason for them to snore. However, if you are noticing them snoring and there is nothing wrong with them then you should always measure the weight and mention your veterinarian that your Pitbull is snoring and you can’t manage to find any reason behind this…read more
Should You Be Concerned About Pitbulls Snoring
It can be concerning if your Pitbulls is snoring more often because there can be some dangerous reasons behind your Pitbulls snoring…read more
Is There Anything You Can Do To Help Your Pitbull Snoring
Yes, the best way to consult your Pitbulls veterinarian to find out the best course of action that can help you in stopping Pitbull’s snoring. Other than that, the tips that have been mentioned here can also be helpful for you. You can also use a circular bed that can promote your Pitbulls to sleep in circular current position because it is something that can help them from snoring at night…read more.
Final Thoughts
There can be a lot of reasons why your Pitbulls might snore which include intersection, smoking, Airway obstruction, being sick, medication, and others.
If You Already tried all the tips that have been mentioned in this article and if they still snoring then you must double-check with your veterinarian.
So, go ahead and make an appointment with your vet to get it taking care of. I hope that I manage to give you some space of information about your Pitbulls snoring and if I did then do share this post because it is going to increase me to write more about them.
However, if you have any questions regarding them then you get the comment below and let me know and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. See you in the next post, till then, take care, and goodbye.

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.