Just because bearded dragons are easy pets to take care of, it doesn’t mean that there is no part of you to play in their care. There are many important aspects and elements of proper care for bearded dragons’ well-being and enclosure. There are many things on which you need to keep an eye for your bearded dragon. I’ll give you all the information needed on Why Is Bearded Dragon Humidity is Too Low & its solution.
Most of the things are easy to take care of and are mostly self-sufficient. However, one of the key things to watch is the humidity level in your bearded dragon enclosure. There are sometimes when Dragon humidity being too low can create problems. You already know that a high humidity level is a threat to their respiratory system but do you know, the low humidity level is more problematic.
The low humidity level can have many consequences like dehydration, kidney issues, and many more. In this guide, we will learn why bearded Dragon humidity is too low and what you can do about it. We will also talk about the consequences of low humidity and its impact on your dragon health. We have done all the research and gathered all the information in one place to prepare this guide. This guide will help you read, analyze, maintain, and adjust the humidity level right for your bearded dragon.
Why is bearded Dragon humidity too low? With temperature increase, the humidity level decreases. An increase in temperature, less misting, using AC, and absence of heat source makes bearded Dragon humidity drop. Low humidity can cause health issues like dehydration, urinary tract infection, inability to shed, and fertility issues. The low humidity level inside the bearded Dragon enclosure is an extreme threat to their health.
The relative humidity that is ideal for a bearded dragon survival is between 30% and 40%. Any level less or more than that can cause serious health issues. It is vital to monitor humidity with two hygrometres closely. Having two humidity gauges is key for accurate reading and adjustment.
To correct or adjust the low humidity level, you’ll either have to make adjustments inside your tank setup or add a good quality humidifier to your home. However, don’t you worry because, in this guide, I will tell you all the methods that will help you raise if the humidity level is found very low? Let’s first begin with reasons why is my bearded Dragon humidity too low.
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7 Reasons Why Is Bearded Dragon Humidity Too Low

Here Are the following reasons why is the humidity level inside the enclosure of a bearded dragon can drop off to 10-20%.
No Or Less Misting. If you don’t mist your bearded dragon or its enclosure once in a while, it can lower the humidity level inside the tank.
Air Conditioner. If you have frequently been using your AC, it can also decrease the humidity level while affecting the temperature inside the enclosure. It is very important to properly adjust your AC or use it less to maintain the humidity and temperature level throughout the room and its section. Plus, the air conditioner is not good for bearded Dragon health and skin.
No Water Bowl. If you have not put a water bowl inside its enclosure with water in it, it can also lead to a decline in humidity level. To control humidity level or to raise It, consider adding a large water bowl inside it.
Absence Of Humidifier. If you reside in a place where the temperature tends to be very high, you must use a good-quality humidifier. A humidifier can easily help you in raising the humidity level inside the enclosure within few minutes. It is also a very quick and easy solution for beginner reptile owners with their beardie. This is one of the most used practices by beginners and intermediates.
Plants. If you don’t know, let me tell you that live plants help retain moisture for a longer period. The absence of plants in the enclosure can release the water quickly, dropping the humidity too low.
You increased Home Or Enclosure Temperature. If the temperature of your home or enclosure is extreme, then the humidity can be too low. Try controlling and managing the temperature of your room to influence the humidity level inside the chamber. Most times, it helps using a fan or to open a window. Proper ventilation can also help in maintaining humidity levels between 20% to 40%.
What Are The Consequences Of Bearded Dragon Humidity Too Low
Here, we are going to discuss the consequences of keeping a bearded dragon in low humidity. However, make sure to measure the moisture before trying to increase it properly.
- Block female pores. Low humidity levels can easily block female Dragon pores, which is a more problematic condition. It can also happen if your female bearded dragon lives in a very dry climatic environment. Female pores blockage is a very common consequence of low humidity.
- Keeping a bearded dragon in very low humidity can dehydrate them. It is vital to make your bearded dragon drink water to prevent any long time health issues. When your bearded dragon is dehydrated, it is likely for them to constipate as well. Always make sure to provide misting and proper bathing with the right temperature and humidity.
- Inability to shed properly. Low or no supply of Nutrition can lead to shedding issues in reptiles like bearded dragons. Keeping a bearded dragon in low humidity or a dry region can make their shed stop/stuck. It can also happen due to the lack of vital nutrients. Bearded Dragons are vitamin b deficient and need proper temperature with humidity to support their growth. Low humidity can have a dragon’s inability to shed properly.
- Kidney issues. One of the most common kidney diseases in pet bearded Dragons is an acute and chronic failure. A dragon can also suffer from a kidney issue if kept in low humidity continuously for weeks. Pyelonephritis has also been seen in bearded dragon who has been kept in an inappropriate temperature and moisture.
- Inability to lay eggs. Keeping a female bearded dragon in a very dry place or a region with humidity below 20% can make the females, especially the fertile females, unable to lay their eggs. If you don’t know, then let me tell you, female bearded Dragons can lay eggs without their male. However, those eggs will be infertile, which is normal, like chickens.
- Urinary tract infection. Some beardies have often been caught with urinary tract infections when kept in low humidity. In such cases, urine analysis is usually run by doctors. It is a really serious issue that often needs treatment by professionals and veterinarians.
How To Increase Bearded Dragon Humidity Level?

Install Humidifier
Our bearded dragon completely relies on us for their life and comfort when kept as pets. Their Safety is our priority. It is very important to keep the enclosure humidity level between 30% to 40%. To correct the humidity level or increase it, you can either make adjustments to your room or install a good-quality humidifier. A humidifier in your room can instantly improve the humidity level within minutes. It is one of the easy and most practiced ways of most bearded Dragon keepers.
Use Less AC
Using AC frequently can drop the humidity level as well. The air conditioner in your room where the bearded Dragon enclosure is located can make them cold. The AC is great if the humidity is very high but not when the humidity is very low. Turning off the AC or lowering the speed can help in controlling the moisture.
Add Live Plants
When you add plants to their enclosure, it creates a microclimate. Those microclimates near the plants influence the humidity level as well. As you know live plant can hold moisture for a longer time, it will help you increase and maintain the humidity level between 20% to 40%. You can add one or two plants in your bearded dragon enclosure and check if it helps.
Moist Holding Substrate
You can use some moist holding substrate like substrate made of bark or coconut fiber. This kind of substrate is great at holding moisture for a longer period by increasing the humidity level. However, it is one of my least favorite methods because most time, we end up removing it completely. It interferes a lot with humidity & temperature.
Add Large Water Dish
If the enclosure already has a water bowl, consider adding a large water dish with the water. Proper temperatures between 75 to 85 degrees F at day and 70 to 75 degrees F at night will keep the humidity level maintained between 30 to 40%. Sometimes, it may work or not, depending upon the size of the enclosure, the temperature, and the devices installed for reading.
Move Water Bowl
It would help if you considered moving the water bowl from the cool end to the hotter end of the enclosure. It will help to increase the humidity as well. Just moving the water bowl from one end to the other ends can make a huge difference in humidity level and its reading. Also, make sure that one hygrometer is also installed at the center of the enclosure for an accurate reading.
Raise Temperature
Consider raising the room temperature or the temperature of your basking lamp to increase the humidity. Alternatively, you may also have to decrease the temperature to increase the humidity level depending upon the situation.
Mist Regularly
Always consider spraying water regularly on your bearded dragon and enclosure if the humidity becomes low every day. Misting occasionally will help in maintaining the humidity level between 30% to 40%. However, it would be best if you avoided frequent misting, or you may end up with high humidity. Due to frequent misting, bearded Dragon humidity goes up at night in some situations as well. One day, my friend Sohail made a mistake too and ended up with bearded Dragon humidity 70 at night. Make sure you are not misting them frequently and repeating the error as well.
Add Water Bowl
If there is no water bowl inside the enclosure, it could be the primary reason why the humidity level is falling off. Consider adding a water bowl inside the section of your bearded dragon to keep the humidity level maintained between 30% to 40%.
How To Measure Humidity Level In A Bearded Dragon Enclosure?
Measuring the humidity level in a bearded dragon enclosure is very simple and easy. All you need is a measuring device called a hygrometer to measure the humidity level. I recommend you to purchase two hygrometers together for a perfect and accurate reading. The hydrometer usually comes in 2 different types. The first one is Analog, and the second one is Digital.
I find the digital one more accurate. Plus, a digital hygrometer is also very easy to read. You can also use the preset level, and if the humidity goes past beyond that, the alarm will go off, alerting you all along. Having two hygrometers is always an advantage because one helps measure the warm zone while the other helps measure the cool area.
The warm zone will be the area where the basking lamp emits its light. The warm and the cool end of the tank will also have different humidity readings. It is very common for an enclosure to have at least 5% of the difference between the temperature on both ends. What’s more important is to keep both end temperatures maintained (one side cool while the other hot) for the bearded dragon to find comfort.
Do Live Plants Increase Humidity In A Bearded Dragon Enclosure?
Yes, live plants help in maintaining and increasing the bearded Dragon enclosure humidity level. Microclimate near plants holds moisture. Adding live plants will hold more moisture while improving the humidity level inside the terrarium.
Can You Use Moist Substrate In A Bearded Dragon Tank To Increase Humidity?
Yes, you can use moist substrate in a bearded dragon tank to increase the humidity. However, I don’t recommend using wet substrate because it’s not found in their wild natural environment. Plus, the moist substrate can also cause health issues to your beardie.
Do Bearded Dragons Need A Humidifier?
It depends. Bearded dragon usually comes from a very dry climate, specifically speaking from the deserts of Australia. It is low in humidity, so; humidity needs to be maintained low inside the enclosure. If you can keep the humidity level between 30% to 40%, you don’t need any humidifier.
Final Thought
I hope I have managed to tell you all the information needed on Why is bearded Dragon humidity too low and what you should do about it. The problem that I found most irritating was the shedding. When a bearded dragon is kept in low humidity for a longer time, it causes the old skin not to peel off. If you don’t know, then let me tell, bearded dragon shed their skin throughout their entire life.
Shedding is important and needs to occur when they outgrow their old skin. The issue of their shedding can create trouble. I highly recommend you avoid keeping your bearded dragon in too low humidity. Therefore, if the humidity level inside the enclosure is too low, they will have issues with shedding. Apart from that, I have also told you all the other consequences of keeping a bearded dragon in low humidity. Overly dry Air & low humidity levels can cause problematic health conditions.
I hope you liked this article and will share this with other bearded Dragon keepers and fellows. If you have any questions or concerns regarding bearded Dragon humidity, ask me in the comment section. I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. See you soon, goodbye and take care. Follow us on social media

94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, “InPetCare”, in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.